《About the Boy || Cody Bellinger》Four


Maddy's POV- June 2017

I shifted on my back when I heard the bathroom door open indicating that my roommate was one showering. The scent of Erin's fruity shampoo/conditioner and her Victoria's Secret body wash filled the room as she walked into the room.

"Come on Maddy, get up"

"Five more minutes" I mumbled.

"You better be up in five minutes or else I will throw cold water at you"

"I know you will" I said.

She had done it before, so I knew she was not kidding around. Erin was one of the team's starting pitchers. It's crazy to think that we had been roommates since my second year and her freshmen year.

"Did you get your usual good morning text from your two admirers?"

That's what she was referring to Cody and Auston was. Who was Auston? I happened to be best friends with his older sister, Alex so I had grown up around him. As kids we had a lot in common since we were both catchers. Auston was a great baseball player, but he stopped playing to focus on hockey. He was drafted first overall by the Toronto Maple Leafs in last years NHL draft. We reconnected this past summer when I stayed with my dad. It had been at least four years since I had last seen him, and he had certainly grown. He stood at 6'4 and was at least over 220 lbs.

"Haven't checked" I answered.

My phone was on the nightstand, and I was too tired to reach for it.

"Should we go exploring?"

The team was one win away from making it to the Championship series. Today was our day off, and I was hoping I could sleep in. I should have known I wouldn't sleep in with Erin as my roommate. Not once did I get to sleep with her as my roommate. It made me wonder why I had been her roommate for the past four season.

"If you want, I'm up for anything" I replied.

I laid there for a minute or two as Erin did her makeup.

"Your five minutes are up"

Sighing, I sat up and moved the blankets off of me.

"Check your phone"

"After I pee" I told her.

I got out of bed and began my morning routine. I used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then applied my make up.

"Hey Maddy"

"Coming" I called out.

I grabbed my makeup bag and toiletries before making my way out of the bathroom.

"Can you braid my hair?"

"Yeah, just let me change" I answered.

"Check your phone"

I kept my outfit casual, a fitted t-shirt and a pair of black jeans.


I reached for my phone and climbed up on the bed.

"Fishtail?" I asked.

"Yes please"

I took a seat behind her as I unlocked my phone. I had four messages; three from Cody, one from Auston.



It had been two weeks since I had called Cody. He had called me every single afternoon or night after his games ever since. The calls were never unexpected, he always sent me a text asking if he could call me.


"Who texted first?"

"Cody" I replied.

I looked at the text I had from Auston that said,

If Auston found out that I was talking with someone he'd flip. So Auston and I kinda have a thing going on...although I wouldn't necessarily call it a thing. I had flown to Toronto for a week during Winter Break to check out the campus and for an interview. I actually got into the program during the interview, but I chose not to tell anyone because where I would go to Grad School was my decision and no one else's. During the week that I was there, I actually went out on a date with him. The date had gone real well, but when we got back to his apartment, one of his friends with benefits was waiting for him. I dropped it because it's not like Auston and I were anything (). When I flew to Toronto for less than 32 hours in February he spent every waking minute with me. It bothered him when I told him I would be living with his teammates, not him. We happened to be in Los Angeles at the same time in March, so I saw him then as well twice actually. Once when I went to sign my housing contract, and the second time we were alone. I took him to the beach, and we kissed. When he tried to push a relation I shot it down. My priorities at that time were school and softball. I told him we'd bring it up during the summer. We never discussed anything, but he was seeing other girls. It honestly didn't bother me because as I stated before...we never set what we were. Auston on the other hand was going to turn into a green eyed monster if he found out I was talking with Cody. Things were different with Cody and I. He made it clear that he wanted to get to know me. It's why we talked on the phone, we literally asked each other the most random questions. He was being a friend because that's what you did when you were trying to date someone.

"Let me see your phone"

I handed her my phone and began braiding her hair.

"Auston sounds like a little player where as Cody sounds like a gentleman"

"Don't compare them" I told her.

"It's hard not to, they're both Athletes from Scottsdale, Arizona"

"Cody was raised in Chandler, Arizona" I corrected.

"Same thing, Arizona"

It was hard to not compare them, and I was trying my best because if i did there was a clear winner.

"Cody comes with a recommendation from your mom where as Auston comes from the insisting of his family"

She groaned as I pulled her hair.

"Pull all you want, but you will still hear my opinion"

Erin had no sort of filter, it's why I loathed her.

"Let's make a pro con list"

What she mean is she was going to make a pro con list.

"Let's start with Auston"

She reached for her iPad and opened up her notepad.



I went back to braiding her fishtail braid because I was not even halfway through her long ponytail.

"Are you going to say them out loud?" I asked when I heard nothing from her.

"You'll read them when I'm done"

I nodded and continued braiding my hair.

"How long has Auston had a crush on you?"

"Since I was four" I answered.

