《Fate's Encounter》Chapter 27: At Ooman Mercy...


Xai'an felt himself stir. Waking from a heavy sleep that he did not willingly fall into. He knew because Yautja did not feel this heavy unless they were pumped full of drugs.

He tried to open his eyes but he was having trouble with something so simple. How mortifying...

"I think he's waking up."

Xai'an growled at the voice. He was not alone.

"Easy there, big guy. We don't want to hurt you. Which is more than we can say for you so sorry about the restraints." It was a female voice. She sounded energetic. Happy even.

Restraints? He tried to move his arms but found he was unable to. He tried his legs which were also not moving. Xai'an growled again, this time deep enough to rumble the cold metal table he was under.

He managed to get his eyes to open and he was met with a small team of oomans in white. Both male and female with various features. They surrounded him, curious eyes taking note of every inch of...his...PAUK! He was naked! These...filthy little insects had stripped him down! He roared and jerked against the metal bands pinning his arms to the table.

"That's not going to work!" The same female voice from before said. He looked over at her as she approached him. She was young. Maybe Zena's age with bright blue eyes and sleek golden hair pulled tightly against her scalp. Her skin was a darker shade than Z's that didn't seem natural due to the orange tint. "Tungsten. Can't be cut. We have been waiting a long time to get one of you in our grasp. Imagine my surprise when five of you landed on our doorstep! I've studied your kind for such a long time. What with little DNA samples I've had to work with.it's what inspired the sedative gas. I was worried it wouldn't work! It's just amazing! And I have so many questions for you! Where do you come from? Why are you so interested in Zena Reyes?"


He growled at her. She spoke to him as if they were equals. No. She spoke to him as if she were his superior. Stupid ooman female! Did she think he was just going to tell her everything? He would rip her throat out with his teeth first!

The woman frowned. She had thick lips that were too large for her pale face. Almost unnaturally so. The more he looked at her the more he didn't like her. Everything about her seemed sneaky. False. Honorless. "I know you understand me, alien. Being silent will do you no favors."

He snarled again, mandibles flaring. He would die before helping her! He just needed to get off this damn table and find his brothers. He pulled against the cuffs on his wrists, roaring from the exertion. The metal groaned and there was a murmur of fear from the oomans.

"Shit! Sedate him! Sedate him!"


There was a prick to his thigh and he saw the ooman female holding a syringe. She had slammed him with more drugs! Pauk! His strength left him with a whoosh and his roar strangled into more of a whine. Xai'an had never felt so pauking weak in his life!

"There we go...goodness, me, you're strong!" The ooman giggled and she turned to a couple of oomans behind her. "Get that in the reports! We got it recorded, right?"

She left for a moment before returning to his side. "You are clearly much stronger than the rest of your species. They couldn't come even close to getting past the tungsten bands while drugged! One of these days, I'd like to really test that strength. Maybe when we find something stronger to hold you... For now, I will settle for you just talking to me."

Xai'an closed his eyes and tried to clear his head. This drug didn't make him pass out like the gas had, but he still was having trouble thinking. Like he had cotton for brains.


"What's your name?"

He would not answer.

"What's your relationship with Zena?"

He would not pauking answer her!

"Are you lovers?" She was getting annoyed with him again. "Where is she? Has she fallen pregnant yet?"

That made him look at the ooman. How would she possibly know that conception between their species was even possible?

"Oh? That got a reaction! I can assume that means yes. We would be most interested in observing her pregnancy. If you just tell us where she is, we will reunite the both of you and she will receive the best medical care." She leaned over him with a wicked smile that made him repulsed. "If not...we can try to find another method."

She ran her small hand up his thigh and disgust had him growling when she paused on his hip. How DARE she touch him! Only his mate could touch him like this! He would kill this ooman with his bare hands!

She pouted at his growl, "Not into blondes, huh? We'll don't worry. We have other willing volunteers."

Volunteers? For what?

"First we need to figure out how you altered Zena's blood. It's no longer human, but it's also not Predator-Your species- I'm willing to bet that has something to do with the conception process. Though your blood carries human strains, it isn't enough to be compatible on it's own. Perhaps…?" She clicked her tongue and motioned to some more oomans.

"Start gathering more blood samples. I want x-rays too but I have a theory. If it pans out, we can try breeding him without the girl."

Xai'an snarled when he was approached by more oomans and managed to thrash around a bit. His strength was a bit more than it had been a moment ago. Did this drug not have as strong a hold on his body?

There was another prick to his thigh and this time his vision swam. The pauking female stuck him again! "We need to up his dosage. He's bigger than the others so it makes sense he'd process it faster."

Xai'an tried to move. He couldn't let this female violate him or his brothers. He had to do something! He had to…

"You know, just between us," The females voice came to him in a whisper, "your species has fascinated me for years. I'm beyond curious to see just how human you are...if you catch my drift." Her hand brushed his thigh again and he could smell her arousal. This time he couldn't even growl at her. This female planned to have him and he couldn't let that happen! To lie with any female after becoming a mated pair was an extremely dishonorable act! No less taken at the hands of an ooman female...

He had...to…

Fight the drugs!


His eyes were heavy.




Short Chapter I know. But I REALLY appreciate all of you who have been voting and adding my story to your libraries! You've helped me hit almost TWO THOUSAND views! It's way more than I ever expected...

I'm going to update 'Enslaved By Him' right after this(Go check it out!) Until further notice I will putting 'Blessed Moon: Affinity' on hold. That story is my baby and I think I'm going to add a new few chapters to it before I post the update. @bairdea0507 I appreciate your constant comments. It has given me a lot to think about and a few ideas to add to it. Hopefully you'll like what I add! And hopefully it can gain traction like this fanfiction!

Much Love



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