《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》07: probe


Getting the detectives to take her seriously was a lot harder than Roseanne thought.

"Tell me about yourself," Detective Bae Joohyun said. "Help me understand what makes you motivated or tick."

"I don't know what you mean?"

Joohyun gave her a thin smile. "I Googled you. Apparently, your mother was murdered when you were eight and your father died when you were fifteen. You were placed in a group home in Australia. Once you turned eighteen, you and your friend Mark Lee moved to South Korea. Apparently, Mr. Lee grew up here until he was ten. Do you just have a need for attention? Is that it? Mommy and daddy are gone so now you make up these bizarre videos?"

"That was all on Google?" Roseanne mumbled.

Joohyun stretched in her seat. "Most of it. I had to fill in some of the blanks to figure it out."

"Well, I hope you used a pencil because you're going to need an eraser to fix your answers. I'm not in need of attention. I'm telling you the truth. Someone sent me this package and I know I saw Tzuyu wearing this necklace last night. Whoever killed her must have sent it to me."

"Tzuyu wasn't wearing a necklace when we found her."

"See?" Roseanne jumped to her seat. "That's proof someone killed her. Why would anyone take her necklace?"

"Are you sure you saw her wearing this necklace? There weren't any online photos of Tzuyu from last night's party."

"You're kidding. That party was nothing but an excuse to take pictures. To see and be seen."

Mark and Yuju's eyes darted from Joohyun to Roseanne.

"I talked to Jeon Jungkook and Kim Yerim. Both swore Tzuyu was drinking and possibly under the influence of a narcotic. When you saw her did you notice anything unusual about her demeanor?"


Roseanne shrugged. "As I said before, she was drunk. Still, she wasn't drunk enough to jump off a balcony. That takes some effort."

"We'll dust the box and necklace for prints. You and your roommate were the only ones to touch it?"

"Yes, and our landlord. He's the one who found the package."

Joohyun took some notes down and sighed. "This case is getting more complicated by the hour. If this is Chou Tzuyu's necklace, why would anyone send it to you?"

Roseanne shrugged. "I don't know. Do you think it has anything to do with the video?"

Joohyun's partner, Seokjin, strolled towards them, chewing on a bubblegum. He smirked. "Oh definitely. Have you told anyone about this necklace?"

"Why does that matter?" Roseanne asked.

Seokjin shrugged. "I just find it odd if you did. Most people wouldn't want it known you received her necklace. Have you ever shopped for jewelry, Ms. Park?"

Roseanne thought it was an odd question. She turned to Mark and he shook his head. She turned back to Namjoon. "No, not really."

"Are you sure about that?" Joohyun asked.

"What girl hasn't shopped for jewelry?" Yuju asked, playing with the bracelets around her wrist. "It's a strange question to ask."

"Is there a point to this?" Mark asked.

Joohyun chuckled. "What my partner is trying to say is that this necklace may not be the original."

"I'm not following," Roseanne said. "It has her and Jungkook's initials. It has to be the original."

"Or maybe someone wants us to think that," Seokjin sat at the corner of Joohyun's desk, smacking his gum with a grin on his face.

"Someone who needs attention," Joohyun piped up.

Roseanne stood. "You think I sent this to myself?"


"Is that a confession?" Seokjin asked.

"No! Why in the world would I make a replica of Chou Tzuyu's love necklace and then send it to myself? Do you honestly think I need that kind of attention?"

"That's exactly why we think it's fake," Joohyun said. "If you don't have any views, you're irrelevant."

"Unbelievable." Roseanne grabbed her small backpack. "I came here in good faith because I thought I could help. Instead of thanking me or taking me seriously, you two are accusing me of something I didn't even do."

"What got you so worked up?" Joohyun asked. "Guilty conscious?"

She growled as she glared at both detectives. "I'm not looking for attention, okay. I'd never use someone's death to get views."

"Then stay out of our investigation," Joohyun drawled.

"If you'd do your jobs, I would. I heard her scream. It's in my video. There were three pounding noises before that. Someone clearly sent me her necklace because even if I was desperate enough to get a replica, I don't have the money to get one made. I'm telling you her death wasn't an accident."

Neither detective said a word.

Roseanne cursed under her breath and stormed away, refusing to look at anyone. Once she, Yuju, and Mark were back in Yuju's car, she spoke.

"That's it. I wasn't going to but that entire conversation really hit home for me."

"What do you mean?" Yuju asked. "Hit home how?"

"Everyone thinks I'm seeking attention and views. Yerim was right."

"Yerim who?" Hoseok asked.

"Kim Yerim. Tzuyu's best friend."

Mark nodded. "What was she right about?"

Roseanne pulled out her phone and began texting. "If the police don't believe me, I'll do it myself. I'll solve Tzuyu's murder."

"Are you insane?" Mark asked. "You don't know the first thing about conducting an investigation."

"Hellooo," Roseanne waved a hand in his face. "I investigate haunted houses all the time."

"Yeah but you need suspects to investigate."

Roseanne grinned. "I have a suspect."

Mark didn't believe her. "Who?" He asked.

Roseanne sighed before answering.

"Jeon Jungkook."

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