《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 1


Here I am outside the Labor room waiting for a good news. My wife is inside laboring our child, I hope it's a girl so it will be a behave child like I was back then. I chuckled to myself when the doctor came out of the room.

"Congratulations, it's a baby girl." We shake hands then I went inside the Room she was transferred in. Our baby girl is so cute. I'm kind of emotional right now. They let me carry my baby girl and I broke down in tears as I felt her hands touch my face. This is such a beautiful moment for me as a parent. It felt surreal hugging and carrying my own child in my own arms. The feeling is really magical when you have a child now.

"What should we name her?" Sooyeon asked me and she's still tired so I just carry our child to let her rest her body for a while.

"I want to name her after you, well not exactly but almost. Since she looks exactly just like her mama. We'll give her an English name too, is that alright?" She smiles and nodded at my question as her response.

"Winter. But her name will be Kim Min Jeong." Sooyeon isn't showing any emotions right now so I thought its a bad idea to name our daughter that so I panicked.

"I love it!" She smiles and wants to hold our child so I gave her the baby gently.

"Hi, baby Winter. Welcome to the family." She kissed Winter's forehead. Jessica will be discharged tomorrow so she have enough rest to leave the hospital.

I am taking care of our things while my wife is carrying baby Winter. We're infront of our house now and I smiled at Jessica before entering the house. As I open the lights, our friends appeared holding a pink balloon to welcome our baby girl.

"Omg!! Baby Winter!!!" Uh oh, we know that voice. Here comes the pink monster, well it's nothing shocking since our child is wearing pink.

"I love her already!" Tiffany boop'ed her nose and she kisses her cheeks. Winter cried so loud and we all laugh at her.

"Or not. She hates me, Jess." She's pouting like a little child and Jessica just laughs at her so Tiffany went back to Yuri and just stare at our Winter from afar. We all laugh more as Jennie stopped crying when Tiffany left.

"I guess, Baby Winter will be like her mommy Jess who hates a whiny and noisy people." We are still laughing then Tiffany crossed her arms while clinging to Yuri who's also laughing at her. This moment is just... I dont know how to explain it.


The small celebration started and we're all having fun like we used to. Everyone is so tired from work so this is our way to at least to rest and let go of our tired and helpless self. I went outside to see our friends drinking, Sooyeon allowed me to drink a few since she can't because she's breastfeeding baby Winter.

"How's your first day of being a parent, Taeng?" Yul asked me the moment I sat at the empty chair beside her. I suddenly remember the first time I saw my beautiful little girl. Priceless.

"You know kinda tiring, but it was worth it and exciting. I'm just really happy." I replied with a smile. Words can't explain the first time I hold my child.


I was kinda tipsy so I entered the house and went straight to my Wife and Daughter at the balcony. Sica is playing with her and that time I knew I made a right choice for loving her and giving her happiness that she deserves.

"Wifey, let me take a picture of the both of you." I took my phone out and take a picture of them while smiling.

"Taengoo, I love baby Winter so much but my arms already hurt. She doesn't want to go down, can you hold her for awhile?" I quickly ran to her and hold our girl while she plays with her. Can't wait for Winter to grow up and be like her Mommy Jessica.

"Are you happy, Sica-yah?" I asked the woman in front of me, who's suddenly quiet while holding Winter's hands. I can't read her expression or what she feels right now.

"More than happy." She said starting to tear up. I hold her close to me.

"Why are you crying?" I wiped her tears with my other hand.

"It's tears of joy. I just can't believe we have her. It's been my dream to have a perfect family with a beautiful baby and wonderful person. I don't want to lose you both." I can understand what she feels. This woman really has a warm heart with her.

"Minjeong-ah!!" I can hear mommy Jessica shouting her lungs out downstairs. It's my first day of high school and sure she doesn't want me to be late. So I went downstairs quick after I finished packing my things up.

I can smell some bacon and pancakes downstairs and I admit, I am craving for American food right now. Thank God I have an American Mom.

