《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》26: haunt


"Hello and welcome to RoséRade. I'm Rosé and today we have a ghost hunting adventure for you. I'm outside the Brother's Home for Boys. You may not have heard of it before but in the early 1900's it was a place young boys were sent to when they had nowhere else to go," Roseanne explained.

She was standing in front of a Victorian-styled home. Even in the dark, it was obvious the house hadn't been lived in for years. It's yellow paint was peeling and the grass was overgrown.

Standing behind her camcorder was Jeon Jungkook, recording her video. She still wasn't sure why Jungkook offered to help her film.

They had been sitting outside her apartment when he made the shocking announcement that Yuju, her friend and co-worker, was related to Chou Tzuyu.

At first, Roseanne thought Jungkook was mistaken. Tzuyu only had a grandmother who was in some kind of nursing home. Then she remembered Tzuyu's best friend Kim Yerim mentioning Tzuyu having some aunts and uncles she wasn't close to. It was possible Yuju was one of Tzuyu's cousins. Roseanne just couldn't understand why Yuju wouldn't have mentioned it.

"This is the first time anyone has ever investigated the Brother's Home for Boys. To commemorate this special occasion, we have a special guest. He's behind the camera but you may know him," Roseanne smiled. She watched Jungkook turn the camera to himself as he introduced himself.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook for those of you who don't know me. Rosé was kind enough to appear in one of our videos so I thought I would return the favor. I've never done a proper ghost hunt before."

"The Brother's Home for Boys was founded by Han Sunghyun. He worked as a banker and was married to Cho Hwayoung when he was twenty-two. After Hwayoung passed away from what the doctor's thought was pneumonia, Sunghyun opened his home to orphaned boys. Newspapers described him as a living angel for boys. What they didn't know was he was anything but an angel. In fact, the boys who survived Brother's Home, called him a devil."

"That doesn't sound good," Jungkook said from behind the camera. "How long was this home for boys open?"

"Ten years," Roseanne answered. She twisted the key the current owner had lent her into the lock of the house's main entrance. "There are plans to tear the place down for the land. It's why we're able to do this hunt today."

"If he was such a devil, how the hell did he get away with having this place open for ten years?"

A cloud of dust greeted her as she pushed the door open. Roseanne coughed and cleared the air with her hand. "Everything seemed fine that first year. Twelve boys were sent to live here along with Sunghyun. It wasn't until the second year that things started to get weird."


"What do you mean by weird?" Jungkook asked.

They entered the living area of the house. The furniture was draped in white sheets. Roseanne's flashlight hovered over the photographs along the wall. They're all of an older gentleman. Each photo showed him surrounded by young boys.

"That's not creepy at all," Jungkook muttered sarcastically.

"A young boy by the name of Son Jaeyoung became ill and died. Just like Sunghyun's wife, Hwayoung, Jaeyoung's death was because of pneumonia. Originally, no one thought anything of it but Jaeyoung's friends claimed he was murdered."

"How old was Jaeyoung?" Jungkook asked. He was recording Roseanne as she set up her ghost-hunting equipment.

"He was eleven. His friends at school claimed that Jaeyoung was being abused while in Sunghyun's care. According to Jaeyoung, Sunghyun would hit the boys he thought were too rowdy. Jaeyoung described Brother's Home as a place boys go to become slaves. Songhyun denied the allegations."

"Of course he did."

Roseanne nodded. "There are several large fields on the property. Sunghyun did admit to making the boys work for him but he said it was only to help with the fields as they grew their own vegetables to save on grocery expenses. He denied ever hitting the children and the other eleven boys backed Sunghyun up."

"So Jaeyoung was lying?"

Roseanne shrugged. "That's what everyone thought but three years later more strange things occurred. Another boy named Im Yoonwon was found beaten to death in one of the fields by a drifter. Whoever had beaten Yoonwon had also removed his teeth and burned his hands and feet. His knees were also bloody as though he had been kneeling on something sharp."

"Please don't tell me it was Sunghyun's doing," Jungkook groaned. "This is why I make comedic vlogs. This stuff is too dark, Rosie."

"Not everyone has the stomach for the history of haunted houses."

"So is that how they suspected Sunghyun of doing things he shouldn't? No, that can't be possible because you said his home was open for ten years."

"No. Sunghyun's wife was rich. She didn't have any siblings. After she died, her fortune went to Sunghyun. When Yoonwon's body was found, Sunghyun blamed the drifter for murdering Yoonwon. Who would you believe? The random man no one knew or Han Sunghyun, this popular banker who was known for his generosity?"

"So what happened to the drifter?"

"He claimed he was innocent until his death."

"How did he die?"

