《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 11


It's been 5 days since I last saw Karina. I wonder how she's doing, even though she replied to me yesterday saying that she's fine. But why do I feel like she isn't? Why does it feel like she's hurt big time? I wanted to be there for her but it's too dangerous knowing what her father is capable of doing.

"Hey! Earth to Winter!" Yeji is snapping her fingers infront of me. I just smiled awkwardly and just leaned back to my chair. The class isn't starting yet. It's still early.

"Dude, you've been spacing out for the past few days. I'm getting worried about you." Giselle told me. My mouth feels dry, I don't even have some energy to speak even a word.

"Let her be, she needs some space. Karina hasn't been attending class since Monday." Lia understands what I am feeling so they just let me be. I'm holding my phone to see if she's going to text me because I am eager to receive her messages.

Then my phone beeped. I look at it quickly and rushed to the entrance of the school. It's Karina.

Winter's phone beeped so loud that even her friends heard it. They all diverted their attention to Winter who ran as fast as she can outside.

"Someone's here." They all smile knowing that Winter will be back again. The hyper and who always join them whenever they want to have fun.

Winter arrived at the Entrance and wait for the familiar figure she missed so much. She is so excited about meeting her again. 5 days feels like a lifetime.

Then she saw her. Winter jumped in excitement and ran towards Karina and hugged her. She's being cautious and not hugged her tight or shake her. She knows that Karina has some bruises. She just know.

"I miss you!!" Winter is catching her breath while talking to Karina. While Karina is giggling because of Winter's reaction. It never failed Karina.

Winter grab her bag and decided to bring it for the latter. Then they walk to the hallway. Each room they pass, the more attention they gathered. They both didn't know it but they are voted as the power couple in the building even though they aren't really a couple. Yet.


"Welcome back, Karinaaa!" The squad was about to hug her and crush her when Winter stopped them and went infront of Karina. The girls stopped in their tracks like they were glued in the ground.

"Gentle, please." Karina looked at Winter who's being protective and caring. She's touched. She never received that kind of treatment before and now that she does, it feels good.

They all hugged Karina gently as Winter told them to do then they went back to their seats as the professor entered the class.

The whole time, Winter is just staring at Karina's face. She's enjoying Karina's presence she has been longing for. She is indeed, inlove.

"You know, you should focus to Prof. not me." Karina said still staring at the prof.

"No, I can study like this." Winter rested her head on her hand while staring at Karina.

"Ms. Kim! Focus here." The prof shouted making Winter startled and has no choice but to divert her attention towards the board. Karina is giggling because she's seen this coming.

On the other hand, her friends are laughing at her too. Making her roll her eyes to them. Finally, Winter is back. So is Karina.

We're just walking to the park because the girls wanted some fresh air. We went home first to change clothes and get all we need before meeting up at the convenient store to buy some snacks. We'll be having a picnic.

"Hey, lets eat now. I'm hungry." Ningning said while holding her stomach. So we spread the picnic mat while the others arranges the utensils and foods.

Karina is beside me eating peacefully. I'm glad she agreed to be here with us. I can't stand being away with her.

"I found a court there beside the playground. Want to play basketball?" Ryujin asked me, we've been teammates before while Giselle is our cheerleader. I missed playing with her.

"Do you guys play?" I asked the three. I didn't ask Karina because she needs some rest and I know she cant play basketball.

"Just Ningning and I." Yeji told us. So we decided to team up before playing. Ryujin and I are teammates while Yeji and Ningning are in one team. We finished eating then started to warm up.


"If we win, do you want to have a date with me?" Ryujin confidently asked Yeji in a loud voice, everyone could hear and they cheer. Yeji can't do anything but to agree.

"But if we win, you cant." Everyone said "aww" in sync. Ryujin just laughed evil. Karina is looking at me like she's telling me to go win the game, which I will. I want to get my buddy a date. But I still don't know how Yeji and Ningning plays their game.

That'll be easy.

"Winter, you look uneasy. Tell us if you wanted to back out." Yeji said and I acted intimidated by her words. I didn't say anything and let them guess what I'm feeling. I wanted to confuse them.

"Uhm, Yeji. I suggest don't underestimate Winter that much. She's a monster." Karina warned Yeji and whispered the last word but it's loud enough for me to hear. Yeji looks kind of nervous now, this is getting interesting.

We all went the court with some people who wanted to watch. It's been a while since I last played in a court before. Good thing we're all wearing shoes. I wore my basketball shoes, good thing. It's always been awkward for me to play in a regular shoes.

The game started and the ball is in Yeji's hands who's being guarded by Ryujin while I guard Ningning. I can see that Ryujin's kind of flirting while playing.

"Dude! Don't fucking flirt around if you wanted a date!" She snapped into her mind when Yeji shoot the ball. As expected, she got distracted.

"I'm sorry, I'll do my best now." Ryujin told me and passed me the ball. I ran smoothly when Yeji's now the one who's guarding me.

"She's too tall help!!" All of them laughed, I guess a little joke wouldn't hurt. I memorized Yeji's moves in just a short span of time. She moves to the right side a lot and uses her right hand usually. Nice.

I took a step forward at my left side, and quickly turn around and shoot 3 points leaving Yeji on the left side. Goal.

I never miss.

The ball is back to them, but then Ryujin got it from Yeji. So the ball is ours now. She passed it to me and I saw Ningning being distracted while Yeji is infront of me. I passed it to Ryujin and let her shoot the ball and she did. So proud.

As time passed by, The game got so intense as much as the crowd goes louder. I always got to shoot the ball since Yeji started to guard Ryujin which makes her that much distracted. Aigoo.

There's only a few minutes left so everytime I got to get the ball, I shoot merciless. Our breathing got much harder. 13-27, our score left theirs behind.


Only 1.34 second left and I'm at the middle of the court when I shoot it effortlessly when it's a goal. Everyone was shookt while I went straight to Karina who's excited while holding a towel, is she gonna wipe my sweat for me? Hehehe. I'm having butterflies when she really did wipe it.

"Good job, Tiger." She called me a Tiger. Cutie.

"Why tiger?" I kind of wanted to know why.

"Because you're so wild in the court." Karina smiled at me. I am melting here, Moms.

"And in bed." I whispered but I want her to hear it purposely. She just blushed and our attention gets back to the three who collapsed on the ground. I gave them all some water and towels.

"Do you have Stephen Curry inside you?" Yeji said while trying hard catching her breathe, laying on the ground.

"Nope, A tiger." I teased her and she groaned after drinking some water.

"Come, let's buy some clothes. We didn't bring spare." I told them seriously so they quickly get up and followed me to the nearest boutique and buy some clothes then change it on the fitting room and just paid for it.

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