《Fix Your Attitude (Kylo Ren x Reader)》This Is Your Punishment


There was something strange about waking up in a bed that wasn't yours. Not that you'd call the cot yours, and you didn't have a strong bond to the room on Starkiller, either. Maybe it was the knowledge that Kylo Ren was down the hall, that these were his quarters. If you'd been asked to predict your future, you would have never considered that one of the most powerful men in the galaxy would be not only fucking you, but offering you a bed.

As you rolled up from the mattress, you yawned, rubbing your eyes. The other curiosity was that you'd had an interaction with him where he hadn't so much as touched you. And that he'd complimented your skill as an engineer. As if his sexual interest (obsession?) wasn't confusing enough.

You shimmied into your clothes, vowing to change later after you left your post. Sighing, you tidied up the bed before sneaking out of his quarters, not knowing if Kylo Ren was awake or not--and not wanting to disturb him if he wasn't.

Between the extended walk to the docking bay and your lack of alarm, you weren't surprised when you arrived 40 minutes late to your post. What did surprise you was Jakar Saul standing around your terminal, casting a search around the bay. Gulping, you met his gaze and nodded in acknowledgement, crossing your arms as you stopped to meet him.

"Uh, what can I help you with, sir?" you asked, scrutinizing your toes.

Jakar sighed. "You don't need to call me 'sir'," he said.

"Could've fooled me, the way you barely spared me a word, yesterday," you replied. Your cheeks tingled with indignity.

"I didn't want anyone to think you were about to get special treatment," he said. "Especially with--"

"With the accident, I know," you said, shooting him a glare. At least you didn't have to hear about it every day on Starkiller. "I got it. Loud and clear. I fucked up. It's known. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. Understood. Copy on--"

"Okay, okay, enough," he said, massaging his temples. "Look, I know you don't have any responsibility other than the Command Shuttle, so I can't really call myself your boss. But you can't just arrive at the bay forty minutes after your start-time."

You pursed your lips, nudging him to the side as you logged into your terminal. After a few taps, you pulled up your singular work-order: engine check. "I have one thing to do today," you said, brows drawn low. "You're lucky I showed up at all."

Jakar leaned against the wall, mouth a thin line. His eyes drifted between you, the terminal, and the shuttle. "They haven't been letting you do anything," he said.

"Yeah, no shit," you said, rolling your eyes. "I'm surprised you didn't figure it out after Guerrin was relocated here."

"He doesn't work on this bay," Jakar said. "His post is working on the thrusters for the ship itself. Age and experience count for something, I guess."

"Lucky," you said. Star Destroyers were so well-built that any position made for maintaining their engines was a pass to nap the shift away. "But, yeah. He made my coworker the Chief Engineer. So. Y'know. I'm just doing the shuttle thing."

Jakar grimaced. "That's a damn shame," he said. "Can't think of a better--"

A tiny voice called your name. You both turned to identify the source, and saw Minks, grinning as she made her way over to the diagnostic terminal. Apparently, your post was the place to be today.


"I see you two have met," Jakar said, voice low. "Loren's sharp. Needs some guidance, but sharp."

"Hello, Jakar," Minks said, as she came up on the two of you. Her hair was bouncing behind her. "You aren't giving her a hard time, are ya?"

"Not at all, Loren," he said, grinning at you. "Just catching up." He looked between the both of you and raised his hands, moving onto the next area. "But, I think my time is up. I leave you both to it."

"Bye," you said, relief flickering in your heart. At least Jakar didn't think you were total garbage. "Hey, Minks."

"Hey!" she replied, bending forward. She tossed her head over her shoulders, looking for eavesdroppers, and kept her voice soft. "So? Did you?"

You sighed. "I did."

Her mouth popped open. "And? And?"

Kylo Ren's eyes--looking for answers, coming up empty--flashed in your mind. "I don't know."

She bristled. "You don't know?"

"No," you said. You deleted your only work order and cracked your knuckles, moving toward the shuttle. Engine checks took all of five minutes.

"Well, how can you not know?" she asked, matching your stride.

The sound of your footfalls on the ramp sounded a bit louder than you would have liked. You went to the stern of the ship, drudging through the steps of gaining engine access. Minks hovered behind you, tapping her toe.

"He's normally such a jerk to me," you said. "Just uses me. But, when I went over last night, he didn't apologize, but--he told me I was a good engineer? And asked me to sleep over?"

"Did you?"

"Uh," you said, leaning into the engine. The ion generators were clean. It would run just fine. "No. I just left. Wasn't interested in being used again." The end of your sentence was followed by what felt like two rocks squeezing your cranium, ears blocked by a shrill tone. You snapped out of the engine, grasping at your head as you slumped against the hull. "Fuck!"

"What?" Minks said, reaching for you as you batted her away. "What is it?"

Her question was answered by the tromping of boots up the ramp of the Command Shuttle. Still reeling with pain, you sunk to the floor, kneading the sides of your skull. The ringing ended, cut through by the sound of Kylo Ren's modulated voice calling your surname. You glanced up, catching the wide-open circle of Minks' mouth as she gawked at him.

