《Fix Your Attitude (Kylo Ren x Reader)》Only Good Girls


"Minks, this is Chief Engineer Sam Foster."

Without hesitation, Minks strangled Sam's hand with her own, arm bouncing as she pulled him into an enthusiastic handshake. "Foster, nice to meet you!" she said. "Minks Loren, second engineer, reporting for duty! Sir!"

Sam winced through his smile, rubbing his wrist when his hand was released. "Ah--so nice to meet you!" he said. "Let me go over a few things about Starkiller base before you get started."

"Yes, sir!" she said, following Sam back to his terminal.

Over his shoulder, Sam shot you a wide-eyed look, and you shrugged, grinning. He probably figured he'd never meet a person more cheerful than he was--he was getting a taste of his own medicine. As you watched him, you couldn't deny that there was something attractive about the way he stood behind Minks, leading her through the basics of his old assignment. Something about his confidence--so self-assured, so certain in his knowledge and skill. You ran your fingers over the ghost of your bruise. He deserved better than you.

Sighing, you turned back to your own terminal, heart twinging with jealousy when you heard Minks' laugh echo into the ceiling. Maybe someone like her. You swallowed a lump, scrolling through the work orders on your screen. While you picked off the ones you'd address today, you felt a tap on your shoulder, and jumped, spinning to face the intruder.

"Hey," Sam said, a warm smile on his face. "You're back."

You nodded, blushing already. "It was an awkward ride," you said. Commander Ren had flown the ship in complete silence while Minks sat next to you in the passenger area, producing an endless string of compliments regarding the shuttle's construction. "But yeah, I'm back."

His brow furrowed, and he cupped your cheek, skimming the bruise on your jaw. "Dang," he said, "what happened here?"

"Oh," you said, resisting the urge to rip his hand away--as if he'd figure out its origin just by touching it. "Just slipped and fell. Clumsy me!" You shrugged and rolled your eyes, like this was something you said all the time.

"Weirdo," he said, patting your shoulder.

"Takes one to know one," you said, sticking out your tongue. He laughed, and you suppressed a face-breaking smile. Be casual. "Hey, look," you said, "about our rela--"

"Foster!" called Minks' voice, and she came bounding towards your terminal. "Oh my stars, you have to come here! I just found the funniestlittle mistake!"

He raised an eyebrow, smirking. "All right, calm down," he said, and made his way back over to his terminal. When he passed Minks, she winked at you, making a thumbs-up as she pointed at his back before following him.

Breath stopped in your chest, the docking bay extending out miles before your eyes. Minks didn't know. As far as she was concerned, Sam was fair game. Behind your sternum, your heart was withering, a spiral of unwanted, angry thoughts swirling through your head. The nameless, faceless woman your insecurity had always pictured with Sam was losing her anonymity.

You shook your head. No, Sam had even said it--his feelings hadn't changed. He liked you. An adorable gleam of starshine like Minks Loren wouldn't affect that--right?

Obsessing would be a waste of your time, regardless. You gathered your focus and returned to your work. For once, you had a list of orders that didn't involve the Command Shuttle--of course, there were those post-flight checks you were putting off, but you were certain that if you spent one more work day running through basic inspections, you'd be sent to the psych unit.


Keeping your insecurity in check was difficult when your concentration was so frequently interrupted by the ringing bell of Minks' laugh. It wasn't like you were mad at her--after all, in some way, it was your fault from the beginning when you deliberately kept her blindfolded to your affairs. Despite that, you continued to remind yourself: Sam's feelings hadn't changed. Sam's feelings hadn't changed.

When your shift was up, you dragged your courage by its ankles to Sam's station, your stomach flipping with every step. It should be simple to just talk to him, maybe tell him you were feeling insecure. But he had no idea how complicated you'd made the situation. Bringing up the possibility of a relationship felt dishonest when just two weeks prior you'd been bleeding, moaning, and cumming around Kylo Ren's cock. Then again, it had been two weeks... that was like, almost half a month.

"Hey, Sam," you said, pinching his shoulder.

He turned, a grin already on his face. "Hey there, weirdo," he said. "First day back on your assignment go okay?"

