《Marinette Daughter of Batman》{1. The Announcement}



'Past Dialogue'

*Sign language*


(Marinette's POV)

"-arinette, Marinette WAKE UP!" Tikki shouted at me. I didn't want to get out of bed, the blankets had accepted me, I didn't want to lose their trust. But I knew I had to get up, so I got out of bed and got dressed (outfit at the top). Usually, I wear one of my designs but today I felt like doing something different. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm a fashion designer my brand name is MDC.

I then applied some light make up, like a bit of eyeliner, mascara, and some lip gloss. I got all my stuff for school and put them in my bag. I left my room to go get some breakfast, when I got to the kitchen, I saw my Uncle Jagged. I waved at him to say hello.

"Good morning, my little rockstar. Did you sleep well?" Uncle Jagged asked me. I responded with a thumbs up. "That's good, I heard that there will be an announcement by your teacher at school today." I was now confused; ^we don't usually have announcements in class. I wonder what happened? ^ I thought.

*Where's Aunt Penny?* I signed to him. "Oh, she went out to run some errands." He responded. After that I quickly made myself some breakfast, and ate, knowing if I took longer, I would be late. I then put my dishes in the sink and waved goodbye to my honorary Uncle Jagged. I ran out the door and started running to school.

A few minutes later I arrived at school, I walked to my classroom. When I opened the door, I spotted my friends and instantly went to them. "Hey Mari." My friends said at the same time. I waved at them in response. Adrien then walked over to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Good morning, Mari" Adrien said. *Good morning, Adrien.* I signed to him.

"Hey, did you guys hear there's going to be an announcement?" Alix asked. "Yeah, I wonder what for?" Chloe responded. After a while of talking the bell rang, meaning it was time for class. The door opened and Mrs. Bustier walked in. "Good morning class" she said. "Good morning Mrs. Bustier." The class responded.

"As you may or may not have heard, I have an announcement to make." There were a few noises of affirmation from the class. "Well, it is something exciting. Thanks to Bruce Wayne, there will be a writing competition, the essay will be done by the class president, it will be about their classmates and what they have achieved, and the winning class will receive a trip to Gotham." At that there were cheers throughout the classroom, they were all excited.

"But Mrs. Bustier, Marinette is the class president and will probably write a bunch of mean things about us. I mean she bullies me every day." Of course, Lie-la had to speak and ruin everything. The class made various, noises of agreement with her. "It has to be done by Marinette, I'm sorry Lila, but I can't change that." Mrs. Bustier responded. The class was not happy about that, but they stayed quiet.

"The due date for the essay is in a month on September 1st, and the winner will be announced on October 1st." Mrs. Bustier continued. "Okay now that the announcement is over, it's time to continue the lesson." Mrs. Bustier then went on with the lesson.

I was bored out of my mind, but also trying to pay attention. She's teaching stuff I already know. But Lie-la also kept on interrupting with her lies. After what seemed like forever, class finished for lunch. I walked with my friends to the cafeteria, then got a tray of lunch and sat at a table.


My friends and I started talking about the class trip, well they were talking, and I was signing. This continued to the end of lunch. When the bell rang, we made our way back to class. Once we sat down the lesson continued and I continued to be bored out of my mind, to the point where I could have committed murder. Finally, the bell rang for the end of the day.

I grabbed my stuff and exited the classroom. After waving goodbye to my friends, I started to make my way home. I avoided the alleyways as much as possible remembering the incident a few months ago. A while of walking later, I made my way to the mansion that Uncle Jagged bought a while after I moved in with him and Aunt Penny.

How there was a mansion of this size in Paris I have no idea. I made my way inside the mansion I call my home and searched for Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny. I kept on searching till I found them in the kitchen. They were talking with each other, I knocked on the wall to let them know I was there.

They turned their attention to me, pausing their conversation. "Hi Mari, how was school?" Aunt Penny asked. I gave her a thumbs up in reply. "So little rocker, what was the announcement for?" Uncle Jagged asked. *It was about an essay writing competition; the class president has to write an essay about their class, the winning class will get to go on a trip to Gotham, thanks to Bruce Wayne.* I signed to them.

