《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》13: prank


"I don't know what to do. He kept taunting the ghost Rosie mentioned and the next thing I know, he's in the ground clutching his throat," Jaehyun explained.

Eunwoo's body was wheezing as he attempted to pull in breaths. He was curled up on the floor, his back to the door. Roseanne ran forward, Jungkook right beside her.

"Did you call the police?" Roseanne asked, her eyes widening as Eunwoo coughed, trying to suck in air.

Jaehyun shook his head. "No. Will they come if it's raining?"

"Of course they would," she responded with a shake of her head in irritation. Surely, Jungkook's friends weren't completely idiotic. Were they? After all, they do love to prank others a lot.

"He needs air!" Jungkook yelled as he ran towards his friend. Jaehyun stood back, eyes wide, his hands pulling at his hair.

"I don't know CPR!" Jaehyun almost sobbed. "One of you two will have to do it."

"We need to get him out of this room," Roseanne cried, ignoring Jaehyun's mouth-to-mouth on their close friend. She'd taken a first-aid class years ago but she didn't remember much of anything and would be useless in an emergency.

The moment Roseanne and Jungkook hovered over Eunwoo, laughter trailed after them. They looked up to see Jimin hunched over, hands on his knees, laughing. Jungkook stole a glance at Eunwoo's face. He was biting his bottom lip as he tried containing his laughter.

"You two are idiots!" Jungkook growled as he shoved Eunwoo shoulder. Eunwoo flipped on his back, clutching his stomach, laughter escaping his lips.

"You two should've seen your faces!" Jaehyun pointed to Roseanne and Jungkook. "Did you actually believe a ghost was choking him? Ghosts don't exist. This is definitely going to end up on the trending page."

The trending page? She had been worried about Eunwoo dying and they were pulling a prank in hopes of landing on the trending page? Roseanne's eyes narrowed as she shot up and stomped towards him. "This isn't funny. We thought he was dying."

"I never said I believed you about a ghost choking him. I didn't care why he was having problems breathing," Jungkook sighed. "I raced in here the moment you said he was having trouble breathing. For all I knew he was choking or something. It's stupid to play these kind of tricks. What if one day you're really dying and I don't believe you?"

"Yeah, sure," Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

Eunwoo let out a long breath before his eyes flipped to Jaehyun. He asked, "did you get all this?"

Jungkook stood up. "You recorded this?"


Roseanne frowned as Jaehyun waved his phone in front of him. "Yup, it's all on here. Man, this is going to be great on your vlog."

Eunwoo chuckled as he pushed himself up. "That was hilarious. It was probably one of the top ten pranks I've pulled so far," he bumped fists with Jaehyun. "We make a good team."

Roseanne scowled at both of them. "I hope you realize what you did."

"Other than playing the greatest prank of all time?" Eunwoo asked.

"Not even close," Jungkook muttered.

"You disrespected the ghost of Park Jihyo," Roseanne said softly. "Now, she's going to want revenge. She'll want to teach you a lesson about using her spirit as a joke."

"We don't believe in ghosts," Jaehyun grinned. "Well, Eunwoo does but I don't. It was his idea so let your ghost friend know to go after him if she wants to choke someone."

"It's not funny," Roseanne argued. "What would happen if-" Roseanne shook her head. "Forget it. If you don't believe in ghosts, I'm not going to try and convince you."

Eunwoo raised his hands up and lowered them in a calming manner. "Alright, let's not get heated. It was just a joke." He looked up towards the ceiling. "Please forgive me, Park Jihyo. Have mercy on my cute soul because I just want to get a lot of views on my next video. I didn't mean to be disrespectful."

Eunwoo turned back to Roseanne. "So, what do you say, Rosie? You forgive me?"

She shrugged. "It's not me who's going to be angry with you."

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Guys, maybe we should head back downstairs. Being up here is-"

"Uncomfortable?" Eunwoo asked. He was standing in front of the French doors. The very doors Roseanne remembered running to after hearing Chou Tzuyu scream. That meant the room Tzuyu had fallen into was nearby.

"This is where Park Jihyo was murdered," Roseanne asked, shrugging. "If you guys don't believe in ghosts, you shouldn't be afraid to be here."

"It's not that," Jungkook argued. "It's just...this is..."

Eunwoo threw an arm around him. "Don't worry, Kookie. We'll protect you if any ghosts want to jump your body."

Jaehyun rolled his eyes. "Stop being an idiot, Eunwoo."

Eunwoo flipped him his middle finger. "Only after you stop being a douche-canoe, Jaehyun."

"It's like being around kids," Roseanne mumbled, pulling out her spirit box.

