《Love Potion || Donnie x Reader》Home Sweet Home


You woke up once again on a purple sheeted bed. You carefully sat up and stood up, exploring the lair. First you could see a living room, kitchen and rooms. There were two guest rooms so you could claim a room.

You walked up to Mikey and Raph who were playing video games and quickly got interested "Hey got one more controller?" I asked "Yup here!" Mikey threw one at me and I caught it. Luckily for me, I won about 10 times! "Dudette how can you beat us?! We're like... Pro gamers!". Mikey asked, obviously confused.

"Well.... im the gamer QUEEN!" Then all of a sudden Donnie stepped out of his lab saying "Well I'll be the judge of that (Y/N)" **Pfft he thinks he can beat me?? What a joke** "Come on come on come on!" Raph was raging hard so he quit.

Me and Donnie's scores were neck and neck, and eventually I lost "Well.. I declare Donnie is Gamer King!" Donnie chuckled. Then master splinter said to get into the dojo to train. Me and Donnie were sparring (Obviously >U

I put my foot on Donnie's shell. "Look you may be the King of Gaming but I'm the sparring Queen, but nice try" I walked to where his stick landed and picked it up and gave it to him "can't win them all am I right?" I helped him up with my other hand. I bought pizza for a surprise. When I went to pick it up, I said I was going to throw out the trash. It was about $/£11.48 dollars/pounds

I went back with carrying two boxes. You guys should've seen the face on all their faces, even did that face. They all ran up to me saying "OUR SAVIOUR" They kinda ate all of it so I was starving, starving enough that I looked pale. Leo noticed so he asked "(Y/N)... are you okay? You don't look so good." I chuckled "Well some turtles ate all the pizza so I'm full of cupcakes a rainbows! Just kidding, but seriously I'm hungry.". I say with my stomach growling.


"Well I can cook you something?" I didn't know if he was serious or not so I said "Nope it's fine I'll just wait until tomorrow. I should go to sleep" I shrug it off. "Here get on my back". He says sternly. Oh my lord! He wants me to get on his back?! I'll squish him! "Okay... if you say so".

I hopped on his back to go to my room "I'll get you a blanket, and pillows" "Thanks Leo" Once he gave me some pillows and blankets I laid down and fell asleep quickly. I felt lips so soft on my forehead. I blushed slightly, and went to sleep.

I woke up to smell pancakes. I put black shorts on and a purple and blue tye dye shirt on, along with a black beanie. I went to the kitchen where Mikey was, "Good morning (Y/N)! Here's your plate. I saw two layer pancake. I was so ready to gobble it up until Donnie, Leo, and Raph came in.

"You guys up already? *Yawn*" Leo asks "Uhm yeah duh Leo. I wake up early" I said, We were all done so we went to go watch Space Heroes. Me and Leo on the ground criss cross applesauce. We had puppie eyes seeing what would happen next. "Great two Leo's now." Raph gets on my nerves every single time.

I saw a boy and a redhead girl walk into the lair, Donnie blushed and got up to see little miss redhead. "Oh April! This is (Y/N)! She'll be living with us! And (Y/N) this is April she's almost a kunochi!" Mikey said. "Almost a kunochi? It's nice to see almost one. I haven't seen any in a long time." I gave a friendly smile. She just walked away to talk with Donnie in his lab


Donnie's P.O.V

April went to talk to me in my lab. "Don't you think this (Y/N) girl is kinda fishy?" She said to me. "I don't know.. she's a full on kunochi, besides she almost fought the kraang, so I think she's on our side." I said.

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