《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》29: crush


"Don't I need to go to the hospital with her?" Mark asked.

Officer Chanyeol was scribbling on his notepad as Mark watched the ambulance cart Yuju away.

Residents of the complex had gathered outside, using their phones as flashlights to watch the horrible scene unfold. Red and blue police lights flickered against the brick walls of the complex. The local fire department was still parked outside as a fire marshall made his way through the small apartment.

"You can meet her there later. The medic said her wound wasn't life-threatening," Officer Chanyeol said. "After the last time I was out here, I really didn't think I'd be back. You said you got home and heard someone in your roommate's room?"

Mark nodded. "Yes. Yuju and I bought some watermelon because Rosie had been to the hospital."

Officer Chanyeol's eyes narrowed on the bandage on Roseanne's head.

"I was hit with a baseball. I'm fine," Roseanne explained. "Well, as fine as someone could be who was hit with a baseball."

"You sure have had an eventful day, huh?"

"I was hurt, my friend was hurt, and my apartment was set on fire," Roseanne said. "What do you think?"

"Can I finish? I really want to see Yuju," Mark continued. "Yuju was cutting slices for all of us to eat. We called out to Rosie but she didn't respond. Yuju said she smelled gasoline and smoke but Rosie doesn't smoke or cook so I thought she was mistaken."

Officer Chanyeol looked around, taking in the inexpensive living environment. Liquor bars and gentleman's clubs were in the same neighborhood. His eyes narrowed on Roseanne. "You smoke weed?"


"Were you smoking anything else? Doing some meth, maybe?"

"I hate to disappoint you but I don't do drugs. I was taking out the trash," Roseanne explained.

"In the middle of the night? You got some kind of cleaning complex?" Officer Chanyeol asked. "Some people get a lot of extra energy when they do Molly. They end up cleaning a lot."

"Seriously, I don't do drugs," Roseanne wrapped her arms around herself and shivered as the night swirled around them. Her teeth were chattering from the nerves more than the chill outside. "I had some friends over. We had pizza and I didn't want to just leave it sitting in the trash. I was waiting for Mark to come home."

"Did you hear anything from your bedroom?"

Roseanne shook her head. "No, but the walk to the garbage bin is pretty far. Someone broke in before. Maybe they broke in again while I was outside."

"Everything happened so fast," Mark said. "We were in the kitchen calling out Rosie when suddenly her door swung open. A man in black clothing wearing a ski mask jumped out. We could see the room was on fire. Yuju screamed. I jumped forward but he pushed me and I fell. He must've grabbed the knife Yuju was using to cut the watermelon and stabbed her. Are you sure she's okay? I think we better go to the hospital?"

"You said this man was wearing a ski mask? How did you know it was a male?" Officer Chanyeol asked, ignoring Hoseok's plea to leave.

"He was built like a dude. I mean...I guess it could've been a very muscular girl. I doubt it though. He pushed me fairly easily."

"You didn't see any part of his face?"

"No, the mask covered everything. The only thing I noticed was he had brown eyes."


"That doesn't really narrow it down. Is there anything about him that stood out?"

"Like what?" Mark asked.

"Did he say anything to you at all? Was his voice unusual?"

"No," Mark said. "He grunted but it didn't sound any different than a regular grunt."

"I thought you said you kicked him," Roseanne said, jumping into the conversation. "You said you kicked him to get him away from Yuju and then he ran out the door."

"Yeah," Mark said, nodding. "I think I got him pretty good so he should have a bruise on his leg."

"Again, not helpful," Officer Chanyeol muttered. "There isn't anyone you two would suspect of wanting to set your apartment on fire?"

Roseanne and Mark shared a glance.

"I have quite a few people who don't like me," Roseanne admitted. "Remember? I was the one who had someone break into her apartment?"

"She did have someone send her stinky voodoo dolls too," Mark said.

"Stinky voodoo dolls?" Officer Chanyeol stopped writing. "Are you kidding? Did you report this to the police?"

"So you can do absolutely nothing?" Roseanne asked. "Forgive me for not wanting to waste my time by filing a police report. You didn't even do anything when someone broke into my apartment and took my pictures, did you?"

"We're still looking into it," Officer Chanyeol mumbled. He scratched the back of his neck before clearing his throat. "These things take time. Besides, you said it yourself. You have a lot of enemies."

