《Behind this mask 2.0 (Rottmnt Donnie)》another one?!


"I..... W-was... Raped..... On my last mission...."


April's face was drained of color and her mouth was wide open in utter shock. she could not believe the words that left the purple turtle's mouth.

"you.. y-you were what..."

"you heard me april..."

"yeah but like... a-are you positive?"


April felt many feelings at once-anger, sadness, fear, pretty much all the bad ones. "How, and, and w-who?" She stuttered out

Donatello just sat in saddened silence refusing to answer either of the questions.

"Donnie, i-" April was shortly interrupted with a figure in the distance.

Nothing of them seemed noticeable, they wore a cloak with a yin and yang symbol on the back, they were... Stealing! But... Water bottles and food?

"Uhm, Donnie we gots a stealing situation over there" April pointes her finger at the figure running away swiftly

"Got it." Donnie stood up and reached for his tech bo... Where was it?! Oh no. HIS BATTLE SHELL! ITS GONE?! He must have forgotten it after the shower

"Gah! No! Perfect timing Donatello!" He facepalmed himself and ran as fast as possible after the grey cloaked figure

April charged after searching for a short cut to get ahead of them

"HEY YOU!, STOP NOW!" Donnie shouted out starting to feel tired

The figure looked back at him Donnie saw a pair- TWO?! PAIRS OF EYES STARING AT HIM?! one pair was green and the other pair a light blue

"WHAT??" Donnie blurted out and not paying attention he tripped and fell face first to the sidewalk his face just staring at the figure in utter shock

All of a sudden, he heard a loud shout "APRILLLLL O'NEIL!" and holy shit April swung a bat at the figures head, knocking them to he ground. Once they hit the ground, water, snacks, and other food fell out of their cloak


"YIN!" the figure shouted


"ah... Yeah I'm good."

Then a hand appeared and pushed themselves up... A three fingered hand?! It was a pale black with white striped running up the palm and the back of it.

Donnie looked confused and pulled off their hood

"A TWO HEADED TURTLE?!" Donnie yelped out and fell backwards


The turtles looked incredibly embarrassed and pulled the hood over their heads and tried to get up and run off, they grabbed all their stuff and disappeared into a crowd of people.

"Wait!" Donnie shouted out

"What did we say?" April looked slightly confused putting a hand on her hip with her head tilted to the side

Donnie rolled his eyes and got back up with the help of April's hand

"I thought we were the only turtles out there, I guess I was wrong. We need to report this to the others, and we need to find them, who knows if their evil or not" Donatello added on. "I think I've had enough to outside time." He sighed out and places a hand on the back of his head

"Alrighty then, let's go back to the lair" April ran over to the nearest sewer cover, looked around and opened it-ushering Donnie in with a hand gesture, she soon followed after him.

They both ran a while to reach the lair

Panting hard, they called out "MIKEY, RAPH, LEO!" Letting out an exhausted sigh they stopped in their tracks breathing heavily

"Donnie?!, April?!" The red clad turtle gave a concerned look and rushed over to them "what happened?!, Are you guys okay?"

April let out a sigh and spoke out "yeah we're good, but you'll never believe what we saw today!"


Donnie walked over to his room and took off his sweatshirt, he picked out a battle shell then threw it on. He walked back out into the living room where Michaelangelo, Leonard, Raphael, and April were sitting on the sofa waiting for Donatello to return

"As I was sayin, me and Don saw another turtle!.. turtles?... I don't know but either way there's another mutant out there just like you guys! But it's a black and white turtle with a one side of limbs green and the other yellow, and they had two heads!" April excitedly blurted out

Mikey's face lit up with joy and started shaking his hands then jumping up and down with absolute glee. "Really?! Omigosh! What if we're related?! Do we have another sibling?! Or is it siblings?!"

"Calm down Mikey, do you know what kind of turtle April?" Raph gestured out

"Hold on let me search it up... And... Got it! They're a false map turtle. But they have two heads it's a genetic mutation but here it says it's just like two people sharing the same body" Donnie exclaimed

"Woahhh nice! So that means their double mutated?!" Leo questioned

"Not necessarily, plus that's a little rude to say" Donnie rolled his eyes "we saw them stealing stuff, they hid in a grey covered cloak with a tin and yang symbol on the back, and I'm guessing that's their names because once April got one of them in the head the other screamed out 'yin, yin are you okay'"

"Well who ever they're names out we have to find , who knows if their good or bad?" Raph took a stand putting his fists on his hips

"I'm not sure eif they were bad, I mean they were stealing food and water" April explained

"AWH! That means they don't have money!" Mikey worriedly spoke

"Maybe, we should just like find em and ask them that" Leo suggested while gesturing a hand

"Yeah, that's what I said! We need to find that turtle!... Those turtles?... Whatever! Point is is that he should find em, we head out at dusk!" Raph ordered

The task was settled, the turtles and human nodded heads agreeing with the plan. They split off to get ready for the next move.


Hey there guys! Sorry for the short chapter, for the context of the new turtles their my oc, yin and yang! Here's an image:

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