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The Billionaire's Rebellious Bride

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Author: Type:Female
Elena will do anything to save her terminally ill mother from dying. She has no choice but to plead for help from her wealthy ruthless grandfather, who brutally disowned her mother for marrying a poor man.
Her grandfather agreed to help. In one cruel condition - she has to marry the powerful Greek tycoon, Adonis Stavrakos.
Adonis is breathtaking in every way - gorgeous as sin and has a devastating effect on women.
BUT Elena hates him. He's as cruel and ruthless as her grandfather. His rules are the laws, and must be obeyed.
His strict order. The bride must wear white...
Driven with contempt, she rebelled and walked down the aisle in all BLACK - like attending her own funeral.
Another redhead beauty that will give many headaches to our sexy billionaire hero.
Let's have fun together, as we witness Adonis and Elena's journey in finding true love.
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