《About the Boy || Cody Bellinger》Five


Cody's POV- June 2017

Time out was called as the team medic jogged out to the field.

"There you are"

I looked away from the TV and nodded slowly as Kersh walked into the locker room. He glanced up at the TV and scrunched up his nose.


I turned my attention back to the TV where they were showing a replay of the hit.

"Uh oh, Maia is there"

Dr. Mendes was in fact there and feeling her daughters arm. Maddy was flinching but probably because of the pressure her mom was putting. She had accidentally been hit by a pitch.

"Maddy is a tough cookie, she'll probably stay in the game"

She was in fact staying in the game.

"Little bird told me you two have been chatting"

"Joc needs to tone it down a bit" I admitted.

"Yeah, it's getting a bit embarrassing"

I nodded, Joc had been commenting on Maddy's recent Instagram posts with a hashtag; #Codylove

"He does it because he cares"

He patted my back.

"People have noticed you're gone, so let's get back out there...once the inning is over"

We both looked back at the TV where another player walked. The camera zoomed in on Maddy, and I frowned a bit as they showed another replay of her hit to the elbow.

"This is true sportsmanship. Paige Parker of Oklahoma coming to check on Madeline Martinez her competition who took a hit on the elbow on the pitch"

A clip was shown of OU's pitcher making her way over to first base. Maddy smiled at the pitcher and I read her lips as she said,

"Accidents happen, it's ok"

Maddy stretched out her other arm and they squeezed hands.

"Team USA has yet to confirm if Madeline Martinez will be joining their roster this summer. It would be nice to see her unite with old teammate and fellow catcher, Aubree Munro"


I held my breath as Maddy's teammate hit a double and bolted. The girl that had been in first base was caught running to second.

"Run Maddy, run!"

That's exactly what she did. She was almost tagged out by the catcher, but the umpire ruled it out as safe. It was the bottom of the 7th (Softball games end after the 7th), and the game was tied. The next batter popped to shortstop, and the following struck out swinging. This game was going to overtime.

"Looks like Maddy is done for the night"

She had been substituted out, and the backup catcher was making her way to home plate.

"Come on, let's get out. I'll have one of the workers keep us updated"

I followed him out and took a seat next to Corey who glanced at me.

"There you are, we were starting to think you had gotten lost"

"It was once" I defended.

He chuckled.

"It still happened"

He looked at me.

"What's the score?"

"It's tied at two" I told him.

I watched as he popped a piece of gum into his mouth before whistling.


"Bottom of the seventh" I stated.

"Maddy playing?"

"She got subbed out" I replied.

He frowned.


"She took a hit to the elbow on a pitch" I informed him.

"Who was pitching?"

"Parker" I answered.

He scrunched up his nose.


"She tied the game" I added.

"Look at Maddy being a good teammate"

He chuckled and reached for his glove.

"I'll be back"

Chase took a seat next to me.

"Where were you? Did you get lost again"

I got lost once, and that was because it was my first time here. It happened two years ago, and the guys liked reminding me.


"I did not get lost, I was in the locker room" I replied.

He took a sip of his water and nodded.

"I figured, what's the score?"

"2-2" I answered.

"How's Maddy playing?"

"Took a pitch to the elbow" I informed him.

"Ouch, who was pitching?"

"Paige Parker" I told him.

"Double ouch. That girl has a great hand"

I nodded and he smiled.

"Are you excited to meet her?"

"I've met her before" I reminded him.

He waved me off.

"But this time it's different. She actually knows you exist"

"Thanks" I said.

"You know what I mean"

I did, which is why I wasn't so offended.

"So she's coming to the Gala?"

"Yeah, her mom is bringing her" I stated.

"Joc told me you two talk on the phone"

I nodded and he smiled.

"Good, texting is stupid"

I laughed as he shrugged.

"From what I know her last relationship was when she was 17. Her high school sweetheart broke up with her a couple of days before she left for college"

I did not know that. What a shitty guy, who does that?

"He didn't want to hold her back"

Rolling his eyes he continued,

"Anyways, Maia told me that the relationship wouldn't had last. Her ex used to get jealous for any little thing. It's why he broke up with her because he actually thought she would cheat on him with someone"

He shook his head.


He then smiled.

"He tried to do the I love you so I'm setting you free because if you love me you'll come back but it failed"

He laughed and looked at me.

"Don't be a jealous idiot"

"Relationships are based on trust" I told him.

"Good boy"

I got a pat to the head and back.

"If you're looking for a relationship with her be prepared for it to be long distance. You do know she's going to Grad School in Toronto"

I nodded.

"It's a shame she's retiring, she and her old teammate would have been a great catching duo for the 2020 Olympic team"

He shrugged.

"It is what it is"

He smiled and turned to look at me.

"Is it true you've had a crush on her for about three years"

I stood up as he cackled.

"Wait, don't go!"

I ignored him and made my way over to the stairs. To be honest, I was incredibly nervous to see Maddy again. Chase was right, it was different now because she actually knew I existed and yes I had been crushing on her for the past three years.

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