《The Scarred Viking's Bride (On Temp. Hold)》Twelve
The sickening crunch of clenched fists meeting flesh echoed loudly throughout the night as the Jarl and Balder's fight continued. I kept an eye open to watch the brute. Blows were traded equally; either to the face, side, or legs. I cringed in horror as I heard the sudden sound of breaking bones through my covered ears.
The crowd of people around the fighting duo shouted and cheered for their preferred individual. Their burning torches danced in the air as some individuals jumped up and down to see the fight better. The ground shook as they stomped their feet in excitement, adrenaline, and thrill of their Jarl fighting publicly making them go berserk. My nose scrunched as the smell of sweat, dirt, and blood laced through the cramped energized gathering. The noise was nearly deafening as the men carefully circled one another, the fire casting shadows upon their face, cautiously avoiding the edges of the fur boundaries.
What was wrong with these people? Why did they enjoy such animalistic activities?
I had to stop this. This was madness. Absolute madness.
I watched in alarm as Balder landed a right hook to the Jarl's jaw with a loud crack. The Jarl's head snapped to the side and people hollered as he began bleeding from his lip. The brute quickly licked away the blood, the crimson fluid staining his teeth as he smiled wickedly. My heart banged against my chest to see him be beaten like this.
"Stop it! Vær så snill, enough! Stop!" I pleaded, jumping up from my kneeling position. I attempted to run forward, hoping to break up the fight.
Strong arms wrapped around my waist just before I reached the edge of the wooden boards, pulling me backward into a muscular chest. I began kicking and thrusting my elbows back into the body that held me back. I tried desperately to aim the sharp point of my elbow in the soft flesh below the ribs. The arms only lifted me higher against the body attached.
"Put me down, now!" I shrieked, kicking my legs out in the air.
My scuffle with this unknown person was simply overlooked as the fight began nearing the end. The clan people became nearly crazed with their shouting and cheers. They knew the end was close. Both men were showing signs of fatigue and irritation.
"Calm down, Britta. 'Tis nearly over," A low voice rasped out by my ear.
With a quick turn of my head, I realized 'twas Ragnar that intercepted me from stopping the fight.
"Ragnar, vær så snill! Stop this! There must another way to solve such things!" I said passionately, trying to make him understand how wrong this was.
"There is no other way to fix these kinds of issues. This is about honor, revenge and eases our lust for bloodshed. We solve and forget problems this way, and this way alone." Ragnar said with a hard voice.
"This is also for you. To redeem your innocence, as well as Aderick's display of possession and honoring your image. He is fighting for you," Ragnar spoke low enough for my ears only.
I stopped struggling and watched as the final blows were traded. Balder threw out a leg to make the brute stumble, but the Jarl easily dodged the blow that would have sent him to his knees with a small step to the side. The Jarl then swung his meaty fist with a quickness and ferocity that made the crowd scream in elation. In what seemed like slow motion, I watched as his fist connected roughly with Balder's jaw, making the man stagger. Balder faltered and tripped over himself, in a daze from his kin's brutal hit. Balder smacked the ground hard, landing well over the perimeter of the fur, and the crowd nearly winced at the loud thud.
There was a brief pause of breath. Then celebrated chaos erupted. People began screaming as the Jarl was declared the winner, and they rushed past Ragnar and me to congratulate and sing praises. Ragnar kept his arms locked around me until the brute connected his gaze to mine over the roar of the crowd.
Onyx to hazel.
I could see in his eyes the thrill of the fight, the exhaustion, and what made my heart stutter was the complete adoration shining in his dark eyes.
His gaze flickered to the arms around me and finally to Ragnar's face, whom I did not know what he said, but the brute only responded with a nod. He simply ignored the people around him as his attention was on me.
The brute then turned and walked over to where his cousin lay. He simply extended a hand towards Balder, a sign of forgiveness in the straightforward act. Balder stood up with a grimace and a few men swarmed him as they began consoling him about the tough loss.
Ragnar finally released his hold on me as the craziness that was the Dahlsten people calmed down. He made sure I was not going to crumple to the ground, lightly keeping his hands on my shoulders, but my legs felt a bit shaky. I stood alone as the clan members walked around, talking excitedly about the fight and Balder's loss as they passed me. I kept my eyes on the brute. Waiting.
