《Behind Closed Curtains (Desires of the Forbidden)》Chapter 19
His calloused hands gripped onto my naked waist tightly as he pressed his powerful body down onto mine, grinding his hips teasingly into my own.
I panted heavily, my chest heaving as his smooth lips trailed down my chin to my neck, working their way in hot, sensual kisses down to my breasts.
One of his large hands left its spot on my waist and came up, slipping underneath the underwire of my bra and cupping my breast between his needy fingers.
"Fucking perfect," he groaned out against my chest as his kneaded my soft flesh in his hand.
A gasp ripped through my throat as I felt one of his thumbs brush lightly past my nipple, bringing it fully to attention. I felt his other hand slide up the length of my back until it reached the back of my bra, unclasping it and almost immediately discarding the lingerie off to the side.
A shameless moan drew past my lips the second I felt his wet mouth cover over my perked nipple. His tongue swirled around the bud expertly, his lips sucking in my flesh as my back arched off of his couch, pushing myself further into his hot mouth
I was writhing on his sofa, my mind overrun with pleasure as his fingers continued to tweak my one nipple, his teeth nipped teasingly at the other and as his solid member continued to grind against my quickly dampening center.
I wanted him to touch me. My core was burning with need as I thrust my hips up into his, letting him know how desperately I yearned for him in that moment.
His mouth suddenly released my breast, leaving it thoroughly and pleasurably assaulted. Bright blue eyes shining with irrepressible lust latched onto mine, the corner of his slightly reddened lips quirking up just a bit.
"Are you trying to tell me something?"
"Please," I whined as I pushed my hips up into his again, the rough material of his jeans brushing against my bare thighs.
"Tell me what you want, Leah."
He dropped his face into the crook of my neck, his warm breath fanning across and eliciting a rise of excited goosebumps wherever his breath touched. I felt the soft brush of his nose against the side of my neck, his lips grazing tauntingly up my skin until they reached the base of my ear.
"Say my name, Leah," he demanded.
"Kaleb," I huffed out immediately.
"I fucking love hearing you say my name," he cursed out, his tone mixed with pleasure and awe.
Every wish in my mind was granted the second I felt the touch of Kaleb's fingers against the dampened fabric of my panties.
"Fuck, Peaches. You're always so ready for me," he growled out as he tugged my underwear to the side and ran his fingers freely over my completely bare core.
"Oh, god," I moaned out as the feeling of his flesh meeting my heated center for the first time. He let his fingers move slowly, teasing me relentlessly until I felt the long awaited intrusion of his finger slip past my folds.
A strangled gasp echoed from my lips and through the room as his first finger sunk into me. My eyes slammed shut as I focused on every dip and plunge of his finger inside of me as he slowly but surely began to build me to the breaking point.
"Kaleb," I whispered out through a strained voice, my hands roaming up Kaleb's broad back and gripping onto his body desperately as the pleasure he was giving me became almost overwhelming.
"I've got you. I know what you want," he replied to my call of his name as be worked his finger in and out of me with sinfully perfect skill. "I know exactly what you want, Leah."
A rasped cry ripped through my throat as I felt Kaleb's thumb push down suddenly onto my bud, escalating my approach to the finish line that much more.
"Tell me I'm better than Zach," Kaleb ordered suddenly, his voice gruff and demanding in my ear as his he sped up his fingers even more so.
"You're better," I answered without hesitation.
"Tell me he can't touch you like I can, that only I can touch you like this."
"Only you," I moaned out, wrapping my arms around his back, knowing the truth behind my words.
"God, you don't even know what you do to me, Leah. Such a fucking tease all the time," he growled out in my ear, sending shivers coursing through my humming body as his finger sped up inside of me.
"You don't know how badly I wanna fuck you every time I see you; how much I want fuck you right now."
My arms wrapped themselves around Kaleb's neck, holding myself into him and my legs began to quiver and everything inside of me seemed like it was on the verge of bursting.
"Would you like that, Leah?"
I nodded fervently, sucking my bottom lip in between my teeth as Kaleb's thumb ran wild circles around my clit and shot bolts of pleasure through my body with every movement.