"Mom I have to go now, thanks for the breakfast!" I kissed my mom's cheeks. Mommy Taeng isn't here because of work, and later on Mommy Jessica will join her. I have a hardworking parents and it's not difficult because they both give me attention whenever I wanted one, I always thank God for giving me such a perfect family.


"Okay, don't forget to eat lunch!" I left the house and went inside the car as the driver starts to drive me home. As I get near to our school, I get nervous because it'll be my first time there. First time to study at my parents' school.

"Minjeong-ah, are you sure you don't want to study at the School we bought?" Mommy Taeng asked me while we're all eating dinner.

"I'm scared to study there, Mom." I said while muching the pasta Mommy Taeng made. My mommy Sica barely cooks because according to Mommy Taeng and my aunties, she can't cook.

"Scared of what, Honey?" Mommy Sica joins the conversation.

"They might think of me as a threat or give me so much attention because I'm the daughter of the owner which I don't like much." I said honestly. In this family, lying isn't our thing. We tried to tell everything honestly so we can avoid having family problems.

"Okay, baby. I'll respect your decision. Just come to me or your mom if ever you'll change your mind okay?" This is what I like about my family, they always wanted to hear my opinion about something especially if it involves me. They are open minded about everything.

"Minjeong-ssi, we're here." I snapped out of my head as I can see some students looking at the direction my car is parked. I hope they won't recognize me because my parents are famous. I want to keep my profile lowkey.

"Well, there's no turning back now right?" I said to driver oppa, and he nodded. I took a deep breathe before finally going out of the car. Well everyone's attention now is on me, and I think I won't have a low profile here. I can hear some chitchats and whispers around me.

"Is she the daughter of TaengSic? She's so gorgeous."

"She's studying at her parents' school? Heol!"

"She's so beautiful. She looks perfect."

"Why does she look so intimidating like her Mother?"

"She must have an attitude since she kinda own this place."

And so on...

I knew it, they will see me as a threat because I'm the daughter of the well-known couple in the country. I kind of wanted to go home no.....

"WINTER!!!" I heard some familiar voices shouting in the middle of the crowd.

"We've been waiting for you!" I knew it was my bestfriends. Giselle and Ryujin. I've been friends with them since we were born. Giselle is the daughter of Aunty Yul and Aunty Tiffany, while Ryujin is our friend since we started going to school. We three never left each other's side through life. But enough with the story, why is this two here?

"You two are going to study here too??!! That's amazing!" I was shookt because they never told me they would study here too.

"Well, your parents convinced ours to study here because they want you to have someone you know since they said that you are kinda scared and hesitant at first. So here we are!" Ryujin told me and Giselle just nodded. I hugged them both because of excitement I'm feeling.

We are now finding our classroom since we all are classmates. When we found it, we sat next to each other, luckily it has three seats each column.

First days are kinda boring especially in class, I hope there's something exciting that will happen for today. Anyway, I was in the cafeteria waiting for Giselle and Ryujin because they went to the CR while I bought foods for them. Everyone in the cafeteria are looking at me and some are pushing their friends to me.

"I'm sorry about their behaviour, they're just excited because you are gorgeous." A girl behind me told me while we're looking at two girls, the girl pushed the other girl to me then laugh contagiously.

"Yeah, no biggie." I smiled at her since she talked to me and doesn't seem to be looking at me like I'm a threat so I was comfortable with her.

"I'm Yeji, btw." She offered a hand to me which I took and I can feel a pair of eyes are still looking at us.

"I'm Minjeong, but you can call me Winter." I look at the two girls again who's waiting for their friend to go back to their table.

"The girl who pushed is Ningning while the one who got pushed is Lia." I nodded in response as she bid her goodbye now to eat lunch, at the same time as my friends went back to our table.

"Damn, Winter. Who's that girl you just talked to? She's beautiful." Ryujin sat and never took her eyes off of Yeji.

"Her name's Yeji. She's literally in our class. And btw, you have some drool over there." I pointed at her lips that has some saliva. Giselle laughed and we all eat together before going back to class. Atleast something kinda fun happened, I met new people who seems comfortable to be with.


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