《Just Love Me Back 2|| Winrina》six



Karina was crying on my lap. My heart ached, the surprise I wanted was ruined. I wanted to surprise Karina, when I learnt what sunghoon was supposed o do, I decided to make an agreement with him about it. Little did I know the plane crashed...

I caressed her hair and whispered,

"Hey, it's fine...look at me all alive now."

She sniffed and hugged me again,

"Don't ever go on planes without me anymore..."

I chuckled and nodded my head. I could tell she wasn't well. Big eye bags, yawning nonstop. We chatted how days have been. She told me all her problems, my heart sank. I never knew what she was going through. I hugged her tight and promised not to make her worry again.

the more we chat, Karina slowly fell asleep in my arms. She laid beside me, sleeping. She was sleeping like a baby. I guess that was her first proper sleep.

Just then, the door creaked. It was Taeyeon. I placed a finger on my mouth, signalling her to shush. But the moment Elise stepped in she shouted,

"Daddy! You are back!!"

I smiled as I hugged her from the other side. Karina's eyes flickered open as she got down from the bed. Irene was also here. Elise explained how her days has been without me. I smiled at how happy she is. Karina just smiled like a proud mom.

Well, Elise has to go to school at 10. So Taeyeon and Irene fetch her there. Taeyeon gave me all our supplies I needed.

Karina sat on the chair watching a movie. I missed her so badly, I stared at her beauty. She suddenly said,

"Win, the television is up there, not here. I am not your entertainment."

I smiled but said,


"But watching your face makes me feel entertained."

She blushed. SCORE!!! She finally blushed for me. I miss alot about her. I never knew I fell so deep in love. I asked,

"Why aren't u sitting with me?"

She said looking in my gaze. She said,

"I heard u whimpering while I was sleeping there. I don't wanna hurt u."

I shook my head and I reached out my hands,

"No you are not, just come..."

I pouted. She gave in. She climbed on the bed and laid down. I played with her hair. She spooned me and said,

"Babe, don't ever do that again..."

My heart sank at that tune, she sounded so disheartened. I hugged her tightly and said,

"I promise."

Then, we cuddled together and we slept.


Winter suddenly shouted,


I looked at her seeing whether she was ok. She looked pale. She shooked her head and said,

"I dreamt of dying in that plane crash."

I just patted her back and leaned her shoulder against mine. When I looked at her eyes, I saw anxiety. I just combined out heads together. When, her breathing went back to normal I then separate our heads. I looked into her gaze and whispered,

"It's ok, let's just sleep."

"But I can't..."

She pouted. Looking at this cute sight, I nodded my head. I switched son the tv as we sat together and tried my best to keep myself awake. It has been so long since she came back. And This is the first thing happens.

Why not me though...



I am so sorry for ending this chapter so early. I have alot of homework nowadays and I am trying to improve on my subjects for the important exam. Thank you for understanding. Please vote and thank you for supporting this story. Thank you!!

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