《It's Cliché | rosekook》17


'Then...do you think we could go to the nearest chapel so I can marry you?'

Chaeyoung smiles as she remembers the event a week ago. They didn't get married tho, because he didn't buy a ring and he wanted to see her in a white dress. But he did asking her to move in with him...on the same night as if he scared she will change her mind.

She didn't come to his apartment often but she knows it's big, she had an opportunity to look around his big and expensive apartment.

Right now she was in the bedroom while Jungkook has a called meeting in the study. The thought of him working in the study not far away, and of her waiting for him to come back to her after work, makes her feels content. As if she and Jeon Jungkook were a couple married for years.

Ever since moving in together, Jungkook had shamelessly been using her shampoo and body wash. It was the same items, but when used on different people it gives different kinds of scent. When Jungkook used them, the scent was particularly masculine. She likes it.

Chaeyoung giggles thinking about that, she rolls left and right on the bed. But then she feels as if someone was looking at her. She turns her head to the door. Jungkook was standing leaning his body on the door frame, wide smile plastered on his face, his laptop in his hand.

"What are you doing?" he walks to the bed, places his laptop on the bedside table, and sits down near his girlfriend. His upper body lower to kiss her lips.

Chaeyoung's face blush, embarrassed. "I just like this bed, it's comfy and big." Then she asks trying to change the subject. "Finish your work?"

Jungkook chuckles, leaning down to kiss her lips again. "I was working in the study, but I couldn't help thinking of you. I can't do much work when I'm distracted, so I brought my laptop here to work with you by my side."


Chaeyoung smiled. Her arms wrap around his neck, making his head down until his nose touching hers.

"Do you still have a lot left to do?" She asked.

"I'll be done after a while," Jungkook says as he rubs his nose with hers.

"Why? Do you miss me?"

Chaeyoung chuckles, "Me? aren't you the one who miss me right now?" she asked after notice Jungkook had a hungry look in his eyes while staring at her.

"Well...I miss you every second tho..." Jungkook said before kissing her heavily, his body slowly moving so that he was above her.

Chaeyoung was kissed breathless. The alarm in her head ringing when she feels Jungkook's hand untie the belt of her satin pajama robe. She tries to stop him but failed as the robe open showing her naked skin and his hand caressing her skin before cupping one of her bosoms.

"Jungkook, you still have work to do." She said after pushed his shoulder with difficulty.

"I only have a little to wrap up. I'm done. It'll be the same if I work on it in the office tomorrow." Jungkook said, his lips leaving open mouth kisses from her lips down to her collarbone.

Chaeyoung knows there's no way she could refuse him when Jungkook rubbing his swollen groin on her lower stomach and her body instantly responded, warming to his touch.


Jungkook hangs up the phone. His face changed as he realizes he suppose to feel happy but why feels uneasy.

He just received a call from Kim Seokjin. The guy called him to inform him about Chaeyoung's entrance result. The result will be sent through email at 2.00 pm, today. But Kim Seokjin simply wanted Jungkook to know the result beforehand.

Chaeyoung indeed succeeds in the exam. But Jungkook knows the real reason why Seokjin let him know first is because Chaeyoung needs to start her study at the campus in Gwangju for 1 year before she can change to another campus. The old guy simply telling that she will be 4 hours drive away from him. And Jungkook knows there's no way he will let her go back and forth from Seoul to Gwangju. He can only let her stay in the dorm or looking for an apartment.


He wonders how he could bear to be parted from her for a long time. 1 year would be a very long time to be parted from her.

His hand pulls the office desk drawer...taking out the ring box and open it.

It's a hand-made ring. It takes him 3 days to design the ring before going to the jewelry craftsmanship store, 2 days for him to learn how to make the ring and choose the stone, 1 day to finally complete the ring...which is yesterday.

And today he'd worry if it will be the wrong time to officially propose to Chaeyoung. Will she asked him to wait until she finished her study?.

But when he came home and see how happy Chaeyoung telling him about the result...he decided he can wait. She didn't say anything about the campus placement and he also didn't want to talk about it.

He just wants to support everything she wants. Seeing her smile brightly at him...he'd do anything for her.


The next day, Jungkook woke up early. He smiles looking at the woman in his arms. Chaeyoung in her deep sleep, she doesn't move when Jungkook's fingers caressing her cheeks and leaving soft kisses around her face.

He plays with her hand on his stomach. Suddenly he remembers about the ring again. He doesn't know why but the feeling to see if the ring matches her or not was strong.

Jungkook looks at the sleeping Chaeyoung again before carefully moving his body from the bed. He walks to the study room, taking the ring box before going back to the bedroom.

He tiptoes to bed, carefully sits on the bed near Chaeyoung. He sighs in relief looking at her still sleeping.

Taking out the ring from the box, Jungkook holds her left hand and places the ring on Chaeyoung's ring finger. He smiles when the ring looks perfect on her. The trouble he endured to make this ring was worth it.

He takes his phone and silently taking a few pictures of her hand with the ring. The white gold ring with blue gemstone looked incredible on Chaeyoung's snow white hand.

As he was about to slowly remove the ring, Chaeyoung suddenly clasped her hands into a fist.

Jungkook turns his head to look at Chaeyoung's face. His eyes widen when he sees Chaeyoung was smiling. She didn't look like she waked up.

"You already put the ring on my finger...taking pictures, but now you want to take it back?" Chaeyoung asked him before stretch out her five fingers in front of her eyes. Looking at the ring. "It's beautiful." She mumbles with a smile.

"It's hand-made. I did the design and made the ring myself..." Jungkook said proudly.

"Really?" Chaeyoung sits up to look at the ring details as if it's hard to believe. When and how he manages to do it secretly from her? But then her eyes look at his face. "So, when do you plan to give me this ring?"

Jungkook looks at her eyes, "When you think it's the right time to be my wife."

Chaeyoung blinks a few times. Somehow she knows that he had thought about her study at Gwangju and the distance they can't avoid.

"Today?" Chaeyoung said. Her word may sound like a question but it's actually her answer.

Jungkook's eyes widen but a small smile tugging his lips... "Today is the right time?"

Chaeyoung nods.

Jungkook chuckles before sweep Chaeyoung into his arms and carries her to the bathroom. "Then let's get our marriage license this morning!"

Chaeyoung laughs. "Let's get it!"

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