"Yeah," you said. Between Finalizer missions and your probation, you hadn't so much as touched anything outside of the Command Shuttle in weeks. "It was nice, actually. Glad to see you didn't mess up too much while I was gone."

"Did my best," he said. "We can't all be superstars like you." He winked.

Your cheeks burned. "Ha-ha," you replied, glancing at your feet. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Sam leaned back onto his terminal, eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah? Shoot."

Just talk to him. "Well, it's about you and me, actually," you said. "I've been--"

"Hey!" came Minks' voice from behind a ship. Her knack for interrupting important moments was unparalleled. "Foster! Could you come here?"

"One second!" Sam replied over his shoulder. He looked at you. "Let me go check this out."

You bristled. "But, actually, that's exactly what I was--"

He was already moving toward her. "No, really, I'll--I'll be right back. Seriously."

You watched him disappear behind the ship, taking more than a second. In fact, you'd stood there for a good two minutes before you heard a peal of laughter--both of them, wound up in some clearly hilarious joke. Well, that wasn't fair. You liked to joke too. Before you realized it, your hands were rolling into fists, your jaw tightening, your feet carrying you out of the docking bay into the exit hall. Sam couldn't spare you a second of the day with Minks in the picture. Perhaps your insecurity was onto something. But that was fine. There was someone who made time for you.

When you arrived at the command center's doors, the two Stormtroopers on standby regarded you with faint recognition, like they hadn't seen you at least twice before while under strange circumstances.

"Let me in," you said. "Official, uh, Command Shuttle business, and stuff."

One trooper shifted on his feet. "Commander Ren made no mention of expecting an engineer."

You rolled your eyes. "He's always expecting me," you said. "Are you gonna let me through, or will he have to find out that you delayed my report?"

Intimidated by your confidence, the trooper moved to drop his blaster, but his partner wasn't as convinced. "I'll have to check with Commander Ren before letting you pass," he said. "He's very busy."

"Fine," you said, shrugging.

The trooper clicked his heels and marched into the center. You faced the remaining soldier, eyebrow cocked as you tapped your foot. It was only a few moments before the door opened, revealing not the trooper, but Kylo Ren, fists characteristically balled. The trooper was feet behind him, shoulders crowded in embarrassment, speaking quickly.


"Sir, I'm sorry, but she was just an engineer, I didn't know if she'd be worth your ti--"

"This engineer could spend an hour prattling on about tauntauns and still would have wasted less of my time than you already have," said Kylo Ren, mechanical voice betraying no emotion.

Heat flushed your cheeks, and you suppressed a grin. Was that a compliment?

"Very sorry, sir, won't--"

Kylo Ren had already stopped listening. "Come," he said--to you, you assumed--as he strode back into the command center.

"Uh, yep--yes sir," you said, eyes locked on the floor while you trailed his heels.

All eyes in the center drifted toward you as you followed Kylo Ren--to certain death, you were sure they thought. You wanted to paint over the crimson growing on your face, to drain the lump forming in your throat--believing if they spotted your anxiety, they'd figure it out, they'd smell your guilt, they'd know why you came. He led you into a conference room, or what you figured was a conference room, you really had no clue what any of the self-important blowhards did there.

You shut the door behind you, your muscles overcome with a sudden stiffness, now that you were in a room with Kylo Ren. Alone. Were you really going to do this?

"Do what?" Kylo asked, mask tilting.

"Ugh, I hate you," you said, bopping yourself in the head. Stupid brain with its stupid loud thoughts.

"You request my company to berate me?" he said, turning away from you.

It was now or never. You took a breath and trapped it in your lungs. "T-take your helmet off."

The modulator muffled a chuckle. "No."

The anger wrought from your self-doubt and rejection boiled into fumes. "Stop being an ass and take the fucking helmet off, dude!"

Silence arrested all movement between you. Kylo Ren's dagger-gaze prodded you from behind his mask, looking to identify any hint of your intentions. Something told you that your shaking limbs and chin were giving you away. Gloved hands rose to the latches and popped them, the snout disengaging with a familiar sibilance. He pulled the helmet from his head and laid it on the sleek black plane of the conference table. You chewed your lip, warmth glowing in your belly. How did you manage to forget it every time?