People continued to talk to the brute as the moon rose higher into the sky. I looked around the opening curiously. Numerous members wandered around the houses, laughing and talking to one another, acting like a brutal fight did not just happen. As if 'twas a regular night. A chill breeze caressed my skin, the cold winds from the mountains rushing down into the valley and making its notice. I shivered with the cold and I noticed that the others did not give an indication to the sudden coolness in the air like I did. I supposed they were used to this abrupt change in the weather.
I turned my attention to the mountains and I shuddered once again. But 'twas not for the chill. But the emotions tied to that small hidden cave I found that eventually landed me into the stranger's arms. And the events that transpired afterward. I gritted my teeth and shook my head to dispell those emotions and thoughts. I did not want recrudesce that night to invoke those chilling visions.
I jumped in surprise. I turned my head quickly to the voice. My jaw dropped as I gasped at the sight of Balder.
His once nearly perfectly sculpted face was now swollen and bruised almost beyond recognition. Only the hint of the golden honey colored eyes behind his swollen lids made it clear that 'twas him. There was a long angry cut along his right brow and blood continued to seep from the wound, running down his face. A large bruise adorned his cheekbone on his left side and the swelling pushed his eye nearly shut. I could only imagine how badly his sides and legs colored by the Jarl's brutal kicks. The layered sweat and dirt made him look like a wildman, a man that lived alone and had not had a bath in ages.
"I-I would like to apologize for my actions that day in the corridor. 'Twas inexcusable. I-I did not know what came over me. 'Twas like a haze over my mind. But I knew that you were Aderick's bride and I had no right to approach someone that was taken. Especially my Jarl's mate. Please know that it shall never happen again. I do not ask for your forgiveness, as I do not deserve it," he said sincerely, his eyes watering ever so slightly as he dropped to his knees before me.
I nearly gasped at the blatant show of respect.
My gaze snapped up to meet the brute's assessing eyes. The emotions in the dark swirling orbs were hard to read, but I could feel the ratification radiating within his stance from a small distance away.
Several breaths passed by as I stared back down at Balder. I would never know exactly why Balder acted in such a way that day, but after this night I would not be surprised if he never approached nor talked to me again. I had the urge to relieve him of the self-resentment and guilt. For both of us to move on. Maybe...maybe reconcile our differences and be amiable with one another. One could only hope.
"I forgive you," I said softly, lightly tapping my hand on his shoulder.
Balder seemed aghast at my merciful act. He slowly rose from his knees, grimacing as he did and bowed his head to me in respect. "I do not deserve your forgiveness, Britta, but takk skal du ha."
I only nodded in return. Balder turned away without another word and limped off towards the manor. He would have to let his wounds heal in order to come back as a warrior, at least that was what my home clan did once a warrior was injured. Knowing the Jarl's reputation of barbarity, they presumably did not allow such kindness. I inwardly rolled my eyes at the thought.
My thoughts turned towards my ruined home and lost family. Papa and Mama always preached to forgive others, no matter the circumstance. They did not know how hard it was, though. I knew in my heart that I had to forgive Balder, Ingrid, and eventually the Jarl. But it would take time. Some more than others. Something deep within me kept pulling away from the fresh breath of forgiveness, always desiring to stay in a place where anger and grief controlled my life. But I could not do that. I had to find a way to forgive...and eventually move on with my life as best I could.
Ragnar remained at my side as I was lost in my whirling mind, watching the people carefully.
A loud squeal interrupted my musings and a blur of skirts crashed into Ragnar. I stiffened as I realized who it was.
She pulled away from the tight hold that Ragnar had around her waist and kissed him lightly on the lips. I shoved down the strong urge to roll my eyes at her. Although she had tried her best to see me while I was in seclusion, I absolutely refused to deal with her while recovering from the attack and my grieving. The brute at one time had to growl at her for being such as disturbance, and had slammed the door on her. I had not seen or heard her since then, but I assumed I would now have to face her.
She broke away from the kiss and turned to face me. Her dark eyes flashed with an unknown emotion as she took me in.
Forgive, forgive, forgive, I silently chanted to myself. I guessed the gods wished for me to begin dealing my feelings right now.
I inhaled deeply as I squashed all the negative emotions that rose as I stared into her eyes. I simply raised a brow and crossed my arms across my chest, my stubbornness rearing its head as I refused to make the first move.
Her face crumpled slightly, and 'twas my only small warning before she crashed into me, her thin arms wrapping themselves around my waist in a hug and she began sobbing into my neck.