"Oh, Bruce Wayne, I haven't seen him in a while, he's an old friend of mine. I wonder how he's doing?" Uncle Jagged said. That surprised me, ^Uncle Jagged was friends with Bruce Wayne! Bruce Wayne is like the richest person in the world.^ *How did you meet each other?* I signed to him. Honestly, I was curious how they met. "Oh, we went to the same school, Gotham Academy, we were in the same class, and we became friends after meeting in class." Uncle Jagged replied.

I was surprised again; ^they were in the same class. What are the odds?^ After getting over the surprise, I told them I would be in my room starting on the essay. I went to my room and sat down at my desk.

I began to write my essay, I started with planning the essay with bullet points and what I was going to write. A few hours later, I finished writing my essay. After reading it over to check for mistakes, I attached it to an email and sent it to Bruce Wayne. I was excited to see what would happen, although I hoped my class would win.

After sending the email, I realized it was time for patrol. I transformed into my alter ego, Ladybug. I then went to find Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny. They found out about my being Ladybug about a month into living with them. It went like this.

(Imagine this as her outfit but with her hair and mask normal.)


I heard screaming, I knew what that meant. There was an Akuma, I looked outside my window and saw people running all over the place trying to escape the Akuma. I knew I had to act fast, or someone would get hurt. I let Tikki out of my purse and she flew out waiting for my sign to transform. *Tikki, SPOTS ON!* I transformed into Ladybug, hearing that strange music that happens when I transform.


Then I heard glass smash, I slowly turned around and saw Aunt Penny and Uncle Jagged standing there with their jaws touching the ground. "Oh, my goodness, y-you-you're Ladybug." Aunt Penny stuttered. "Hell yeah, my rock and roller niece is Ladybug." Uncle Jagged exclaimed.

*Please don't tell anyone.* I signed, slightly freaking out. "Don't worry Mari, we won't tell anyone." Uncle Jagged responded. *I need to go defeat the Akuma, I'll explain when I come back.* I signed quickly, to which they both nodded in agreement. I then left to defeat the Akuma.

After I defeated the Akuma with Chat Noir, I de-transformed and then explained everything to Aunt Penny and Uncle Jagged. Mostly how I got my miraculous and why, along with how it works.

End of Flashback

I left for patrol, after telling them. It only took a few minutes to get to our meeting spot, which is the Eiffel Tower. Not even a second after I arrived, did Chat Noir arrive. *Hi Chat Noir* I signed to him. "Hello, M'lady" He responded, bowing dramatically to kiss my hand.

I silently giggled. *You're such a flirt Chat.* "Only to you Princess." I shook my head in amusement. *Okay, enough flirting for now. We need to start our patrol, we can talk later.* He pouted but gave in. "Fine." *Okay, so you take west I'll take east. Then we'll meet back here to report.* He nodded his head in agreement. "Okay, I'll see you soon." I nodded my head. With that we set off to start our patrol.

A few hour later and I was almost finished. I hadn't spotted any Akuma's but I had stopped a lady from being robbed, saved a cat that was in a tree for some reason ^Talk about cliche. ^, saved a person from drowning ^Don't know why, because it's nighttime. Like what where they doing in the water anyways? It shall forever remain a mystery.^ and stopped a dog from being run over by a car.

I was now waiting for Chat Noir ^more like Kitty Noir^ to arrive for report. He then showed up. *Report.* "No Akuma's spotted, saved a person from being run over by a car, stopped a robbery, and returned a lost kid home." *I stopped a lady from being robbed, saved a cat that was in a tree, saved a person from drowning, and stopped a dog from being run over by a car.* "Wow, that's... yeah I don't have words for that." * I know. Although it was a bit cliche for me to save a cat from a tree and what was a person doing in the water at this time. Whatever the reason, it shall be a mystery that will never be solved.* He laughed softly at my words.

We talked for a while longer until I suddenly yawned. I checked the time on my yoyo and saw we had been talking for about an hour, it was 1 o'clock in the morning. *I should probably get going, we have hell tomorrow. Sorry, I meant school.* He chuckled. "Yeah, we wouldn't want to be late for the torture from Lie-la and her sheep." I silently chuckled. *Night Chat, see you tomorrow.* "Night Princess."