"Forget what?" Kylo Ren said, brown eyes glittering gold with mischief.

You couldn't bring yourself to say it--so you thought it, as loud as you could, trembling from your boldness. How fucking beautiful you are.

A near-imperceptible lip twitch, and his gaze narrowed. "Tell me what you want," he said, moving toward you.

His presence filled the room, suffocating you, stopping your heart mid-beat. Every step he took was predatorial, bearing down on you with the precision of a hunter, until he loomed over you, toes centimeters from your own, chest so close that you both would touch with a deep enough breath. You scanned his body, heart pounding, palms sweating from the impending reality of your desire. Swallowing your fear, you met his stare--as intense as it had ever felt--and licked your lips.


Kylo Ren smirked. "I know."

Unable to decide between indignant and patronized, you eschewed both, and instead opted to hook your fingers into his belt, pulling yourself into him while you boosted yourself on your tiptoes to meet his lips with your own. Your kiss was hungry and demanding as you sought to memorize his mouth with your tongue. Kylo's leather hands flanked your face, digits delving into your hair while he pressed into you, forcing you backwards, hitting the wall.

You groaned against his lips, writhing underneath him while you slid your tongue along his teeth, seeking to know every part of him, needing him to want you--to need you. Kylo drew in a breath through his nose and pushed deeper, like he wanted to fuse you with the wall, and your hands shot into his hair, a shiver running through you as you felt how soft, how luxurious it was in your fingers. Another soft groan rumbled in your chest, and--having distant, fuzzy deja vu--you wrapped the tendrils of his hair around your digits and yanked it.

Kylo moaned at that, pulling away, waves of harsh breath crashing over him. His blackened eyes darted across your face, switching between your lips and eyes. "I see we have a naughty girl here," he said.

"Very," you said, and tugged his hair again, bringing him to your mouth once more.

He smirked against you and his hands fell to your hips, roaming the swell of your curves before gripping the underside of your thighs and hiking you onto the wall. Immediately, the aching length in his pants ground into your center while his tongue fought its way into your mouth. Without you having to think, your legs circled him, and your hips were grinding back, pursuing any friction and heat you could find.

You peeled away to catch a breath, hands resting in his hair, and his lips went to work on your neck, suckling and nibbling the skin there. "Mmm, fuck..." you said, nuzzling his head with your own. "I want you so fucking bad."

Hiding a groan, Kylo's grip bruised your hips as he bucked into you. "You want me to fuck you, slut?" he said, breath hot on your neck. "Didn't get enough of my cock last time?"

"Fuck no," you said, meeting his hips as best you could.

Kylo growled and bit the tender flesh between your neck and shoulder, sucking an angry, puckering red mark into it while your hips continued to roll together. "How do you want to be fucked, hmm?" His tongue drew a wet line to your ear, and he whispered into it. "Tell me."

You pulled at his scalp, whining from lust. "However you want to fuck me, Commander."

"Then I'll take you right here," he murmured.

He unlocked your legs from around his waist and pinned them up between your bodies, hands working at the fasteners on your pants. Once he finished, he dragged them--and your panties--over your ass and up your thighs, your spread legs held together only by fabric, exposing your wet cunt to the cold conference room air. You whimpered, and his fingers found your slick lips, skimming across them and making you shudder.

"Shit," you said, wiggling against his touch. "Please, please..."

"Look at you," he said, failing to cover the huskiness in his voice, "so wet, pleading for me like a needy whore."

"If it'll get you inside me," you replied, grinning.

Kylo Ren glanced up from looking between your legs to then meet your eyes, holding them in his stare while his hands worked at his own pants. The angle he had your thighs at obscured your sight, but you felt it-- his grip back on your hips, and the hot, thick length of his cock, sliding between your slit, grazing your throbbing bud. Your head fell back into the wall and you moaned, walls pulsing, hips shifting with all your strength for more connection.

"Fuck yes," you said, biting your lip as you stared back at him. Your mind flooded with images of his dick slamming deep into you, wanting him drunk on lust.

