《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》08 :: the ouija board



Once they stepped outside the car and walked towards their apartment, they saw their landlord Jisub waiting for them as they arrived home. The words 'LIAR' were scratched into the red paint of their apartment door.

"You're going to have to paint for this," Jisub said, pointing to the door.

"Who would do this?" Roseanne asked, running her fingers over the words.

"Who knows?"

"Well, one thing is that this isn't the nicest neighborhood. It was probably some random kids playing pranks," Mark shrugged it off.

"This is not a bad neighborhood," Jisub huffed.

"You're right, Jisub," Roseanne's voice was laced with sarcasm. "We all know every great neighborhood has a strip bar and closed down amenities."

"I'm glad you finally agreed," Jisub smiled. "We're so great we have two stripper joints here."

Roseanne rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm not gonna pay to have this fixed when I didn't do it. You should have cameras up so things like this don't happen."

"It's in your lease that you'd fix any damages," Jisub reminded them.

"How did you even notice it?" Roseanne asked. "Are you trying to sneak into my apartment again?"

"That was one time and the tenants downstairs said you had a water leak," Jisub held up a stack of blue flyers. "I was passing out flyers."

Mark plucked one of the flyers Jisub had from his hand. "You're having a pool party for the building? Since when?"

"Since right now," Jisub growled. "The pool's been out of order."

"For two years," Roseanne muttered.

"Four years," Mark corrected her.

Jisub rolled his eyes. "It's going to be a getaway for everyone to meet. If you want to invite your hooker friends, that's okay with me, Rosie."

"Jisub, I've told you before, I don't have any hooker friends."

"Rosie! Mark!" Yuju's voice called out to them.

They turned and saw Yuju walking up to them.

"You're invited to our party," Jisub shoved a flyer into her hands. "It's only for tenants but I'm making an exception."


"Uh...okay. Thanks," Yuju smiled.

Mark cleared his throat. "Why don't we go inside? We got stuff to make sundaes."

"I love sundaes," Jisub clapped his hands together.

"Sorry," Roseanne opened the door. "You're not invited."

"Fine, but this door better be fixed within three days."

Roseanne, Mark, and Yuju stepped inside, leaving a frowning Jisub behind.

"Who would damage your door?" Yuju asked, setting her purse on the sofa.

"I don't know, but don't worry about it. It's probably some kids playing some pranks or something," Roseanne said.

She walked into her bedroom and went towards her closet to grab red paint. She came back to the kitchen to see Mark and Yuju making sundaes. "Mark, I'm going to use the red paint to fix the door."

"Uh huh...whatever you want," Mark said, his eyes fixated on the three ice creams he was making.

Roseanne opened the door to see Kim Yerim, her hand outstretched as if she was about to knock. Roseanne's mouth flew open in surprise. "Yerim, what are you doing here?"

Yerim's eyes widened. "Oh, thank god! I wasn't sure if this was the right address. I can't believe you live here. I swear I saw a drug deal going down by the main lobby."

Roseanne shrugged. "That's one of our neighbors, Junho, he's harmless. What are you doing here? How did you find my address?" She noticed Yerim was holding a huge bag with an ouija board picking from it.

"Some man downstairs told me. He also invited me to some pool party."

Roseanne opened the door more to let Yerim inside. As soon as she entered, both Mark and Yuju froze.

"Guys, do you all know Kim Yerim? She's a beauty guru."

Mark nodded. "You were Chou Tzuyu's best friend."

"Yes, well...I probably would still have if she hadn't...you know," Yerim coughed. "Sorry to stop by uninvited but I was hoping you thought about what I said this morning," she was looking at Roseanne. "I brought my ouija board. Well, technically it belonged to Tzuyu. I thought maybe we could make a video of us asking her questions."


Roseanne ran a hand through her hair. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. Someone vandalized my door today and the last thing I need is to get more involved in a scandal."

"Rosie, you know how I feel about ouija boards," Mark said. "I swear I'm moving out if you invite anymore ghosts. I don't want to get dragged against the wall again. Besides, just because your video of you catching a ghost went viral doesn't mean it's a good idea to use Chou Tzuyu for content."

"Mark's right," Roseanne nodded.

"I thought if I was in it, it wouldn't look so bad. I mean...I was her best friend. Please? It would help me get closure."

"So, if nothing happens, you'll let this go?" Roseanne asked.

Yerim nodded. "I just need to know the truth."

"I should go," Yuju whispered.

"What?" Mark asked. "Are you afraid of ouija boards? I mean...I'm not afraid of them or anything. They just creep me out."

Yuju had her head facing down as she scrambled to leave the apartment. She passed a frowning Roseanne and Yerim before grabbing her purse and exiting the apartment.

"Some people freak whenever they see an ouija board," Yerim shrugged. She and Roseanne began to set up the ouija board, placing the planchette on the word 'HELLO.'

Mark set up his camcorder. "I'm not touching that thing," he pointed to the ouija board. "It's evil and it invites ghosts into our world. Rosie, are you sure you want to do this?"

Roseanne raised a brow. "You just told Yuju you weren't afraid of them."

"So she wouldn't leave but she did so now I don't care if you know how I really feel."

"We have to," Yerim cried. "All the gossip channels are saying it was an accident. We have to investigate."

"We'll just make the video," Roseanne relented. "It doesn't mean we'll post it. Let's just see what happens. Do you believe in ghosts, Yerim?"

"I didn't, but I do now."

Mark kept muttering something before turning on the camera. Roseanne faced the lens. "Hi guys. Welcome back to my channel. I'm Rosé and today's adventure is right in my very own home. I'm joined by Yerim, a fellow YouTuber. You can find her at..."

"YerimBeauty," Yerim answered.

"Yerim is here today because she brought her ouija board and she-"

"It wasn't my board. It was Tzuyu's. Chou Tzuyu's. I just know her death wasn't an accident and I asked Rosé to help me investigate"

"Right," Roseanne sighed. "So, I'll let you begin, Yerim."


"She was your friend."

"Okay...um...hi Tzuyu. It's me, Yerim. I miss you. I know you only bought this ouija board as a gag but today we're actually using it to try and communicate with you. Will you please talk to us?"

Roseanne gasped as the planchette began to move towards the word 'YES.'

Yerim gasped and her eyes jumped to Roseanne. "Are you moving it?"

"No, are you?" Roseanne asked suspiciously.

"No. oh wow. It's really her, isn't it?"

"Tzuyu, is that really you?"

Nothing happened.

Yerim cleared her throat. "Tzuyu, if it's really you, you should know the answer to this. How many times did Sehun have to ask me out before I agreed to date him?"

The planchette began to move under Roseanne and Yerim's fingers to the number seven.

"That's correct!" Yerim yelped. She looked at Roseanne's camera. "Sorry, babe. I'm sure you didn't want anyone to know that but I love you and this is all for Tzuyu."

"Ask her another question," Roseanne whispered to her.

"No one believes us," Yerim softly said. She stared at Roseanne as she asked, "was your death an accident?"

The planchette slowly moved to the word 'NO.'

Yerim gasped and her eyes widened as she asked, "what now?"

"Ask another question."

"If your death wasn't an accident...are you saying you were murdered?"

The planchette moved quickly and both Yerim and Roseanne jumped back. They stared at the planchette before staring at each other.

The planchette was sitting on the word 'YES.'

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