With that I went back home to sleep, or at least try to. Considering I usually wake up from a nightmare, I'm practically an insomniac. When I arrived back home, I did my night routine and flopped on my bed. (Everybody do the flop! Comment if you get it.) I started to drift off to sleep when I suddenly jumped because of a nightmare. ^Welp, I guess it's going to be another sleepless night. I'm also going to need some coffee.^

The next morning, I got out of bed and did my morning routine. I really didn't want to get out of bed though, it meant I had to go to school. ^I can already tell today is gonna suck.^ I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I then saw Uncle Jagged walk in. *Morning Uncle Jagged.* "Hi Mari, don't you mean good morning?" *No, if it was a good morning I would still be in my bed.* He chuckled while shaking his head in amusement.

I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink. I then quickly made myself a travel cup of liquid life, also known as coffee. *Goodbye Uncle Jagged. Tell Aunt Penny I hope she has a good day.* "Bye Mari, I will." With that I grabbed my stuff and walked out the front door to school.

{Time Skip to Her Arriving at School, brought to you by a lazy author.}

I arrived at school and started to look for my friends while sipping on my coffee. I soon spotted them waving at me. I walked over to them, and we started talking, or in my case signing and drinking my coffee, while walking to class together.

When we walked into the classroom the first thing we heard was sobbing. We looked at the source and it was Lie-la crying crocodile tears. I think we all had the same thought. ^What lie is it this time.^ We all rolled our eyes. We then made our way to our seats at the back. I only just sat down next to Chloe when Alya stopped up to us.

"Mari-trash how dare you do that to Lila." I rolled my eyes. *What did I do now?* If I could talk I would have used sarcasm. "You know what you did." *Actually, no I don't. If I knew I wouldn't be asking you.* "You texted her to her to jump of a bridge and drown." *I did? Wow, that's not very original... I should have said to jump into a volcano.* "How dare you say that about Lila. She is the sweetest person ever and she has never hurt anyone. You're just saying that because you're jealous." *Are you done? Anyway why would I be jealous, I have everything I could ever want. I have a family, a home, a boyfriend, friends and best of all, I'm not friends with a lying, bratty piece of trach like her.* "Why you-" She was cut off by the bell ringing and the teacher walking in.

"Everyone please take your seats. I have an announcement again. We will be having three transfer students joining our class. I expect you to treat them with kindness and respect. Allright, you can come in now." Mrs. Bustier said. The door then opened to reveal...


{Skipping the introductions}

"Allright, you may take a seat." Mrs. Bustier finished. Luka, Kagami and Marc walked up to the back and took a seat with the MPS. "You shouldn't sit with them, they're a bunch of bullies." Alya said. ^Oh, how clueless you can be Alya.^ They just ignored Alya deciding she wasn't worth it.

"Now that that's over it's time to start today's lesson." Mrs. Bustier said, then started the lesson. ^Blah Blah Blah I've already heard all this before, and one look from my friends says they have too.^

After forever of trying to pass the time, it was finally time for lunch. We went to the cafeteria, grabbed our lunches and sat at a table together. *So guys why didn't you tell us you were joining our class.* "It was a surprise." Luka responded. *Damn right it was, I swear I've never been more surprised in my life.* All of my friends laughed at that. We then continued our lunch blissfully.

{Time Skip to the end of the day}

I waved goodbye to my friends. I started to make my way back home when I heard screaming. I sighed ^Is it too much to ask for a break? Well, apparently it is because I never seem to get one.^ I hid in an alley and transformed. I made my way to where I could tell people were running from. When I got there I saw Lady Wifi.

I started to engage her in battle. Since she knows she can't use her abilities to take off my mask and reveal my identity, she uses it to freeze me in place for her advantage. I go to punch her in the face but she freezes my feet to the ground and punches me. She continues laying punch after punch, and kick after kick. She then prepares herself to pause me to take my miraculous, but she gets distracted by Chat Noir showing up and accidentally un-pauses me.

I help Chat Noir to fight her. I then call on my lucky charm and make a plan. After using my plan to take down Lady Wifi, I de-akumatize her and throw my lucky charm into the air reversing all the damage. Although, sadly for me the miraculous cure stopped working on me a while ago, so I will still have some bruises. After saying pound it, I made my way to an alleyway and de-transformed. I then walked home and when I got there I was exhausted. I waved at Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny, then went to my room and collapsed on my bed.

^It had been a long day and I had spent it without sleep, relying on my precious coffee. I defeated an Akuma with Chat Noir and Alya had a hissy fit. On the bright side the rest of my friends are now in my class, so I have all my friends in my class.^ I thought in exhaustion. I then proceeded to pass out from sleep deprovision from not sleeping for two weeks.

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