《The Mafia's Stolen Daughter》27


Yesterday was a relaxing Saturday. I went to an eye doctor appointment and I did need glasses. They should be coming tomorrow, along with my contacts too.

Today was a chill day. I never had one of those, i would usually be cleaning or doing my homework. I miss my friends, well it's just Maia and Tyler but you get the point.

I get ready for the day and go see Venice. We've grown closer over the past week.

"I'm ready for my first lesson," I say walking into her room.

She was sitting on her bed, with her laptop watching some Italian tv show.

"Okay, come sit."

I comply and she grabs a white board and writes the words 'mi chiamo Valentina Romano.'

She says it aloud and asks "What do you think this means."

I took Spanish all of high school and chiamo sounds like llamo.

"My name is Valentina Romano?"

"Yes, now say it."

"Mi chiamo Valentina Romano."

She smiles. "Good you just have to work on the accent. Now next phrase."

Dov'e ' il bagno?

The word bagno sounds like baño.

"Where is the bathroom?" I say.

She looks surprised. "Great! Now a hard one."

Posso avere del cibo? Ho molta fame.

I stare at it. "Now I have no idea," I laugh.

She laughs too. "It says Can I get some food? I am very hungry."


We continue like this for around an hour and 30 minutes. Eventually I leave and to see Lorenzo. I always wanted an older brother, and now I do.

"Hey Antonio. Sorry, I mean Lorenzo. It's a habit," I greet.

Then I notice he's not alone. There was a half naked girl under him.

I gasped and covered my eyes. "Sorry sorry!" I squeak.


I hear the girl whisper. "Chi e ' quella strana ragazza americana alla tua porta, tesoro?"

(Who's the weird American girl at your door, baby?)

He answers back. "Mia sorella, Elisa. Ci vediamo a scuola, la prossima settimana."

(My sister, Elisa. I will see you at school next week.)

I realize that I'm still in here so I slowly back out, only to realize that the door is closed and I can only get out if I open my eyes.

"Calm down Aub. We are dressed now."

I laugh nervously and uncover my eyes. "Sorry to intrude."

The girl kissed Lorenzo on the cheek and then walked out the door. "Addio."

Lorenzo laughs at me. "Maybe next time knock?"

"I'll remember that."

"So why did you come here in the first place sis?"

"No exact reason. I am just happy that I have an older brother, except the part that he has random hookups."

"She's not a random hook up," he smiles, "she's an old friend."

"Awww does Little Lorenzo have a crush?" I tease.

"Maybe," he blushes.

"That's cute. Do you have any candy?"

"That's random. And yeah in that jar," he says pointing to a jar on his desk.

"I haven't had candy in forever. Well besides that chocolate Sergei gave me but wow it's so good!"

"Uh yea. Those are sour patch kids."

"They're good!"

He laughs at my excitement and we talk for a little while before it's lunch time. I don't mind that he calls me Aubrey. I think I'll just go by two names: an Italian one and an American one.

For lunch, I eat a grilled cheese and some potato chips. These potato chips are much tastier than the ones in the US.


After I'm finished I clean up my mess and do the dishes.

"You don't have to do that. We have maids who can do that," says Mom.

"It's okay. I'm used to doing the dishes."

Once I finish I dry them and put them in the cabinet they came from.

Mom was still staring at me, smiling with tears in her eyes. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you every since I found out you were my mom."

She sniffles. "I even met you and I was stupid enough to let you walk away and tell me that your name was Aubrey Simpson."

I wipe my tears. "You couldn't have known. I was just a random girl in the supermarket buying groceries."

"I love you Valentina."

"I love you too, Momma."

"Dad, I am ready to go see them," I say walking into his office.

He was always in here doing some kind of work. He ran a mafia and a multi-million dollar company with building in Italy and America.

"Okay. We will go, but are you sure you want to do this."

"Si', davvero," I say, surprising him. (Yes, I really do)

"Who taught you that?"


"She's a great teacher isn't she? Okay let's go."

We leave the mansion and walk to a warehouse about a mile away from the house. It was a nice day out so I did mind walking. I've walked further.

He took a key and opened the door. It smelled musty and like blood when I first walked in.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs was Sergei, Natasha and Zach, all chained to chairs.

I felt the back of my pocket discreetly, making sure it was still there.

"Rise and shine!" My dad yells turning on a bright light.

The three Russians squint and groan.

Dad walked towards the table, not paying attention to me. I took this as an opportunity.

I grabbed the knives from the kitchen earlier and put them under my shirt. Now was my chance.

I dragged each knife across Zach and Natasha's throat. Almost instantaneously killing them.

Their muffled chokes echo through the empty space and Dad turned around quickly, eyes looking wide at me.

"They deserved that. But he deserves a fate worse than death," I say pointing to Sergei with the bloody knife.

"See you at dinner, Dad."

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