《Donnie and You (TMNT, Editing)》Ch.16: Patrol


This is your second time going on patrol with the guys and your super excited. You talked to Donnie about it all day until it was time to go.

"(Y/N), did you have sugar today?" Donnie asks you, as you stop your running mouth.

"No!" You say, Donnie looks at you like 'Really?' "Just a little bit." You say with a smile as you use your fingers to tell how much you had today.

"Okay, let's go!" Mikey says as he sprints out of the lair.


So far patrol had been okay except for the fact that, the guys would speak Japanese every now then and you couldn't understand anything.

"Oi, chōdo sudeni kanojo to kekkon!" Mikey says letting out an exasperated sigh as we jump roof tops, Donnie blushes.

"Nani? Iya, sono haya sugiru mada." Donnie says shaking his head then sending you a quick side glance.

"Shinkendesu ka! Watashitachiha, subete no wakai o shutoku sa rete imasen!" Raph says everyone else groans.

"Watashitachi wa hontōni kanojo no menomaede kore ni tsuite hanasubekide wa arimasen." Donnie says like they should stop talking.

"Anata wa watashi o karakatte iru? Migi?" Leo says stopping completely to look at him. "Kanojo mo watashitachi o rikai suru koto wa dekimasen!" Leo points at me as I look at them confused.

"Watashi wa mojidōri, ima wa nani mo iu koto ga dekiru, to kanojo mo shitte irudarou!" Mikey yells, then turns towards me. "Tatoeba, watashi wa mayonēzu to watashi no hawomigaku."

"What?" You ask confused.

"See!" Mikey yells as if he was making a point.

"Never mind, we'll talk about this later you guys." Donnie says then rubs his head as if pulling hair back.

"Okay let's continue." Leo says as we continue again.


"Yowamushi." Mikey says under his breath.

"Mikey!" Donnie yells as we continue running making you laugh.


"Dragons at two o' clock." Leo says as you all spot them.

"Finally some action!" Raph says tasking out his sais.

"Okay ready and-" Everyone was already down there as Leo was about to say go. "You guys wait up."

As you get down the dragons stop their work to look at you all.

"Well isn't it my favorite turtles." The leader says then sees you. "Plus one," he says walking closer, "what's your name beautiful?" He asks, you spit in front of him.

"Non of your bees wax, what's yours? Bitch?" You ask smugly making the guys snicker behind you.

"You little-!" He says lunging for you but he's blocked by Donnie hitting him with his boa staff.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Donnie says mockingly.

"Sweetie I got this." You say, as you transform in to your cat form, the last time you were in your mutated form it was Christmas.

"Not another one!" The leader says.

"Oh yes, Another one." You smile then round house kick the leader in the face making him fall back. "Let's get started." You say as you all attack.

You cartwheel over to a dragon and punch him in the twice before he throws a punch but you dodge it and leg swipe his legs and he falls down. He gets up woozy getting into fighting stance. You laugh and walk over and when your close enough you poke him with your tail, making him fall down again. As you look back at the guys you see they've finished their fights too.

"Success!" Mikey yells as he gives everyone high threes.


Donnie walks over to you and he takes your hand.

"Let's head back it gonna be a while before they decide to come back." Donnie says with a smile.

"Okay." You say as Donnie puts his arm around your shoulder, and you put yours around his shell.

You two walked back into the lair quietly, just in case Master Splinter was asleep. You two walk into Donnie's room, you slide down the wall, still in mutant form, as Donnie starts to take off his wrappings.

"I should probably change back." You say looking at hands.

"Why?" The question surprises you, you stand up.

"What do you mean why? Because, it's just not, well me." You say trying to find a reason. "Why? Do you like it?" You ask as Donnie turns around

"Well yeah, for a lot of reasons, cause then I don't feel like the odd one out in the relationship." Donnie says, he walks toward you and cups your face. "But even now your still the most beautiful person I have ever known." Donnie says as you smile, feeling yourself tear up. "Why are you crying?" Donnie asks wiping a tear away with his thumb.

"Cause I am so happy." You say reaching up and kissing him.

You kiss him with so much passion and he gives you just as much back. Your pushed against the wall by Donnie which surprises you, you had no idea Donnie could be so, aggressive. Donnie's hands move up and down your waist, as he picks you up by your thighs making you gasp a little.

"Oh, I'm sorry this is too fast isn't it?" Donnie says wincing a little.

"No, Donnie it's fine how long have we've been together, what five, six months? We don't have to, you know, do it, we can just fool around." You playing with his bandana straps a little.

"I know, I know, I'm just afraid of screwing everything up." Donnie says leaning his forehead against yours.

"Did you know that most couples do it before they actually become a couple?"

"Oh really?" He says interesting.

"Oh yeah lots of times, so don't worry about a thing." You poking Donnie's beak then kissing him, and you two kissed the night away.

M: "Dude, just marry her already!"

D: "What? no, I can't it's too soon still."

R: "Are you serious! We ain't getting any younger!"

D: "We really shouldn't be talking bout this in front of her."

L: "You're kidding me? Right?"....... "She can't even understand us!"

M: "I can literally say anything right now, and she wouldn't even know!" ........ "For example, I brush my teeth with mayonnaise."

M: "Wuss"

What did I just write? o.O ???? So yeah that happened, hope you enjoyed that chapter! Not sure if timing is off or not but yeah that's how long you've been dating enjoy

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