《Donnie and You (TMNT, Editing)》Ch.17:Training


It was early morning when you felt a shift in the bed, you turn to see Donnie waking up. Lately you've been sleeping in Donnie's room because it always seemed more comfortable, he turns around.

"Hey (Y/N), did I wake you?" Donnie asks.

"Kind of." You smile sitting up.

"Oh sorry." He says with a little smile, he leans over and kisses your nose.

"Nah it's fine," you say stretching, "I should probably start getting up earlier anyways." You say, walking up behind Donnie as he puts on his wraps.

"So whatcha doin'?" You ask as you hug him from behind.

"Getting ready for training." Donnie says turning around to face you.

"Can I come?" You ask pouting.

"Sure, why not? But you have to be silent." Donnie says walking outside of his room, you start to follow, but he stops you. "You should also get dressed." Donnie says, making you look down at your tank top and pajama shorts.

"Hey, I didn't hear yah complainin' about last night." You say in a sassy tone. Donnie smiles and rolls his eyes as he leaves.

You walk into the dojo and sit down next to Mikey. In the middle of the dojo there was Donnie and Raph circling each other.

"Hatchime!" You hear master Splinter say making you jump, considering how quite it was.

Raph goes in for an immediate attack on Donnie which he dodges at last minute. Donnie then swings his boa staff at Raph hitting him, but he recovers quickly. Donnie comes at him boa staff ready when Raph uses his sai to deflect the attack and get rid of it. Raph smiles smugly as he drops his weapons and starts to throw punches which Donnie blocks. Raph throws in an over head kick, Donnie grabs his foot and swings him, knocking him down winning the fight.


"Yamei!" Master splinter yells again.

In your mind your doing a victory dance, Donnie pulls you into a kiss and he does a fist pump. In reality though your still sitting and Donnie just nudges you a little with a smile as he sits next to you. You can't have everything, but oh well a nudge and a smile will do for you. To be honest though seeing Donnie in action was kind of, a lot, hot, and you wouldn't mind watching him again.

"You will receive ten minutes for break today," Master Splinter says as everyone starts to stretch.

"Great job my little D-Bear." You say hugging him, then Eskimo kiss him.

"Come on guys, this was supposed to be ten minutes of break, not ten minutes of torture." Mikey says covering his eyes.

You laugh as you let Donnie stretch.

"(Y/N)," Master Splinter says as you turn around, "I would like to speak to you." He says waving a finger telling you to forth.

"Master Splinter if this is about me coming to watch-" But he cuts you off.

"It is fine," he says with a slight smile on his face, "I wished to speak to you about other matters." He says as you two walked out of the room.

"What matters?" You ask, holding your hands in front of yourself.

"I can see it is very clear that you and Donatello are in love," you smile as you think about how much you love Donnie, "and if he is lucky, you two will be married, and someday have the joy of children." He says as you both continue to walk.

"Me too, I mean we've talked about it." You blush, remembering the conversation you two has when your parents came to visit two weeks ago.


"Really? What do you think about?" You ask, looking up at him.

"The way I'd propose, you in a gown, having children." He smiles.

"How many?" You ask squeezing his hand tighter.

"Two, I want twins." He says smiling, you laugh a little.

"I would like that some day."

"I'm glad to hear that." Splinter says as he gestures back to the dojo.

You walk back in with master splinter, you look to see the guys talking and laughing. Donnie looks over at you, smiles and waves, you wave back.

'Hopefully Soon.' You think to yourself as training begins again.


Hope you enjoyed! Two updates in one day, BAM! How you like me now!

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