"C-commander," you said, pulling yourself to your feet. "Long time no see, sir." You were a sucker for dramatic irony.

"I trust you're able to complete an engine check without serious injury," he said. Something in his voice was different.

"I try to," you replied.

"Commander Ren!" Minks said, standing at full attention. "Minks Loren--second engineer. Here assisting with engine checks. Sir."

Kylo Ren did not respond to her, the visor of his mask trained on you. "Report to me as you did yesterday," he said.

You blinked. He was asking you over again. "Um, oka--uh, yes. Yes sir."

In a tornado of black cloth, he was gone down the ramp again. You hadn't noticed you had been holding your breath until his footsteps became memories.

"Oh my stars!" Minks said, fists trembling with excitement. "That was really Kylo Ren!"

"Sure was," you replied, sighing and locking up the engine access.

"You must get to see him all the time!"


Heat flushed your cheeks. "Uh, you could say that, yeah."

"Is he always so--um, well... terse?" she asked, crossing her arms.

You chuckled. "That was him being nice."

The next hour was spent discussing diagnostic issues with Minks--she'd never seen an engine like the Command Shuttle's--and then you retired to your room, finally showering and changing your clothing. Kylo Ren had invited you to his quarters. Again. What was your life?

A humming peeper darted inside of your heart as you slunk through the halls of the Finalizer. You wouldn't mind sleeping in a comfortable bed again, but Kylo Ren's intentions were appearing more and more suspicious to you. The wad of anxiety that had wedged itself in your throat was bulging into your windpipe, shortening your breath. You preferred it when he came to you--the build-up of anticipation was short-circuiting your brain.

Once again, the doors to his quarters opened with little intervention on your part. And, once again, Kylo Ren was absent from the entrance. The desert in your mouth consumed your tongue before you could call out--being invited the first time was stressful enough. Halfway down the entry hall, no one appeared. You took this as an excuse to slip into the spare bedroom--maybe he didn't even want anything to do with you. But as you passed through the hatch, you heard him say your name, and ice gripped your feet.

"You're here," he said.

Clearing your throat, you turned, swiveling like a droid. "What else would I do?" you asked, meeting his gaze. A miniscule spark lit in your chest as you noted he was dressed in his underclothes again.

"You didn't have to," he replied.

A puff of derision left you. "Right, and you've always been so accommodating to my disobedience." You shrugged. "Either I show up, or you'll make me."

Kylo Ren said nothing. Looking into his eyes was like staring down a tunnel.

"What do you wa--"

Your sentence went unfinished as Kylo advanced on you, his long legs closing the distance in a blink--another blink, and his lips were on yours, his arms driving you into the wall, your wrists pinned above you despite the hands on your hips. His kiss was hot, desperate, mouth moving to sear marks onto your jaw and neck. You gasped for air, squirming underneath him, looking into his ceiling as he sucked your heartbeat, his fingers growing roots into your hips. You should have known.

As if you'd said it aloud, Kylo Ren pulled away, seeking out your gaze. His brown eyes had been flooded with black desire. "Why do you insist on saying that I'm using you?"

You glared at him. "What else would you call it when you fuck me and forget me?"

He was silent again as he released your hips and wrists, your arms falling lifeless at your sides. Like a ghost, he was gone, his door closing behind him. You were glued to the floor, lips buzzing, with possible minutes passing before you gathered the mindspace to move. Confusion was muddying your thoughts as you flopped onto the bed. That was new.

You stripped out of your clothes--the casual articles you were provided with on the Finalizer weren't exactly comfortable, anyway--and curled up under the covers, ignoring the echoes of arousal resonating through you. How much more confusing would it be if you sought him out after complaining? You couldn't deny your longing for him, couldn't deny that you loved how he fucked you--you just hated how he made you feel after the fact. Unwanted. Unimportant.

Despite that, you found your mind wandering--scenes of gagging on his dick, his hand grasping at your throat, the phantom pressure of him thrusting into your cunt sending a shiver coursing through you. The warmth between your legs was becoming harder to quarantine. You remembered your mantra--but you'd already screwed up, so, you know... might as well wait until you got back to Starkiller to start over your time limit.

Climbing out of the bed, your heart made an instrument of your ribcage. Possessed by either courage or lust, you chose to stay in your underwear, tiptoeing out of your bedroom into the dark hallway. Breath leaked out of you as you sidled up to his door, listening through the hatch. Despite the muffling of the metal, you could hear something beyond it--he was awake.

In the hopes he hadn't locked it, you pressed the switch next to the door. Your heart leapt when it flew open, the dim light from his room breaking into the hall. Hands shaking, you leaned into the room, and your mouth dropped open in shock.

Kylo Ren was lying on his back, still clothed--except for his cock, which was fully erect, his digits sliding up the underside as he caught your gaze. He said nothing, choosing instead to circle a finger around the head, his eyes hungry, daring you to come closer.

"Oh," you said. Lava had already begun to flow out from your center through your veins. Steadying yourself, you stepped forward, not lifting your eyes from his.

