《》Judging template


The following will be rated...

•The cover: /5

Things to think about: is the cover unique? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Are you fond of the style?

•The blurb: /5

Does the blurb make you want to read the story? Is it intriguing?

•Readability: /10

Is the grammar and punctuation correct? Is the tense correct throughout?

•How well developed the characters are: /10

Do the characters feel like real, fully-fleshed individuals, or more like props in a story?

•The overall concept of the story- /10

How does the storyline flow? Does it feel as if the author has made a good effort in creating the concept?

•Creativity- /10

Is the story creative and different to others?

•How much it was enjoyed- /10

Would you want to read on or recommend to a friend? How was the reading process?

Overall score- /60

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