"Are you ready to come?" Kaleb asked, his breathing uneven but his voice so confident.
"Yes!" I cried out as I felt my body reaching higher and higher as Kaleb's fingers pounded rapidly inside of me, my core crying out for release that only he could give me.
"Say my name, Peaches," Kaleb whispered out in my ear as my entire body tensed and unimaginable pleasure washed through every inch of my body.
My eyes flew open as a massive orgasm soared through my body. My legs quivered with each pulse of pleasure that tore its way through my core as I bit down on my tongue with great force in an attempt to keep my pleasurable moans at bay from releasing into the silent bedroom.
My hands fisted into the soft sheets underneath me as my lips parted in a silent, pleasure induced scream as I let go and allowed myself to enjoy the almost foreign sensation as it swept through my body.
As the seconds passed and my orgasm died down, the true reality of what just happened sunk deeply into my mind and my stomach plummeted with the realization.
I just had an orgasm inflicted by a dream that revolved solely around Kaleb.
Kaleb gave me an orgasm without even having to touch me or be in the same room for that matter.
All the while I was conveniently lying next to my sleeping boyfriend.
What the hell?
As cautiously as I could, my hands released their mighty grip on the sheets. My body lay frigid on Zach and I's shared bed as the fleeting, terrifying thought ran through my mind.
Did he hear me?
Did I actually call out Kaleb's name as he instructed me to in my dream?
Timidly, I turned my head on my pillow, petrified if I would come in contact with wide, anger laden, sapphire eyes.
Relief swept through my veins, relaxing my tension filled body instantly as I took in Zach's still peacefully sleeping face.
With a sigh, I turned my head away from Zach, my eyes fixing on the white, popcorn ceiling above me as my mind began to race with wild, flustering thoughts over what had just happened.
Zach and I were finally getting back to a good place and here I was, having erotic dreams about another man.
What's wrong with me?
That's how I spent the rest of the majority of the night; contemplating just what exactly was wrong with me. I tossed, turned, groaned in frustration and eventually gave up on getting back to sleep that night.
Needless to say, the next morning I made an extra pot of coffee solely for myself as I prepared Zach's breakfast as he got ready for work.
I heard bustling sound from behind me as I assumed Zach had walked into the kitchen, sitting in his normal spot at the head of the table as he did every morning.
Routinely, I snatched the two pieces of golden toast from the toaster and began glazing strawberry jelly over each piece.
Within minutes, the bacon I was cooking was ready and the toast was set to go. Placing it all gingerly on a plate as I did every morning, I turned to the kitchen table preparing to serve Zach his breakfast.
Yet, unlike every other morning before this one, Zach wasn't sitting in his rightful spot at the head of the table.
Instead, he was already shrugging on his light grey business jacket and looked as if he was ready to go.
"You don't want breakfast?"
Zach's eyes flew over to mine as he worked his fingers on clasping his watch around his wrist.
"Oh yeah. I'll just take it to go though," he answered back casually.
"Okay," I mumbled out a tad bit taken off guard but prepped his breakfast for the road nonetheless without question. Once finished, I walked over to the table, holding his breakfast-to-go out for him to take.
"Here you go."
"Oh, thanks," Zach muttered as he grabbed for his breakfast, taking it from my hands without even sparing me a glance. Confused swarmed my brain at his sudden cold demeanor.
Did I do something wrong?
I simply watched him motionlessly as I waited for him to send me one of his adoring smiles like he had been each morning for almost two weeks, waited for him to tell me he loved me and he couldn't wait to see me when he got home from work later.
None of that happened.
Yet, just as I was losing hope and the crushing sadness began to set in, he looked at me.
Something flashed through his gaze as he took in my features, his eyes drifting across the planes of my face.
"You look tired," he observed.
"Oh," His statement caught me by surprise. "Just didn't sleep very well last night I guess."
He hummed, his lips pursing together musingly. His stare flickered to mine, something curious deep seated in his swirling gaze as he spoke.
"Bad dream?"
I fought off the reflexive raise of my eyebrows as they tried to shoot up in shock at Zach's obviously carefully chosen words.
