《Marinette Daughter of Batman》{Prologue}


(3rd POV)

Marinette has always been loved by everyone, whether it be friends, family or even strangers. Even though life was a bit harder because she was a mute, she still managed just fine. That was at least until SHE came along. Who am I talking about you may ask, well I am talking about the one and only Lila Rossi. When she first came along everything was fine, that was at first though. At first it was just a little bit of jealousy, because Lila was always around Adrien. There was a little lie here and there, but I mean they weren't hurting anyone, right? WRONG, the lies were affecting people, they just didn't know about it.

After a while things got worse. Lila started lying about Marinette after she tried to call her out on her lies. It started off with Lila putting the answer sheet of a test in Marinette's bag, then pretending to fall down the stairs and blaming it on Marinette, placing her necklace in Marinette's locker then saying she stole it, which then led to Marinette being expelled in front of her ENTIRE CLASS. Thanks to Adrien, she was reinstated in school, after Adrien convinced Lila to make another lie to get Marinette back in school.

Then it got even worse. Lila kept on making up lies about Marinette, until gradually, her friends began to take Lila's side and turn against her. First it was her classmates that she wasn't really close with, then her friends and eventually, her really close friends and best friends, even Alya and Nino left.

But thankfully there were still a few friends that believed her, Alix, Kim, Max, Nathaniel and Adrien stayed, because they didn't believe her lies and knew Marinette wouldn't do any of the things Lila said. Alix and Kim, because they knew her well. Max, because Markov convinced him otherwise. Nathaniel, because he used to have a crush on her. Lastly Adrien, because he knew Marinette was a good person. There were even some friends outside of class that still believed her, like Marc, Luka, and Kagami. Chloe ended up apologizing for the way she treated Marinette, and she forgave her. They all became closer as a friend group as a result, they even called themselves the MPS (Marinette Protection Squad).

Then it got to the point of physical bullying, it started with tripping her, kicking her or pushing her. Then it was full on beatings, not only was Lila doing it but her former friends as well. Some of them held her still, while others beat her. Unfortunately, the MPS couldn't do anything.

Slowly Lila's lies spread outside the class. People started to avoid her. It wasn't long before her parents found out too, because Lila came to the bakery to convince her parents as well. At the start they were a bit harsh on her, then came them being rough, and then eventually disowning her. When that happened, her parents shouted stuff at her like 'This is not how we raised you.' or 'How dare you be mean to such a nice girl' then 'We will not tolerate this behavior, you are now disowned. You have 10 minutes to pack your bags and go before we call the cops.' and lastly 'Thank goodness, you weren't our actual child.'


So that's what she did. She packed as much as she could in 10 minutes, which unfortunately wasn't much. She only got enough time to pack the necessities, like clothes, bathroom supplies, her phone, phone charger, shoes, and the miracle box. Then she ran out of there as fast as she could. She had nowhere to go, so she went to the park and sat on a bench.

Tikki started trying to comfort Marinette, without anyone knowing, but it wasn't working. She just wouldn't calm down. She couldn't believe that happened or that they believed Lila's lies over her. I mean, she just found out the people she lived with for her entire life weren't her real parents. It also made her wonder who her real parents were.

A few minutes later, she got a text message. She checked the Messager ID; it was her honorary uncle Jagged Stone. She answered the call, as it turned out he heard about Lila's lies and called to check on her. She told him about what happened, about her parents disowning her and that she wasn't even their kid. He offered for her to live with him, and she accepted. When she got to the hotel her Uncle Jagged was staying at, which so happened to be the same hotel Chloe's father owns, she went to his room and knocked on the door.

Jagged opened the door and she came in, he then let her unpack and get settled, along with telling her to get some rest, because she had school the next day. So, she went to her new room and unpacked. After she unpacked everything, she collapsed on her new bed and slept, figuring she would tell her friends what happened at school the next day.

The next morning, she didn't want to get out of bed. She eventually got ready and left for school after bidding her uncle goodbye. When she got to school, she went straight to her group of friends avoiding everyone else. She then explained to the MPS what happened the previous day. Then it was time for class. Class ended up being boring because she already knew all of it, she felt it took forever, but at the same not long enough. Too long because she was bored, not long enough because she dreaded what would happen at lunch time.