"I have a lot of people who dislike me but they aren't my enemies."

"You said you had friends over but you never mentioned who they were. I'm going to need their names."

"Is it possible to keep that a secret?"


"Who did you have over, Rosie?" Mark asked. "It can't be that big of a secret."

"I mean...I guess it's not. I just don't want people to get the wrong idea."

Officer Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "Just tell me who was at your apartment tonight."

"Me," a familiar voice called out. Roseanne turned to see Jungkook coming towards them, a hand raised in front of his chest. "I came over with Eunwoo and Jaehyun to have a late dinner with Rosie. It was sort of our fault she got hit on the head."

"You were the ones who hit her head with a baseball?" Officer Chanyeol asked.

"No, but she was with us when it happened."

Roseanne stopped listening to them talk and tak in the residents coming closer as a few recognized Jungkook.

"I know you," Officer Chanyeol said, pointing at Jungkook. "You're the famous kid on the internet."

"Kid?" Jungkook repeated.

"He's a YouTuber," Roseanne added.

"I used to be on TV too," Jungkook muttered, rolling his shoulders back.

"What are you doing here?" Roseanne whispered.

"Eunwoo texted me and said your apartment complex was on the news. I came back to make sure you were okay."

"You were with Rosie?" Mark asked. "You guys are hanging out more and more?"

"What the hell is going on here?" Jisub, their landlord, shouted. He was limping through the crowd, his voice shouting. "Roseanne Park, I told you what would happen if the police were called here again."

"I didn't do anything, Jisub," Roseanne protested. "You can't evict us because someone set our apartment on fire. It's not like I planned it or asked for it to happen."


"I don't have to evict you. Your apartment is too damaged for anyone to live in. Who the hell is going to pay for this?"

"Are you the landlord?" Officer Chanyeol asked.

"No, I'm Santa Clause. Of course, I'm the landlord! Actually, I'm not just the landlord, I own this place. Can you arrest her for causing trouble?" Jisub pointed to Roseanne. "Is that a bandage on your head? Did you make another one of your videos and cause more trouble?"


"I warned you about bringing trouble to my building and you practically set the place on fire!"

"I did not. I wasn't even here when it happened. I was throwing the trash out."

"Sir, are you drunk?" Officer Chanyeol asked, his nose scrunched up. "I smell liquor on you."

"I've had a few drinks tonight. Is that illegal?"

"Were you threatening to evict Rosie?"

Jisub stared Jungkook up and down before snarling. "Who are you? Just because you have a pretty face you think you can butt into other people's business?"

"Rosie is my business."

"What?" Both Roseanne and Mark asked.

Jungkook cleared his throat and leaned towards Roseanne. "You're part of my team now, remember? We stick up for one another."

"What are you two whispering about?" Jisub demanded, stepping closer to them.

"Is he always this harsh?" Jungkook asked.

Officer Chanyeol stepped between them and Jisub. "Listen, I'm trying to find out what happened here. Sir, as the owner, did you still not install security cameras?"

"And have people think this place is unsafe?" Jisub frowned. "Of course I haven't. This is a good neighborhood. We look out for one another. Putting up cameras would be a waste of money."

"If you had installed cameras after the last break-in, we'd know who set fire to their apartment," Officer Chanyeol explained. "Aren't you concerned someone is trying to harm one of your tenants?"

Jisub made a scoffing sound. "Roseanne Park would cause trouble anywhere she went. It wouldn't matter if there were cameras or not."

"That's true," Mark said softly.

Roseanne glared at him. "You're supposed to be on my side."

"I am on your side. I'm just worried about Yuju," he turned to Officer Chanyeol. "Can I go now?"

"Fine. Just go. I'll meet you at the hospital. I told you your friend is going to be fine."

Mark turned to Roseanne. "I'm taking Yuju's car. Meet me at the hospital when you're done here. I'll keep you posted on how she's doing."

Roseanne nodded and watched her friend run towards Yuju's car.

"Is Yuju hurt?" Jungkook asked.

Roseanne nodded. "She was stabbed. Someone broke in and set the place on fire. There was a lot of smoke damage and the sheetrock probably needs to be replaced."

