《Church Boy |Yoonmin|》VII


Months past as the group of boys grew closer. Jungkook and Taehyung were officially dating now, only their closest friends knowing about their relationship.

"So anyone excited for Christmas break?"

Hoseok grins whilst bitting into a gingerbread cookie.

"Hell yeah."

The blue haired boy states with eye bags from the lack of sleep and all the finals being thrown in their faces.

"Me too. Namjoon and I are going to see the Christmas lights."

"He wouldn't stop begging me."

Jin gasps, babbling off to the group about it not being true.

"I'm doing nothing."

Jimin sighs, resting his chin onto his palm.

"Come over to my place baby."

Yoongi mumbles, his face plastered onto the lunch table as he struggled to stay awake.

"No thanks. I won't want to catch your herpes."

The group bursted into laughter, Yoongi sluggishly flips them all off. Yoongi's attitude and ways rubbed off onto the others, being a bad influence to the once innocent boys. Over the weekend he showed the boys their very first porn video.

Hoseok embarrassingly popped a boner while the rest were unfazed since they weren't really into straight porn. Yoongi then switched to a gay porno the rest began to sweat in discomfort, not wanting to get a boner.

Jimin was sitting alone on the bed not wanting to partake in their sinful ways.

"This is pretty good."

Taehyung bluntly states, gaining a slap behind the head by his lover.

"Jimin come check this out."

Yoongi insists.


"Suit yourself."

He raises the volume, the males moans reaching Jimin causing his spine to shiver. He quickly covers his ears, not wanting to hear the sinful noise.

"Come on Jimin. Yolo for once."

Jungkook pulls him towards the group, catching a glimpse of two naked men on the large phone screen.


"I have to go and get some fresh air."

Jin and Namjoon both get up and exit the room as the rest hear the backdoor from downstairs open.

"I-I do too."

Hoseok gets up and exits the room, heading to the bathroom, four rooms down.

"I think Jungkook and I should too."

Taehyung grabs Jungkook by the wrist, pulling him up.


Jungkook feels his cheeks burn as the two exit the room, closing the door behind them. Yoongi and Jimin were the only ones in the room as the video went on.

"I t-think that's enough."

"Yeah. I won't be able to keep my dick in my pants with you around."

Jimin felt his cheeks redden while the other boy turned his phone off. He plopped beside him on the bed, the two laying on their backs in silence.

"My wrinkly grandma."

Yoongi closed his eyes, mumbling about saggy boobs and vaginas. A few minutes passed by with him sighing in relief.

"I'm turned off now."


"I was really close to fucking you into the matress."

Jimin choked and coughed at Yoongi's bluntness. Yoongi climbed onto Jimin placing himself in between his legs.


"Don't worry. I'm just testing some things out, I won't fuck you....yet."

He mumbled the last part to himself, making Jimin's legs wrap around his waist. His crotch pressed against him, making Jimin feel weird.

"This is a pretty nice sex position, not to mention the view."

"Get off of me weirdo!"

Jimin places his hands onto Yoongi's chest, the bedroom door swinging open.


The two turned around to face their group of friends standing at the door way in pure shock.

"You two were having fun."


Jimin covered his face in shame, Yoongi just shrugs and moves away from the boy underneath him.

"Where did you all go?"

"Jungkook and I cooled our dicks with freezing water."

Taehyung recieves a jab on the ribs by Jungkook.

"Jin and I got some fresh air and thought about each others moms."


Hoseok chuckled nervously, everyone scooting away from him.

"We were about to have sex but you guys interrupted us."

Yoongi sighed, causing Jimin to spring up off the bed.


"What has Yoongi done to us?"

"We're all sinners now. There's no going back."

Hoseok adds.

//Back To The Present//

"Christmas is just three weeks away."

Hoseok bubbles with joy.

"I'm going to my grandparents farm to help out."

Taehyung smiles since he loved his grandparents with all his heart.

"As you can tell I like farmers."

Jungkook sighs, Taehyung playfully punching him on the arm. They dumped their trays and head outside having a snowball fight to only be stopped by a nun. The bell rang, the rest saying their goodbyes as Jimin and Yoongi headed to gym, wet with snow.

They playfully pushed each other being almost late to class, being the only two left in the changing room. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the other's waist, planting kisses over his shoulders with affection.

Jimin didn't mind since the two had quite a complicated relationship for most of the year. He dug into his locker grabbing his uniform, fixing his hair in the mirror. In the back he sees his shoulder covering the rest of Yoongi's face, only his eyes being visible and the rest above.

The oldest male stares at him as he disappears from the mirror, placing a kiss on the back of his neck. Jimin's breathing becoming heavy all of a sudden, his thoughts began to swirl. Yoongi places a kiss onto the skin between his shoulder blades and then to the curve of his back.

Jimin felt his heart beat quicken as well as his breathing. Yoongi's warm breath hit his skin, placing his hand onto his waist finally placing a kiss onto the lowest part of his back. The two were breathing heavily just staying dead silent, he gets up as the other turns to face him.

Yoongi places his hands onto Jimin's waist as Jimin wraps his arms around his neck.

"You're the being of sin."

"Yet you're sinning at a Christian school."

Jimin replies with a smirk, placing a slow kiss on the corner of Yoongi's lips. He quickly pulls away not being able to believe what he just did now.

"O-Oh. Yoongi I didn't-"

Jimin placed his hand onto his own rapidly beating heart, face burning fifty shades of red. Yoongi brings him into a passionate kiss the two feeling sparks flying.

Gay boys in church are my religion.

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