《Why her? Donnie x reader》Chapter 5


Your p.o.v

I decided to make Donnie fall for me was to ask his brothers for help. We made a plan for me to make Donnie jealous by flirting with his brothers. Today is the day we launch the plan. I went out of my room to see Donnie and Raph on the couch. I went up to Raph and started to flirt with him. After flirting with Raph for a few minutes Donnie stood up suddenly and walked off to the lab. "You think it worked Raph?" I asked "Yeah I think it worked I mean he looked pretty upset" Raph said. I walked over to the lab and knocked "Donnie can i come in" I asked. No response. "Donnie you in there?" I asked. Still no response. "Donnie I'm coming in" I said I go in to find Donnie crying on his desk "Donnie?" I ask "Go (name)" he said "But" "I said GET OUT" he yelled "Fine" I say storming out of the lab with tears in my eyes. I wall past Raph and go to my room to cry on my pillow.

After crying for an hour Man you cry I finally get the courage to get out if my room and go to the living room. Once I'm in the living room I see Leo,Raph, and Mikey but no Donnie "Hey guys" I said "Hey (name)" They all responded "Where's Donnie?" I ask "He's in the lab. He hasn't came out since he yelled at you" Raph said "Oh thanks guys" I said walking towards the lab "Donnie?" I asked opening to lab doors I spot Donnie working away on his computer "Hey (name)" he said "Donnie I forgive you for yelling at me you were stressed am I right" I said with a smile "No (name) I'm not stressed it's just I really like you and-" he started to say but I cut him off with a kiss. He didn't pull back but, he just kept kissing me "I love you Donnie" I say "I love you to (name)" he said


worry the story continues with you guy bye 💜

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