"So do the carpets and the entire apartment needs repainting," Jisub added. "Don't make it sound like it's a minor thing. The fire marshal said there was extensive damage, Roseanne. Extensive!"

Roseanne ignored Jisub. "The person who broke in also stabbed Yuju."

"Is she okay?"

"She's still alive. Luckily, the wound wasn't too deep. Still, you know Mark likes her so he wants to see how she's doing."

"He didn't rush to the hospital when you were hurt," Jungkook said thoughtfully.

"He didn't find out right away and he was working," Roseanne said, defending her friend. She placed her hands on her hips. "Besides, it was your friend who asked me to meet him at that baseball field. By the time I called Mark, he knew I was okay."

"Didn't the medics tell him Yuju's wound wasn't that deep? Did you find out why she lied about being Tzuyu's cousin?"

"No, I didn't get the chance to ask. Besides, she didn't lie."

"Hiding the truth is a lie by omission."

"Ms. Park, are you heading to the hospital? I still want to ask you questions about the voodoo dolls," Officer Chanyeol said. "If you're not, we can stay here and finish up the questions."

"We'll go to the hospital," Jungkook said.

"What about my apartment?" Jisub shouted. "Who's going to fix the mess from the fire? Roseanne, you better come up with the money or you're going to be sorry!"

"Are you threatening her?" Jungkook asked, his voice low. "You see that she's injured. Her personal belongings have been destroyed. Her friend is in the hospital. You know all this but you're still threatening her for money?"

"Mind your own business, kid. This is between me and Roseanne."

"As I said, Rosie is my business. If you threaten her again, I'll be sure to get my lawyers to give you a call."

"You don't scare me," Jisub snarled. "I've got friends in high places."

Jungkook smirked. "I bet they think of you before saying they have friends in low places."

Jisub frowned. "Was that an insult?"

"Think what you'd like. Just know threatening Rosie wouldn't be a good idea. I have friends everywhere. Plus, I have some pretty crazy fans. You know-the kind who just show up to my house? The same fans who do whatever I tell them. All I have to do is say the word and your life would be a living hell."

"Who's threatening who now?" Jisub said. "Like I said. You don't scare me. Roseanne's going to pay for this apartment."

"No, I'm not. I have renter's insurance. They'll handle it."

"Are you done?" Jungkook asked.

Jisub's mouth lifted up. "Wow, would you check out the aura of this kid? You think you scare me because you're rich?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and Roseanne grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Jisub. "Please, don't cause a scene. It's not a big deal. He's always like this and-"

"He always acts like some kind of slumlord?" Jungkook shouted.

"Slumlord? Did you just call me slumlord?" Jisub stepped forward, arms raised. Officer Chanyeol grabbed Jisub's arms.

"Sir, you're really going to have to calm down or I'll make sure you spend the night in jail."

"Are you threatening me too?" Jisub asked, incredulous. He turned to Roseanne. "Get off my property. Both of you! Roseanne, you better find yourself a new place to live because you're no longer welcome here."

"You can't do that! I signed a lease."

"You're leaving her homeless?" Jungkook shook his head. "She's had a hell of a night and you're not even going to put her and her roommate in a new apartment?"

Officer Chanyeol turned to Jungkook. "Take her out of here. I'll meet you two at the hospital."

"Thank you!" Roseanne called out as she pulled Jungkook through the crowd of residents. A few were snapping pictures of Jisub being talked to by the police.

Once they were in Jungkook's car, she watched as he gripped the steering wheel, slowly breathing in and out.

"I'm sorry," Roseanne whispered.

"For what?"

"Getting you into this mess. You don't have to take me to the hospital."

"You didn't get me into this mess. I chose to come back. Are you always like that?"

"Like that?"

Jungkook closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. "You let that guy walk all over you."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did. You could've started recording him or something and threatened to post it on social media. Rosie, don't you realize you have power?"


"Yes. You have a following, Rosie. People watch your videos and listen to what you say. You post something, your fans will share it. Then you'll have people who've never watched your videos coming to protest on your behalf because they'll be so upset by the injustice that jerk is doing. Is he really going to kick you out?"

Roseanne shrugged. "Probably. Jisub gets upset for every little thing but the last time the police came; he was especially upset. I told him someone had broken in and asked him to put cameras up but that made him even more upset."

"Do you think he's doing something illegal?"