"He hung himself while awaiting his trial. One of the officers in charge of watching him said he didn't want to be found guilty for a crime he didn't commit."

"When did everyone begin to suspect Sunghyun?" Jungkook asked.

"After Yoonwon's death, one of the officers, who believed the drifter, began questioning the other boys in the home. He noticed they all described living in the home in the exact same way."


"What do you mean?"

"One kid would say something like, 'I love the home and Sunghyun is the nicest man to live with. We're all treated with kindness.' Another boy would say the same thing, word for word. It was as if the boys were being coached."

"I bet they didn't have a choice," Jungkook said. "If Sunghyun kicked them out, where would they go?"

"Exactly," Roseanne swung her flashlight to one of Sunghyun's photographs. It was the one where he was sitting quietly by the fireplace. "Things were quiet for a while. Many of the boys grew into adulthood and moved on. None of them said anything about Sunghyun and how they were treated."

"Why wouldn't they say anything?" Jungkook asked. "If they have already moved out, they have nothing to lose."

"It wasn't until a boy named Kwon Jaeho spoke up that police really began investigating Brother's Home. Jaeho was a ten-year-old boy who came to school with bloody knees. When his teacher asked him what happened, he only said he didn't follow the rules. Later, he refused to go home. The teacher had to summon Sunghyun to pick him up from school. The next day, Jaeho was found dead."

"That stupid teacher," Jungkook murmured. "He was probably murdered because of them."

"According to Sunghyun, Jaeho fell down the stairs. The other boys in the home denied knowing anything about Jaeho's death. Now, this is where things get a little crazy. Remember the cop who took it upon himself to question the other boys?"


"Well, he had an eleven-year-old son."

"Please, don't tell me what I think you're going to tell me," Jungkook said.

Roseanne smirked. "With no one willing to talk about what was going on inside the home, this cop convinced his wife to let their son go to Brother's Home undercover."

"They're idiots."

"Well, it wouldn't fly today but back then it did. This boy told his father that Han Sunghyun spent most of his nights drinking and when he wasn't drinking, he was beating the boys. If they misbehaved, they were asked to kneel on broken glass. On weekends, they were asked to work in the fields without any breaks. The boys catered to Sunghyun's whims day and night. This boy told his father that Sunghyun would occasionally bring women to his home but it always ended the same way."

"What way?"

"Sunghyun would yell at women for his inability to...you know..."

"He was impotent?"

Roseanne nodded. "I think so. Anyway, a few weeks after being in the home, this cop's kid finally returned home. Armed with the information the boy shared, the police were planning to storm the home and investigate the next day but that never happened."

"What? Why not?" Jungkook sounded exasperated. "Do the police need to witness him physically murdering someone before they do anything?"

"They had planned to have several officers investigate the home while a few others would question the boys at the school. When the officers arrived at the school, they were shocked to learn that none of the boys went to school that day."

"None of them?"

"Not one. The police rushed to Brother's Home but no one answered the door. Finally, one of the officers breaks in from the back and what he found was shocking."

"What did he find?"

"All of the boys and Sunghyun were dead."

"No freaking way. How did they die?" Jungkook asked.

"Poison," Roseanne answered. "The police theorized that one of the boys knew what was happening with the cop's son. He didn't say anything but after he returned home, the boy told Sunghyun. Sunghyun must've known the gig was up so he poisoned the meatloaf everyone had for dinner. All twelve boys and Sunghyun were dead including the dog who had apparently been fed some meatloaf. The home was shut down and passed down to one of Sunghyun's distant relatives. No one's technically ever lived in the home because it was allegedly haunted. Once, someone tried taking down the photographs and was pushed off her ladder. No one else was in the room. People who have spent the night here swear they can hear Sunghyun yelling and the boys screaming in pain."

"I suddenly remembered why I don't do ghost hunting videos," Jungkook said. He shivered. "Is it cold in here or is that just me?"

"Rooms are generally colder if ghosts are around," Roseanne chuckled. "It'll be fine. I've got my K2 and my spirit box. Hopefully, we'll get some good footage tonight. If you get too scared, you can wait outside. I'll be fine on my own."

"Wait outside in the dark by myself?" Jungkook mumbled something about not being afraid. He turned to Roseanne. "So, now what?"

"I think we should go upstairs to where the boys stayed. I'm guessing that's where most of the action took place."


"The abuse? I'm not sure but I doubt Sunghyun was hurting these kids in the living area. You know, I thought about it and it makes sense."

"What makes sense?"

"He only ever used boys. Back then, females were considered weak. He needed boys to do all the manual labor in the fields and the house. He was basically getting free labor."

"Slavery is the proper term," Jungkook said.

Roseanne waited for Jungkook to follow her up the stairs. Each step creaked under their weight.

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