"No. Just couldn't sleep."
His eyes stayed firm on mine, something dark and furious swimming through his stare as he held our connection. The air surrounding us began to condense, the tension swarming through the kitchen becoming overpowering and a heavy fright pushed down on my chest as the seconds continued to tick by with nothing but deafening silence clouding the space around us.
Just like that, the thick strain of tension in the room broke, dissipating into nothingness as Zach turned from me abruptly and headed to the door. He gave his usual goodbyes, wishes of a good rehearsal, and without another word left out the door.
I was left standing there, completely and utterly baffled but even more so, unsure.
Did that mean Zach knew? That he had heard me last night?
My mind spun with maddening thoughts, my body cried out for more sleep, and all together I was simply exhausted. I couldn't focus on the what if's at that moment and instead, opted for a tall mug of steaming coffee, praying that it would pacify my dreadful thoughts and prepare me just enough for rehearsal today.
Those prayers unfortunately went unanswered.
I dragged my way through most of rehearsal, going through the motions and counting the minutes until its end.
I had also exerted a large majority of my focus and energy on avoiding Kaleb.
All of rehearsal, I had managed to evade him; slipping off to the bathroom when we were released for breaks, practically gluing myself to Meg's side the rest of the time.
That was, until now.
Dave released us less than two minutes ago and I immediately jumped into action, grabbing my purse from the audience, and took off towards the lobby.
My name hit my ears and I only pushed on harder, my legs pumping faster as I picked up my speed and practically crashed my way through the lobby doors.
My feet pounded against the tile in hurried steps, my adrenaline pumping as I knew Kaleb wasn't far behind. I heard the lobby doors slam open behind me.
"Leah, wait!"
My feet stilled.
Regrettably, I turned on my heel to face a very disgruntled, barely winded Kaleb. His full lips were set in a grimace, his midnight colored hair styled to perfection with one rogue piece of hair falling and hanging temptingly across his creased forehead.
My fingers twitched in desire to run through his thick hair like I had in my dream. I internally reprimanded myself for the inappropriate thought as quickly as it came.
His sky blue eyes pierced into mine as he spoke.
"What was that about?" he asked, his stare expectant on mine as he waited for my response.
"Sorry, I'm just sort of in a hurry," I mumbled as my eyes drifted back towards the doors that I so longingly wanted to bolt through.
"Were you in a hurry all day?" His tone dripped with sarcasm.
"Then why were you avoiding me, Leah? Did I do something wrong?"
Invaded my dreams without my permission.
"No," I sighed, shaking my head and disconnecting our stares.
"Then what is it?"
I stayed silent, my lips sealed and prepared to stay that way until Kaleb gave up his insentient questioning. Telling Kaleb that he had in fact made an appearance in my steamy dream last night would without a doubt be the most mortifying thing in the history of time.
Leah," Kaleb beckoned me, his voice having dropped to a level so light and tender, I felt my heart flutter in my chest.
Little by little, I tilted my head up to him. The most curious sensation of awe stole through my body as I took in the profound concern swirling through Kaleb's eyes; the feeling stealing the very breath from my lungs as I waited for him to speak.
"Did something happen last night with Zach?"
Cocking my head to the side, my brows pinched together in wary confusion.
"What do you mean?"
Kaleb let out a discontent sigh, running his large hands back through his hair like I had imagined doing, brushing the one strand that had fallen back into place.
"I mean," he said pointedly, his eyes filling with fierce loathing as he spoke. "Did that fucker lay a hand on you last night?"
"No," I answered immediately, shaking my head with wide, honest eyes.
Kaleb's fiery eyes simmered and his chest rose as he took in a deep, relief filled sigh.
"Then why," he inquired softly, his eyes pleading into mine. "Why were you avoiding me, Peaches?"
My lips parted as I tried to think up some viable excuse. I shook my head with false innocence brimming in my stare as a lie was the only thing that came to mind.
"I wasn't meaning to."
"Bullshit," Kaleb shot back.
At a total loss, my hands lifted in an unconvincing, uncertain raise.
What do I say?
"Leah?" Kaleb's voice once again rang out inquisitively.