When class was dismissed for lunch, she left as quickly as possible, wanting to avoid her class and what they might do. She went to the cafeteria and sat at a table waiting for the MPS to come. She just started eating her lunch, when out of nowhere someone bumped into her making her spill her lunch. She then heard laughing and realized who did it. It was Lila, just the person she was trying to avoid. Lila then proceeded to call Marinette mean names, knowing she couldn't do anything about it.

She than got up and ran to the bathroom. She ran into one of the stalls closing it and locking it behind her. She then sat on the toilet seat crying. Tikki then flew out to calm down Marinette, she tried telling her not to listen to Lila, but nothing was working. Then out of nowhere an Akuma appeared, Marinette then quickly calmed herself down after noticing the Akuma. After the Akuma left, she heard knocking on the stall door. After hearing the people ask if she was okay, she realized it was Chloe and Alix asking her if she was okay (they had a secret knocking system so they could still communicate even without seeing each other).


After knocking that she was okay, she opened the stall door. Her friends after seeing her asked what happened, so she told them, in sign language (a few of her friends understood sign language because of her, Chloe and Alix just happened to be a couple of them).

After that they all went back to the cafeteria to sit with the rest of the MPS. When they sat down the girls explained what happened to the rest of the MPS. They then proceeded to comfort her, and tell her not to listen to Lila. They then continued lunch.

{Time Skip To the End of School That Day}

The school bell finally rang signaling the end of the school day. After waving goodbye to her friends, she started to walk back to the hotel her new home. On the way to her new home, she was suddenly pulled into an alleyway she was walking past. She then looked around and quickly realized it was her classmates that pulled her into the alleyway. She also realized why and started to panic, they were going to beat her up.

Some of her classmates held her back, while the others either watched or started beating her. They were punching her, kicking her, anyway they could hurt her. After beating her up for a while to the point where she was lying on the ground bleeding, Lila walked up to her and whispered to her some very mean words. Eventually they all left, leaving her to bleed out on the ground.

A little while later she heard someone walking past the alleyway where she was lying on the ground. She then heard the person gasp because they noticed her, walking into her view she quickly realized the person was Luka. Her vision started to fade black around the edges and the last thing she heard before passing out was Luka calling for an ambulance.

{Time Skip to When She Wakes Up}

She heard mumbling, then she realized what they were saying. They were asking if she was okay but who they were asking she didn't know. Slowly she started to open her eyes, once her eyes were fully opened, she looked at her surroundings. She noticed the room she was in looked like a hospital room, she noticed the people in the room were the MPS and her Uncle Jagged along with her Aunt Penny and who looked to be a doctor.

A few minutes later they started to notice she was awake, the doctor walked up to her beside and asked how she was feeling. After the doctor asked a bunch of questions, the doctor left. After the doctor left her friends started to surround her asking if she was okay. She replied that she was fine.

{Time Skip to After She Got Released}

She was lying on her bed trying to pass the time as she waited for patrol, seeing as she missed the last patrol because of her being in the hospital. As she was waiting, she started to think, maybe it was time for her and Chat Noir to reveal their identities to each other. The more she thought about it the more she realized she was actually okay with it, even slightly curious. After a while of thinking she came to the conclusion it was time for the reveal. She decided to ask Tikki first though.

When she asked Tikki, she replied by saying it was her choice, whether she wanted to or not. She made up her mind she was going to reveal her identity on patrol to Chat Noir.

When time for patrol rolled around, she transformed into her costume and superhero alter ego, Ladybug. She went to the meeting place for their patrol. Not long after she arrived, Chat Noir arrived as well. She got his attention and they agreed she would take North while he took South. After patrolling for a while, they finished and met back at their meeting place.

When they arrived Ladybug, signed to Chat Noir that she thought it was time for them to reveal their identities to each other. Chat Noir then proceeded to get excited, and they agreed they would de-transform at the same time. They both closed their eyes and de-transformed. When they both opened their eyes they saw Adrien and Marinette. They started to freak out wondering how they didn't notice sooner.

Eventually when they calmed down, they both confessed their feelings for each other. Then Adrien asked Marinette on a date, and she agreed.

On their first date they liked it so much, they agreed to continue dating. Adrien then asked Marinette to be his girlfriend, she freaked out so much she thought it was a dream, she then started nodding her head crazily it was a miracle her head didn't fall off. After she calmed down, she started to reflect over the past and how much her life had changed. She thought about how she was disowned by her parents, what happened to her real parents, moving in with her Uncle Jagged and everything else. She then realized that her life would never be the same again, whether it be for the better or worse she had no idea.

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