"Britta, I am so sorry! Vær så snill forgive me! I did not mean to withhold the date about the wedding on purpose! I swear I did not!" she said as she pulled away from my neck, tears streaming down her face in earnest.
"I was so excited to finally meet you, and to begin the wedding preparations and I simply got caught up in it! I am most sorry, Britta. Please, I shall do whatever you wish. I know you had a right to be angered, I shall never do such a thing again! Forgive me, Britta. I understand if you remain angered at me, truly I do. But do not be mad at Aderick for my carelessness. He is somewhat innocent in this," Ingrid said with a pout.
She had an ornery twinkle in her sable eyes as she shot a hard glare towards her sibling, and the brute only raised a black brow at her as he made his way towards us, the crowd around him finally dispersing.
The Jarl stopped by my side as he confronted his sister. He was so close to me that if I shifted to my right foot just a touch, I would brush against his profile completely. The heat emanating from him made my heart begin to race, yet my nose scrunched slightly at the harsh stench of sweat, blood, and dirt.
"Ja, ja, Ingrid, blame it all on me."
"Well, if you had explained everything to her-" Ragnar quickly stepped in and pressed a hard kiss to her lips, stopping her words.
A small smirk crossed my lips in amusement. I startled, realizing 'twas the first time my mouth turned upwards in a long time.
"You look stunning when you smile, my little wildcat," the brute bent low to whisper softly in my ear.
The heat of his breath caressed my hair and cheek, and my face burned crimson. I shyly looked up at him through my lashes. I caught the trademark tilt of his lips gracing his scarred face. His eyes crinkled in the corners as the dark orbs glinted with mirth. A small yawn suddenly erupted from me and I quickly covered my mouth with a hand in horror. Exhaustion pulled at my bones and I longed for the soft furs of my bed. I could only imagine how the Jarl and Balder felt at this moment after such a strenuous fight.
"Come, kjære. You need to rest," the brute said, bending down to scoop me up into his arms bridal style and walking towards the manor, ignoring everyone around us.
I sputtered and my face grew aflame with embarrassment. "Ade- I mean Jarl Aderick put me down! You are hurt! I can walk, you know," I said with a humph, knowing I would not be put down unless he wished it so.
"Of course I know," he replied with that devious smirk.
I sighed deeply and simply waited until we reached the chambers. I scrambled out of his arms like a mad woman and escaped the warm cocoon that was the Jarl's arms. I focused on slowing my traitorously fast heartbeat by gazing out the window and after several moments, I was ready to face him.
I spun on my heel and gasped at the close proximity that the Jarl and I suddenly were. I jumped at the surprise and leaned backward, but he grasped my hips to steady me. He was so quiet, like a damn mouse. I did not hear him move across the room to where I stood by the window. He looked down at me with an indescribable emotion, and the intensity of his eyes made me nervous.
"Britta," he said softly, his dark eyes swirling with heat.
"J-Ja?" I answered just as quiet.
He did not respond, his hand on my hip trailing ever so slowly up the curve of my waist, settling close to the underside of my breast. My breathing hitched for a moment and I suddenly began nearly panting at his warm touch. His thumb caressed the seam that ran along my underarm and near my bosom where the strings tied the front of my black dress. Just a simple pull of those flimsy strings and my dress would fall to the ground in a heap. But his fingers did not wander that far, thank the gods. He continued in a slow, torturous rhythm. Lightly tracing that gods-forsaken seam that made my blood run hot and my body tremble. I closed my eyes as his skilled fingers continued lingering around the heavy bottom side of my breast, faintly brushing in a soft subtle motion.
A slow burning heat began in my lower belly, and I had to swallow back a moan at the small but intimate touch. My head involuntarily fell back and I swore that I felt the lightest brush of his lips upon my throat. The brute's other hand tightened on my waist as he pulled me closer to him, my curves flush against his hard muscular ridges and plains.
"Oh Britta, the way you react to my touch," he said gruffly, his voice sounding gritty near my throat, "makes me want to do things I know you are not ready for."
I swallowed as the burning heat began throbbing and felt my body relaxing against his, nearly succumbing to his hypnotic touch. His lips began descending to mine and his hand wrapped around the nape of my neck, engulfing his fingers in my wavy locks as he pulled me even closer.
Just before his lips pressed to mine, the door to our chambers flung open with a loud bang.
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