《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 9


"Anything." I told her confidently. I'm getting impatient with what she wants me to do. I hope it's something interesting and fun to do.

"Kiss me." She whispered to me and I know the crowd didn't hear it but it makes my hesrt go crazy and wild. Kiss her?! Here?! In front of many people?

"You know there's so many people here, and your parents might see us." It's not like, I don't like it. But I'm afraid of what will anyone think when I do it.

"Then let's head somewhere private." She held my hand and drag me somewhere private in the campus.

This place where she drag me, I've never seen it before. It has Pianos, Guitars and any instrument. So I guess this is the music room? What's with everyone, likes kissing inside the music room.

"Private, my parents cant see it. So how about now?" She's smiling like she won the biggest tournament ever.

"Do you really want me to kiss you?" I giggled because that's a cute request from someone like her. She nodded like a kid so I just took a deep breathe before taking a step infront of her. I held her face and claimed her lips like she's my girlfriend. The kiss only lasts for 20 seconds but her face looks like a tomato now.

"Am I your first kiss now?" Huh? Can't she remember the time she kissed me in Yeji's house? Well she's drunk so, it makes sense.

"Yup. Am I yours?" She shook her head, I can feel my heart slowly torn into pieces.

"Just kidding, you're my first." I rolled my eyes on her and was about to leave the room but she pulled my wrist again and wrapped me around her arms.

My safe place.

It feels surreal, comfortable and home. My strange heart keeps on telling me something while I'm with Winter.

Am I inlove with her?

Am I really? Because if yes, I won't let her go and will fight for her. Because I couldn't back then from the girl I trusted the most.

"Can we stay like this for awhile? I feel safe." Oh, she feels the same. I nodded and I know she felt it.

"You know, my heart become really strange when you're around. It keeps beating fast. Whenever we hold or touch each other, it feels safe." She's saying softly. She's serious.

"I don't know what love feels like but I think I am inlove with you." My strange heart again beats crazily. Should I tell her too? I'm scared.

"You don't have to respond immediately. I just want to let it out because I'm acting weird around you lately and I want you to know from my mouth." She doesn't want to let me go, she tightened the hug for about 5 minutes. I can't say anything but I feel so happy to have a mutual feelings with her.


"I am too, Win. You're the person who's always there for me, who makes me happy when I'm about to lose myself. But let's not rush things and get to know each other first." I want to know everything about her and I know it's just right to wait for the right time, we're too rushing for this.

"Its fine, I'm glad to know that you feel the same way for me." We broke the hug and smiled sweetly to each other before going out to the crowd and act like everything is normal. We agreed about not making it obvious with everybody.

"Oh, I forgot that I might not attend class the next 3 days." She told me, is she going anywhere? I'm scared to be left alone now.

"Why? Where are you going?"

"My parents asked me if I can be their model for their next designs. You can go to me after class if you want. You might miss me." She whispered the last sentence to me. I just laughed and playfully hit her arm.



All I hear is the sound of the camera and the voice of the photographer infront of me. I'm now in the middle of shooting for my Family's business.

This is my last shot for today and I am so tired. The presence of Karina never appeared here in the studio, I guess she's busy with schoolworks.

"Nice job, Winter-ssi. Nice job, everyone!" The photographer said and everyone packed things up as I went to my Mommy Jessica.

"You did so great, darling. Mommy's proud of you." She kissed my forehead and smiled. I'm glad that I am making my parents proud. Until It crossed my mind that everyone will notice me and my low profile will now be on the media.

"What's wrong?" She might have noticed my dark expression. I never wanted to be approached by many people, I saw many clips about how the singers are approached with many rude fans. I don't want that to happen.

"You're scared huh?" I just nodded and she seems to be fine with it. Well, they both experienced it before so I know they know what to do with it.

"Well, we'll have to provide some body guards for you if you get famous." She chuckled and pat my head. I guess I'll just go with the flow and not think too much about it.