"It's possible. I don't know him too well. Mark and I always make fun of him. He was trying to have a pool party not too long ago but that fell through after the residents with kids found out he invited some local ladies of the night."


Roseanne nodded. "He's unusual. I guess Mark and I will have to find a new place to stay."

"You're still going to live with Mark?"

"Of course. We've been living together since we were teens in foster care. We're like siblings."

"He didn't even care that you were hurt," Jungkook muttered.

"To be fair, he was distracted. Besides, he knew I was fine. I told him so."

Jungkook pressed the button to start his car, "You have excuses for everyone, don't you?"

"That's not an excuse."

"Sure, but if I was in the hospital I would expect my best friend to come over even if I was feeling better not going on a date."

"Mark was working."

"Maybe at first but the cafe doesn't stay open all night. They were out past midnight."

Roseanne tugged at her hair in annoyance as she pulled it back into a bun. "Why are you harping on this?"

"I just want you to admit you have shitty friends."

"Friend," she corrected. "As in one. Singular."

"Yuju's your friend too, isn't she? She's a liar and a bad friend. You're going to have to cut everyone else off once you truly join our crew. We have a non-disclosure agreement. The people you trust will be us, not your old friends who don't even bother to check up on you when you go to the hospital."

He continued to drive in silence until they reached the hospital. He parked the car and turned to stare at her.

"I'm not going to cut Mark out of my life," Roseanne continued to stare straight ahead. "I understand what you're saying and you're right, Mark probably should've come to check on me."

"There's no probably about it. If he cared about you, he would've gone to the hospital. Why are we even here? Do you really want to check up on Yuju?"

"It's not like I have anywhere else to go," Roseanne mumbled. "In case you forgot, my landlord wasn't exactly going to give me a new apartment. I don't have money for a hotel. I might as well spend the night in the hospital."

The sound of the car locks clicking shut echoed around her.

"What are you doing?" Roseanne asked. "Unlock the doors."

He pressed the button to re-start the car and pulled out of the parking space he had just driven in. "Don't say you have nowhere to go."

"I don't. Where are we going? If you're taking me to a hotel, I'm serious. I don't have any money for that."

"I'm not taking you to a hotel. I'm taking you home," Jungkook said.

Roseanne's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"You can stay with me."

"No, I couldn't do that. You hardly know me."

"So? I'll get to know you. Besides, you said it yourself. You have nowhere to go. I have tons of places. The guys usually stay with me. It'll be a great way for us to get to know one another," Jungkook pulled into a local pharmacy store. "Did you want me to pick up anything for you? Any particular toothpaste or face soap?"

"Now you're willing to buy me face soap?" Roseanne closed her eyes and shook her head. "This isn't my life. Jeon Jungkook, one of the most popular YouTubers, is offering me a place to stay. Are you sure? Normally, I wouldn't take you up on this but I'm in a tough spot. Can Mark stay too?"

"No, your friend can stay with Yuju. Trust me he won't mind. Besides, he can take care of her when she gets out of the hospital," he parked the car and opened the car door.

"I don't know," Roseanne hesitated.

"C'mon, let's get you some stuff while we're here. Just call your friend and tell him you won't be going to the hospital."

They both entered the pharmacy and walked to the end of the store. He pulled out a credit card and handed it to her.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Rosie, don't tell me you don't know how to use a credit card. I'm going to have to rethink about you joining our group."

She rolled her eyes. "No, seriously. Why are you giving me your credit card?"

"Didn't you say you were poor? I'm not. Buy what you need."

He strolled past her and began looking through the different toothbrushes. He picked out a red one and tossed it in the head basket Roseanne was holding. Roseanne ignored him as he grabbed her normal deodorant.

The front doors to the pharmacy dinged each time a new patron entered. Roseanne grabbed some snacks and began looking through the few nightshirts sold in the store.

"Don't you have something to make a bruise go away?" A loud and familiar voice asked.

Roseanne's eyes narrowed as she quietly walked down the aisle and turned her head to peek at who was speaking. "Jisub?" she whispered to herself.

"What's he doing here?" Jungkook asked softly behind her, causing her to jump.

He was right behind her, his chest to her back. They both moved to hide and Roseanne placed a finger over her lips, telling him to stay quiet. She pulled out her phone and began recording Jisub with the employee.

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