His chest swelled with air as he trailed the same finger down to the base of his cock, member twitching under his own touch. Your breath hitched, cunt clenching in want, and you drew nearer, swallowing the words and oxygen that had stuck in your throat. The faintest hint of a smirk graced Kylo Ren's lips, and now two digits were gliding up the underside of his long shaft, passing over the bead of pre-cum at his slit and slicking it around the head. Quakes of desire rattled your bones, and you moved closer still, now at the foot of his bed, focus switching between the black holes of his eyes and his thick, throbbing cock.

"Sit," he said, and like his puppet, you complied, kneeling at the end of his mattress. "There you go." His fingers wrapped around the length of his member, stroking it in pace with your labored breathing. You could see him shudder under his own touch, and you choked back a mewl. "You want this?" he asked.

"Yes," you replied, words passing over your tongue like an unexpected whisper.

"Yes?" he asked, slicking another drop of pre-cum down the shaft of his dick.

You nodded, licking your lips. "Yes, sir," you said, and went to reach for it, but found your muscles locked, bound by invisible chains.

"Tell me what you want me to do to you," he said, watching your eyes follow the hand on his cock.

Heat and blood bit at your face. A thousand images projected onto the screen of your mind. "I want you to fuck me," you said, breathless.

"How do you want me to fuck you?" he said, unable to mask the hunger in his voice. His thumb was teasing the head of his cock.

Your walls throbbed, even despite the Force. "I want you to fuck my throat," you said. "I... I want you to pound me against a wall."

Kylo Ren stopped a groan in his throat, pumping his dick faster, hips bucking in response. "Of course you do, little whore," he murmured. "I can hear you..." He sucked in a breath as the pace of his strokes increased. "You want me to choke you, don't you?"

A whimper escaped you. "Yes, yes sir," you said, the ache for him a physical weight on your chest.

You pictured him squeezing your neck as he slammed you against his door, sinking his teeth into the flesh of your shoulder, his cock wrecking your pussy as you screamed his name. Having absorbed your images and cravings, Kylo finally moaned aloud, jerking himself faster. Enjoying the effect your thoughts had, you continued, saliva filling your mouth as you imagined taking his cock to the back of your throat, hollowing out your cheeks, having him hold your head as he plunged into your esophagus.

"Shit," he hissed, thrusting into his hand. He continued to stare at you through half-lidded eyes. "Dirty little slut."

Electricity tore through your limbs as you watched him, walls pulsing with hunger, clit eager for his touch. "Sir, please," you whined, straining at the pressure of the Force. Your wetness was soaking your panties, leaking onto your thighs.

"I don't think you deserve to cum," he replied, head lolling onto his mattress. Another groan left him, hand moving faster along the slickened length of his shaft. "This is your punishment."

"Kylo!" you said, fighting harder at the hold he had on you. "Please!"

"Beg all you want," he said.

His grip tightened as he rubbed himself, eyes closing as he submitted to his own pleasure. His breath was coming quicker, his lips parted in ecstasy. Pre-cum trickled from his slit. You were helpless, drool dribbling from your mouth, able to only dream of what you wanted him to do with you-- you thought of him stretching you out, leaving you raw, sore, broken, bruises on your body--anything he wanted, as long as he let you cum--

"Yes," he said, moaning your name, face taut with pleasure. He milked his cock, hand a blur over his shaft. "That's right..."

Your skin was crawling with lust, tears stinging your eyes. Gods, what you wouldn't give to fuck this man until you forgot how to walk. You pictured him pounding into you, an orgasm rending you apart, his cum pouring into your cunt until it dripped out of you--

"Fuck!" Kylo Ren growled your name as he came, white ropes of cum shooting from the twitching tip of his dick, hand working him through the end of his climax. He gasped for breath, eyes rolling in his head until he found your gaze. His hand was still on his dick, gently stroking him through the aftershocks. "Clean this up," he said, and the pressure around you was gone.

Silent, you jumped forward to gather the pools of his cum on your tongue, swallowing them like they would cure starvation. He tasted just as you had remembered--salty, sticky, warm--and though your clit was crying out, you ignored it in fear that he'd take this away from you. As you finished up the spots that had been flung onto his bed and clothes, you moved to his softening cock, moaning as you sucked away the excess seed that had spilled there. He pushed his fingers into your mouth, and you cleaned those, too.

"Good girl," he said, pulling away and running his hand through your hair. As he replaced his cock in his pants, you gazed at him with big, needy eyes. "Come here."

Heart pounding, you nodded, crawling up next to him, turning wooden as you laid in his bed. Everything in you still wanted his touch, his mercy--but this was new, unfamiliar territory with Kylo. You were afraid.

The lights bled into darkness, and Kylo dragged the sheets over the both of you, pulling you into his body. It was like you had imagined--strong, warm, solid--and internally, you were freaking out, confused, overjoyed. You wiggled backwards, wanting as much contact with him as possible. His arm looped around you, making you feel tiny, and his breath was hot on your ear.

"I don't forget you," he said, burying his face into your neck. "I never forget you."

You didn't know how to respond--but it didn't matter. Within minutes, he had fallen asleep against you, and you soon followed, lulled by the soft rhythm of his chest at your back.

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