"What is that?" Eunwoo asked. He picked up Roseanne's spirit box and his mouth fell slightly open. "I know what this is! This is the thing that let's ghosts talk to you. How do I turn it on?"


Roseanne pulled the spirit box from his hands and hissed. "Please, do not touch the ghost-hunting equipment until you know how to work it."

Eunwoo snapped his fingers. "I have a great idea! How about we play truth or drink and spend the entire night up here? It's raining so it's not like we can do anything else except watch TV or something," he was appealing to his friends, clearly assuming Roseanne would be in agreement with him. She would't mind spending the night in the very same room Park Jihyo was murdered in but she wasn't familiar with the truth or drink game.

"I don't know," Jungkook scratched the back of his neck. "We should probably get to bed. I honestly wish we hadn't come back here."

"The cops said we could," Jaehyun reminded him. "We paid a crap-ton of money. We need to get our money's worth out of this place. I know you're freaked out about what happened to Yeri but it was an accident."

Eunwoo glanced at Roseanne who was pointedly looking away from them as she pretended to dig through her bag of supplies. He tilted his head to the right. "Unless Rosie's right and Tzuyu was really murdered."

"Shut up, Eunwoo," Jaehyun hissed.

"Why are you getting so mad?" Eunwoo smirked. "You got something you want to confess?"

"That's not funny," Jungkook said.

"He's never funny," Jaehyun snapped. "He's always just running his mouth."

Roseanne rolled her shoulders back. The three of them always seemed like the best of friends but they bickered like they were frenemies. She turned to Jungkook who was staring at the balcony doors. "You okay?"

His eyes jumped to her like she woke him from a trance. "What do you mean?"

"You look like you're somewhere far away."

He shrugged and turned to Jaehyun. "Let's do it. Can you go downstairs and raid the liquor cabinet?"

Jaehyun frowned. "Are you sure? You don't have to-"

"It's fine," Jungkook reassured him. "I won't be posting anything on my channel. If you guys want to post something, just say it was filmed before Tzuyu..."

He turned away instead of finishing his words. Eunwoo's lips were pursed as he waited for Jungkook to finish. When he didn't he gave a single nod and began setting up his equipment. He turned to Roseanne. "You're really lucking out tonight."

"How so?"

"Well you broke into the mansion and we didn't call the cops and now you're going to be in a Trinity vlog. It's like Christmas came early for you."

Roseanne's eyes wandered to Jungkook's. Everyone knew he ruled the Trinity. Would he really allow her to make an appearance in their vlog? Probably not. She'd probably get cut. Still, it would be good exposure. She originally became YouTube popular when one of her videos of her capturing a ghost on camera went viral. Millions of people subscribed to her after that.

"It's okay if you don't want to include me," Roseanne spoke.

"It's not a collab," Jungkook said, turning away from her. "We're just doing a ghost-hunting video and you're going to be in it."

"Dude," Eunwoo chuckled. "That's exactly what a collab is. Are you going to let her film as well?"

"Let me?" Roseanne pulled out her iPhone. "That's why I came. I don't have to film you guys."

"Do whatever you want," Jungkook said, walking towards the door as Jaehyun came in with several bottles of liquor.

"This place had all the good stuff," Jaehyun grinned. He turned to Roseanne. "Have you ever played Truth or Drink?"


"It's exactly like Truth or Dare. We don't take dates though, we just drink. If you refuse to tell the truth, you have to take two drinks."

They sat in a circle as Roseanne placed her Spirit box and the K2 in the middle of their circle along with bottles of liquor. She explained what the K2 did and Eunwoo made a grab for it. He twisted it in his hand. "So if the light turns red, that means a ghost is nearby?"

Roseanne nodded and flipped the machine on for him. The lights were green which meant no entities were nearby.

"I'll go first!" Eunwoo cried. He spun an empty bottle and watched as it landed on Roseanne. He grinned. "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?" Roseanne asked, her eyebrows pointing down in confusion.

"That video of Tzuyu," Eunwoo said. "Did you really think was murdered or did you want clout so you decided to post that video?"

"Eunwoo," Jungkook's voice was a warning.

"That's a really rude question to ask," Roseanne said.

"It was really rude of you to break in tonight as well but it doesn't jive with the persona you're trying to portray," Eunwoo continued.

"I don't know what you mean."

Eunwoo waved a hand at her. "This innocent persona. You want everyone to think you only care about the scary content and now with Tzuyu's death it's about 'finding the truth.' But if you really are innocent, you wouldn't be breaking into the mansion. That's something one of us would do. That's something one of us would do. That's something an ambitious person would do."

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