My helpless stare found his, scrambling back and forth through his intent crystal gaze in search of the answer that I knew wasn't there.
"It's," I began, cutting myself off to drop my hot, blushing face into my hands and taking a few steps back towards the concession stand of the lobby to put some much needed space in between us.
"It's embarrassing," I muttered out.
Keeping my humiliated face hidden from his view still and cradled into the protective fortress of my cool hands, I nodded.
"Alright, you really aren't making much sense now, Peaches."
My throat rumbled as an irritated groan forced its way through. Still keeping my face clutched in my hands, my eyes shut and the world dark around me, I answered.
"I had a dream," I mumbled out, the words barely coherent to my own ears.
"A dream?" Kaleb said with even more confusion lacing through his words. "About me?"
I unwillingly nodded.
"I don't how a dream could be embarrassing unless-"
He cut himself off. My unending supply of terror and anticipated humiliation amplified tenfold with the sudden silence encasing the lobby.
"Unless," I heard Kaleb mutter out, his voice mixed with revelation and an undeniable excitement.
Abruptly, two warm hands latched onto my wrists, tearing my hands away from my flushed face. Kaleb's bright blue eyes fixed on my reluctant ones, his features etched with feverish curiosity.
"What kind of dream did you have, Leah?"
I didn't answer.
"Leah," Kaleb began, his voice dropping to a dangerously seductive level.
"What kind of dream did you have about me last night?"
My lips stayed still.
Then, we were moving backwards. Slowly, meticulously, Kaleb took one step towards me, causing me in turn to take another step back. That process continued, our eyes latched onto the others intensely until our odd dance came to a finish when I felt my back press up against the solid wall behind me.
His warmth cascaded over me, the lust fixed in his stare that was attached so fixedly to mine igniting a burst of flames in my core.
"I need you to tell me, Leah," he spoke, his voice low and husky. Slowly, he lowered his head to the side of mine, his hot breath fanning over my ear and awakening ever erotic nerve I had inside of me.
His soft lips grazed the base of my ear as he spoke.
"Did you have a wet dream about me?"
Oh god, I wanted to say no. I wanted to want to escape and flee off to my car.
But I didn't want to.
The feeling of Kaleb's body so close to mine, surrendering to him and his sensual words was overwhelming every rational thought I had and was taking me right back to the night Kaleb and I shared all those weeks ago.
I wanted him to kiss me. I yearned for his demanding hands to roam every inch of my body. I desperately wanted his voice to caress my ear with his filthy, wickedly seductive words.
This would be the only time I would allow myself to give into it, the only time I knew I would feel this safe and yet this aroused enough to let our completely inappropriate scenario to play out.
So I answered simply and truthfully.
A deep groan vibrated through Kaleb's chest and into mine, his hot breath washing across my neck as he dropped his hands to my waist, gripping my slim frame tightly.
"Fuck," Kaleb cursed out in a sharp breath.
"You don't know how much that fucking turns me on," he growled out as his thumbs began to rub fiery circles over the fabric of my dress.
"I want to know what I was doing to you," Kaleb demanded, his tone dominating and sensual, the sound of it caused a jolt of undiluted pleasure to be sent directly between my legs.
I began to squirm against his chest, feeling needy and desperate as I felt the warmth of Kaleb's lips press firmly behind my ear, his teeth grazing out and nipping at my sensitive skin.
"Tell me, Leah."
I wanted him to know, but didn't have the gulls to say it out loud. So, I opted for another route entirely which made the game all the more fun for us both.
"Such a fucking tease," Kaleb growled out, the sound vibrating deeply in his throat.
"You did say that in the dream."
"Oh did I now? Must be true then," Kaleb mused out in a deep voice, the hint of a smile playing out in his tone.
"Okay, guess number one," Kaleb said and I felt the embrace of his hands slip from my waist, dragging all the way down until they reached the hem of my dress.
My breath stuck in my throat as I felt the calloused brush of his hands against the bare skin of my thigh as he moved them underneath my dress and without pause, gripped both of his hands onto my lace covered backside.
He moaned faintly as his hands kneaded my flesh greedily.
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