"Minjeong-ah, your pictures are all over the internet now!" Mommy taeng shouted from downstairs so I quickly go to her and see the article about me.

Gosh, there's so many people who liked it. Many people started to comment some positive and negative comments. The pressure feeling starts to take over me as I didn't know what to feel next. I look at Mommy Taeng and anticipate what will she say next.


"Starting tomorrow, you'll have bodyguards tailing on you everywhere you go. Don't worry about it too much okay?" I just nodded and bring myself to my room. I am so tired. Like really.

"Welcome back, Winter!" My friends greet me with a group hug. Then we catch up a little before Yeji pointing at Karina who's walking on the hallway to the class.

"I'll see you at class, guys." I told them and ran to Karina who's once again have a bruise on her cheek. I am starting to get worried again as I can't imagine how things are going for her. It must've been hard that she has to deal with this everyday.

"Here." I took out one of my bandaids again and put it on her face. She smiled at me and hugged me tight. I didn't hugged her tight because of how cautious I am that she might have a bruise on her body too.

We broke the hug and she still smiles at me, but her eyes. It tells me otherwise. She looks like she's been having the worst day of her life. I wanted to know but I don't want to pressure her. She'll tell me evertually, I hope.


"Karina! Wanna go to the mall? Lets watch a movie." I want to let her ease up her mind for a bit. She's a little distracted since earlier so maybe movie is a good idea?

"Sure." She replied shortly.

Then we went to the mall with others, my bodyguards are still there behind us. When we entered the mall, people kept on looking at us, some are even taking pictures of us. I'm pressured. Karina seemed to notice it and squeeze my hand to make me feel relaxed.

"7 tickets for The Conjuring : The Devil Made me do it." I told the lady and she processed it as quickly as she can while glancing at me secretly. I just smiled awkwardly then get the tickets.

"Here." They all took one tickets each and something's missing. Foods.

"Lets get snacks, my treat." I told them since I got paid with the photoshoot I did last few days. The girls cheered and pulled me to the snack corner as I bought snacks and drinks for each of us.

"Winter-ah, there's one missing." I look at them and each of them seems to have foods in their hands.

"It looks perfect to me?" I am confused right now.

"Well, you dont have one for yourself." I looked at my hands and I'm only holding my wallet. Dumb.

"I'll just buy another one." Karina stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Lets share. I wont finish this all by myself." Everyone started to squeal silently. I rolled my eyes then accepted Karina's offer. We all went inside the theater and watch it.

I grab the drinks beside me when I remembered that it is Karina's straw. I should've asked for another straw. I guess, I could just choke and die peacefully.

"You can drink it. It's not like we haven't kissed before." She said while still eyeing on the big screen infront of us. Good thing it's dark in here, because I'm blushing like hell right now.

"O-okay." Did I just stutter? Oh, man. I can hear her giggle.


After the movie, we decided to call it a day but we're walking too slow because they're having fun teasing each other. While Karina and I are behind them, just walking peacefully.

We took the escalator and Ryujin almost pushed Ningning down the escalator, death is almost with her. Good thing Lia catches her. But Karina and I are still in our pokerface.

"Let me drive you home." She just nodded and doesn't want to argue about it so we just kept silent the whole ride. It almost feels awkward because no one is talking. Silence filled the car.

I went home after driving Karina home. I entered the house and it revealed my parents sitting on the couch with a serious face. Did something happen? They usually tease each other a lot.

"Well, first scandal for you, Ms. Kim." Mommy Taeng told me and showed me a picture of me and Karina on the escalator. It's going everywhere on social medias.

I'm about to sit next to Mommy Jessica but then I suddenly jumped into my seat and went upstairs running.

I'm calling Karina and she's not answering. Is she showering? Sleeping already? My heart is punding very fast, I'm so nervous.

What if her dad saw it? She might get hurt again. Not again please.

I spend my whole night thinking about what's happening to Karina. It's almost 3 am before I feel the sleepiness visit me.

If he ever hurt you again, I'll be the one who will make a move.

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