《miracle | kim yugyeom》1.6


i went home saturday afternoon after having settled that gyeom and i were starting slow, but that we were indeed in a relationship.

last week was very abnormal for me, seeing as i had missed almost a whole week of work and school.

monday, wednesday, and friday i took classes two classes each day, starting from 10pm to about three in the afternoon, all of course with breaks in between. tuesday and thursday i worked at a clothing company from 7am to 6pm. the weekends were left to my own time.

i had missed out on two days of school and a day of work, i had quite a bit of studying to do and some papers to write, but otherwise, attendance wasn't too much of an issue with my classes. my manager was very understanding of my situation so there weren't any complaints there.

i'd wake up at about nine to put on some casual clothes, most of the time just some jeans, a hoodie and a beanie, i mostly wore solid colored things.

i'd then make a smoothie to calm down my stomach so i wouldn't be too hungry until lunch, then i'd feed kuma, let her out to eat, all that. afterwards i'd get my backpack with my essentials and drive to the university.

when i'd went to meet gyeom i had taken an uber in case i'd get drunk, and when i'd left my home due to my ex, i'd left my car at my house so that my ex wouldn't be able to look for my car and track me down.

the first class i had was economics, and my second which was around 2 in the afternoon was business law, i was a business major. on wednesdays and fridays i had three classes each.

in between, i'd get work done and have lunch.

i was pretty busy generally, which taught me to be productive and manage my time better.


im getting lunch

hbu :)

practice just ended

getting lunch too

ouu we should meet :D

bet where

i'll meet u halfway

the far side of samseongil

nah i'll go to cheongdam

wouldn't want my pretty girl

to be late to class bc of me :)


ur so sweet :(

see u there bb :)

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