《Church Boy |Yoonmin|》VI


"Today we'll be having a free day in class since we'll all be heading to the nave to confess our sins."

The literature teacher announces, causing the class to murmur in hushed tones. Others became pale in the face, Jungkook feeling his stomach drop as well as Jimin's.

"I'll send separate groups to head over and when they're finished i'll send another group."

The teacher sends a group of six who exited the room to their inevitable doom.

"Have you sinned?"

Jimin asks Jungkook.

"I k-kissed Taehyung yesterday."

Jimin's eyes widened, not believing what just came out of his mouth. He instantly felt a slap of reality remembering him about Yoongi.

"So what are you gonna confess about, Jimin?"

Yoongi smirks, only Jungkook turning to face him.

"Huh? Jimin did you sin?"

Jimin begins to break into a cold sweat.

"N-No. I don't know what he's talking about."

"In the restro-"

Yoongi was cut off as the teacher chose them to head out to the nave.

"Just keep the incident about you and Tae to yourself."

Jimin assures his friend.

"But isn't lying a sin?"

"You can repent it later."

"Oh yeah."

The youngest smiles. The group arrives to the nave as they see a few other students crying or down of their knees, praying to the large jesus replica that hung in mid-air. The wiring was pretty clear so it seemed as if it were floating.

The large dark wood antique confessional booth was set near the right of the humongous room a tear streaked male coming out of the left side of it. The booth had large dark purple satin curtains as the entrance on either side.

The priest was on the right side listening to the anonymous sins being confessed while he offered advice.


"So who's going first?"

A student in the back whispers.

"I will."

Yoongi announces, causing the girls in the group to awe in amazement.

"He's so hot."

"I wanna sin with him, if you know what I mean."

The girls giggle causing Jimin to feel annoyed. Yoongi walks down the aisle and towards the booth, his figure slipping through the thick long curtains.

"What did he mean about you and him back in the classroom?"

Jungkook asks, turning to face his friend.



//In The Confessional Booth//

Yoongi takes a seat in the dark room big enough for four more people. To his right was a wooden screen not being able to see the priest, the priest couldn't see him either.

"Whenever you're ready."

A calm deep voice wavers through the screen.

"Is liking men a sin?"

He states in a hushed tone.

Silence hung in the air causing the teen to become nervous.


Yoongi felt his eyes widening, not being able to believe that those words came out of a priest.

"I-It isn't?"

"No. This school spews hatred to those who love without boundries. God would never hate any of his children just for loving the same sex, only this school would think of such an ignorant thing. You are not a sinner, a pedophile is a sinner. Love who you want to love, don't let some false accusations stop you."

"Thank you father. What do I do if I love a church boy?"

"Ahhh. I've had a handful of gentlemen and ladies today asking me the same thing. For that I have no say or real advice but what I can say is not all seem to be what they are on the outside."


Yoongi took his words to heart.

"Fucking bless you."

"Yoongi, please watch your language."


"You're the only person who curses at school."


Yoongi slipped out of the booth smiling softly. He catches a view of Jimin silently praying who gets up, the two making eye contact. Jimin avoids his gaze, slipping through the curtains and into the booth.


"Father, I have sinned."

"What is it child?"

"I-I think...."

Jimin sighed, feeling his throat closing up, afraid to burst out crying.

"I think I might be gay."

He waited for the priest to call him a sinner and make him repent.

"Nothing's wrong with that."


"This school is messed up. They try brainwashing the youth into believing that one is a sinner, yet it isn't true."

"My f-father. He wants me to find a girlfriend....I can't...I don't want to."

"What does your father think about homosexuals?"

"He despises them."

"The best would be to remain silent about your sexuality, for your own safety."

"Father. Why is it that you're supportive over me?"

"Because you deserve to experience true love."

"I kissed a man."

"Was it consensual with both parties?"

"Uhhh....well you see. He kissed me knowing that I was quite religious and I was shocked and slapped him."

"So no consent?"

"But I felt something in my heart."

"Love can do wonders."

"What if I fall for him?"

"It's seems like you've already have."

Jimin squeezed his chest, running his fingers through his hair.

"Have a nice day father."

"May god bless you son."

Jimin exits the booth and steps out into the real world. He takes notice of the beautiful stained glass that depicted scenes of Jesus and Saint Mary along with others. He felt himself at ease now that the large weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"What's up with you?"

Yoongi scoffs.

"Nothing. Mind your own business."

"Feeling cocky since you repented your sins church boy?"

"I'll have you know that I don't sin. I pray every single day."

"I would kiss you right now just to make you repent."

The two bickered not knowing that the priest within the booth chuckled to himself, witnessing a relationship blossom.

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