《Just Love Me Back 2|| Winrina》fifth




"Elise, blow out your candles." I said softly. It was her eighth birthday. She was so big. She is already like 128 and so skinny. When I was her age I wasn't even 110.

She made a wish and blown it out. She was celebrating her birthday with me, irene and taeyeon were invited too. She was such a thoughtful kid. Usually kids nowadays just ask for celebrations.

I hugged her and cut her a slice. I asked,

"What did u wish for?"

She pouted and said,

"I wished dad was here..."

I felt a tinge of regret, I could not give what my daughter wants...I held back my tears as I hugged Elise and watched tv together. After a while, Irene brought Elise to sleep. I just needed some alone time and they agreed.

Winter had to go on a course to LA for one year and she is coming back tomorrow. Without winter, I could not control my emotions well. I could not manage all the stress, kids, work, house. I tried to have a happy appearance in front of Elise. Thankfully she bought it, but I needed crying myself everyday to sleep. Irene and taeyeon were always there to help. Winter is like everything I need, but I managed to recover myself and look at me all well again. But...words said by Elise stabbed my heart.

I sat at the balcony where winter and I always spend time at. This was our favorite place, spending time together. But I sat there alone, imagining winter's presence...just then, taeyeon grabbed a chair and sat beside me. She knew what was wrong, she hugged me as we looked the sky,

"Karina, I know u miss her, me too. She is coming tomorrow right, I will follow u, Irene and your parents can take care of Elise. I will drop u off, see winter for a while. Y'all can go on a proper date and I can too. It's ok, she will be fine...I am sure she misses u too. "


I hummed in response. Sunghoon say he will pass the message to winter that I will fetch her. Sunghoon and I relationship get better nowadays, we even share some problem. All I needed to do was to wait for the next day. After staying in that position for a while. Both of us went to sleep.

(The next morning)

"Wtf...sunghoon, it's 4 in the morning, why the hell did u call me for..." I rubbed my eyes as I answered sunghoon's call.

"Karina, come here quick, did u see the news? U know what screw that up, come here now! It's winter!" He shouted.

I was shock but I shot out of bed. I changed into a hoodie with black baggy pants. Taeyeon was in the living room, she saw me in such hurry. she just wore a hoodie over and followed me. I guess she was worried about me so she followed me.

While driving to the hospital, I kept think about winter and not know what happen to her. Taeyeon checked the news, her face fell. I begged her to tell me, but she just patted me and said,


Arriving at the hospital, I barged into there and asked where sunghoon was. Knowing where he was, I ran up there. He was outside the surgery room. I ran to him. He held my arms, I panted as I said,

"Sunghoon, what happened?"

He looked at me with sympathy,

"Winter, her flight didn't make it...she is my patient, we are monitoring her. She is for now fine. She is in an accidental coma..."

I could not believe what he said...I step backwards as my hand covered my mouth. When Taeyeon caught up, she knew what happened. I hugged Taeyeon as I broke down in her arms....no not my win...


I cried and cried, all she did was hugged me back and patted my back. Why winter...

Just then, we were allowed to see winter. When we entered there, I had no more energy to cry. I just looked at Winter's lifeless body, the person I never seen for a year...I placed my hand over Winter's.

I decided to stay and look after winter. Taeyeon just agreed and said she will being my needs everyday. Taeyeon left to give me some privacy. Sunghoon just came and looked at me. I asked him,

"When will she wake up?"

He sighed and said,

"Now, it is based on her body strength, she may wake up anytime. Let's think this way, the sooner she wakes up, it means how much she loves u. Just wait u know."

I nodded my head. He left. I looked at winter as I caressed her hand, I felt warm tears on my face, seeing how badly winter was injured. I said softly,

"Win, why must u do this to me... Just get well soon..."

Slowly, I curled up and slept on the chair next to winter. Starting from that day, it may seem weird but i started talking to winter, how she wakes up.

(One week later)

I did what I usually do. I talked to her, told her my hardships... Just then, I felt her hands move, I thought it was my imagination, but I saw her eyes wants to open. I quickly called the nurse in.

clasping my hands tight, I prayed that winter would be fine, I kept repeating the words in my mind,

"Please, winter be ok..."

Just then, sunghoona ND nurses came out. He had a wide smile and said,

"Rina, u can see her."

I ran inside with no hesitation. Winter was alive, she sat on the bed, smiling widely, she said,

"Hey rina..."

Tears Welles my eyes as I ran to hug her. I hugged her waist tightly as I broke down. She stroke my hair. I have never been this relieved in my whole entire life...

I'm just glad u are ok...



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