It seemed to work--his cheeks were flushing red, breath hitching while you silently screamed for him, his eyes leaping over your body, his member thrusting up your slit as he tried to pacify his desire. You moaned through your lip-bite, heart swelling--you weren't so unwanted after all. Look at the power you had over Kylo Ren, the most terrifying man in the galaxy. Irrationally, stupidly, the thought flashed in your mind--this'll show Sam.

Kylo froze, hands attempting to curl into fists while they were still buried in your flesh. You winced, whimpering, and his eyes raked over your figure until they met your gaze. Hunger was in his irises--but you didn't know if it was hunger for you, or your blood. Shallow breath passed between you both.

"That's why you came here?" he said, eye twitching. "A self-esteem boost?"

The severity of his tone made you shudder. You wished you could put a muzzle on your thoughts. "Well, I mean--"

"You think I'm your fuck-toy?" he rasped, the corner of his lip daring to quirk in a derisive grin. "No. You said it yourself. You're mine."

You had no time to respond before he was pulling off your shoes and dropping your legs, flinging all of your bottoms onto the floor as you were tacked to the wall by the Force. His hands hastily worked at the buttons on your top, leaving your shirt to hang open while he lowered the straps of your bra down your shoulders to allow easier exposure of your tits. When he was finished, you hung half-naked from the wall, chest heaving, nipples hard, wetness threatening to slide down your spread thighs. Kylo Ren devoured you with his eyes, jerking his cock as he stood in front of you.

"Yes," he said. "I'd like to remember you just like this. Dripping, aching, on display for me--only for me..."

Another whimper escaped you as you wriggled against your invisible restraints. "Kylo--please," you said.

He stared at your cunt, lips parted while he stroked himself. "Poor thing. Still want my cock, do you?"

You nodded, swallowing the saliva filling your mouth.

"That's nice," he said, and raised an eyebrow. "But now I'm not sure I believe you."

In your mind, it didn't matter what had brought you here The kissing and dry-humping had driven your arousal through the roof regardless. You watched his hand run back and forth over his length, cunt clenching when you remembered what it felt like inside of you. Breath rattled your ribs when you spoke.

"What can I do to convince you?" you said.

Kylo Ren considered you for a long moment, eyes drifting over you while he rubbed his cock. Then, in an instant, he was hovering over you, his mouth marking you, teeth leaving goosebumps in their wake. His member slipped along your pussy again, and you moaned, helpless under his will. One of his hands was on your breast, kneading it, leather catching on your nipple. The other hand skipped over your side, fingers drawing five shivering lines down your exposed flesh. Then he wedged himself between your bodies, dipping low to cup your sex.

Your teeth dug into your lower lip, wanting to plug as many noises as possible. His hand rested there for a moment, feeling your heat through his gloves, his mouth moving from your collarbone to the line of your jaw--passing over, you noticed, your bruise. The longing to grind down onto him was overwhelming, but all of your strength wasn't enough to budge you an inch.

"Is this what you want?" he mumbled against your skin.

"Yes!" you cried without hesitation.

This evoked a pleased huff from him as he pulled apart your folds and dragged the leather pads of his digits over your clit--maddeningly slow. You growled in frustration, sweat gathering at your hairline as you struggled against the Force, to no avail. His digits pushed back, guiding your clit along the crevice between them while he teased your nipple. Another loud, desperate whine from you, and he nuzzled you.

"Shh," he said, kissing your neck. "You want the command center to hear you begging for me? Want Hux to hear you screaming my name as I make you cum on my fingers?"

You sighed--a sound equal parts frustration and concession. "No, no sir," you replied.

"I thought so," he said, burying his face back into the crook of your neck, his thick hair soft on your skin.

Finally, finally, he slid two fingers into your cunt, eliciting a quiet gasp from you. Then he began rocking the heel of his palm on your clit while he curled his digits inside of you, stroking that sweet spot of raised flesh. Your lids were squeezed tight, lips pinched together, rubbing your head against his as the heat from his mouth grew sweat on your neck. Kylo was working fast, building the pressure inside of you in record speed, warm heat rushing out over your skin. Your walls throbbed around him, heart pounding, and he added a third digit, pinching your nipple with his other hand--sending stars shooting behind your lids.

"Fuck, Kylo," you hissed into his ear. "Fuck--please--"

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