《Why her? Donnie x reader》Chapter 4


Your p.o.v

After playing video games with Mikey

I went back to my room. Then I heard yelling and screaming 'it sounds like April' I thought of course I did nothing but the yelling and screaming countinued. I got up to check what she was screaming about only to find her screaming at Donnie. Donnie was just staring at the ground while April was screaming. Donnie had tears in his eyes. April turned and saw me and stomped over "You. You aren't good enough to live here with the turtles. They're only your friends because they feel sorry for you." She screamed in my face. Donnie ran over telling me it's not true. Of course I believe Donnie more than April but, then April got mad at Donnie for sticking up for me. She slapped him and said "You know what Donnie we're through" she screamed storming out of the lair. Donnie sank to his knees crying. I get down hug him he hugs me back crying into my shoulder "Thank you (name) you're the greatest friend I could ask for" he

said 'Friendzoned' "yeah friend" I whispered "What did you say" he asked "nothing" I replied "Well I have to work on something in the lab bye (name)" he said "Bye" I said. Then he walked to the lab and, I walked to my room. I kinda feel bad for Donnie but, now I actually have a chance with him now maybe just maybe I can get him to fall for me.

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