"So you met Alex in pre-k?"

Alexandria and I met on the first day of Pre-K when our teacher assigned our seats. We sat next to each other because of our last names, hers being Matthews and mines being Martinez. From then on until third grade we had the same teacher and sat either next to each other or with one or two classmates between us. My parents finalized their divorce and my mom got full custody of me. Shortly after my 9th birthday, mom packed up our stuff and we moved to California without dad. I spent the school year with my mom, and summer with my dad. Major holidays were to be switched up meaning if I spent Christmas with one parent I would spend it with the other the following year. Both of them remarried, and had a family of their own as well.

"Yes" I confirmed.

She hummed and I finished off her braid.

"Put on your shoes, so we can go eat something"

I did as told and followed her out of the room once my shoes were on.

"Are we eating here?" I asked.

"Yeah, ask Cody what there's to do here"

I looked at her.

"We've been here before" I told her.

"Do as told"

I sighed and did as told. Within a minute I was getting a phone call.

"Hello" I greeted.


Cody cleared his throat.

"What were you thinking about doing?"

"Eating" I answered.

I got an elbow to the ribs.

"Oh, well in that case I can help you. I ate out a lot during my time in Oklahoma City"

I smiled because he was only in OKC for about a month.

"What time is your game at?" I asked.

"In an hour"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" I wondered.

"I'm about to go inside the locker room actually"

A shout was heard.

"Kike says hi, he says nice triple"

"How nice of him" I said.

I looked at Erin who was grinning at me.

"I'll send you a quick list of the places I used to go to"

"Thank you" I told him.

"No problem, talk later?"

"Of course" I answered.

"I'll talk to you later then"

"Are you superstitious?" I asked.


"Well then good luck " I wished him.

"Thank you"

"No problem, bye" I stated.


I ended the call and Erin smiled.

"Girl, are you blushing?"

"I am not" I denied.

I was so blushing, but I was not about to confirm that. Instead I walked away from her and got some food. She found me just as I was filling up a mug with coffee.


I nodded and followed her to a table.

"What should we do?"

I looked at her.

"Let's go to the mall" I suggested.

She smiled.


"Yeah, it's tradition" I told her.

"Oh my god, I'm stuffed"

I nodded agreeing.

"Who suggested that restaurant?"

Erin wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Maddy's boyfriend"

I shook my head at her as my teammates looked at me.


Erin grinned and looked at me.

"Can I tell them?"

"You're going to tell them regardless" I replied.

She turned to the girls.

"It's not Auston"

Some of the girls grinned where as some sighed of relief.

"That's mean" I stated.

"No offense to him, he's talented and all"

Here comes the but.

"But all he will ever be is your friend"

"Why's that?" I asked.

Kelly, my little protege catcher smiled at me.

"Because you're not a trophy wife"

She shrugged lightly.

"He parades you around as if you were and we all know he's seeing other girls. Once he finds out you're talking with another guy he's going to flip and make you feel guilty"

I smiled and placed my hand on her shoulder, I was going to miss this girl.

"We're going to watch a movie, do you want to come over?" I asked.

"What are you watching?"

"Grease" I replied.

She nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be over once I shower"

"Sounds good" I told her.

The elevator door opened and I followed her inside. When Erin and I got to our room, I hopped into the shower where as she changed into her Pjs and looked for the movie.

"Found it"

I reached for my phone to see Auston had called me twice while I was having dinner with my teammates.

"I'll FaceTime him while we wait for Kelly" I said.

Erin reached for her phone.

"Then I'm telling her to hurry up"

I shook my head and opened my laptop.

"I thought you liked Auston" I told her.

"I did, but then I found out he was sleeping with other girls"

"We don't know that" I defended.

"He's still seeing other people"

I Facetimed Auston, and smiled as the call was answered

"Hi Aus-" I stopped when I realized it wasn't Auston.

A pretty brunette had answered the call.

"Hi, Auston's in the shower right now"

From the looks of it, she was not wearing clothes. I didn't recognize the room as well, so I had a feeling it was her room. Auston didn't own pink blankets, and neither did his sisters.

"I can have him call you back when he's out"

"It's alright, I'll call him some other time" I told her.

"I'll give him a message if you want?"

"No thank you, it's not important" I answered.

She was stunning, almost like she was a model.

"Thank you for offering though" I added.

"No problem"

"Ok, bye" I said.


I ended the call and looked up when Erin gasped.

"Are you fucking serious? More to add to the Con on the list"

There was a light knock and I stood up to answer the door.

"Sorry I took so long, I bring snacks"

"It's alright" I told her.

I closed the door just as Kelly smiled.

"So what did I miss?"

Erin scoffed and looked at me.

"Shall I tell her or will you?"

I said nothing.

"Do you want to see my pro con list I made on Maddy's two guys?"

Kelly nodded.


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