《Stranded》Chapter 23: The new me


Becca's P.O.V

Unfortunately, the bell rings. We have to go class. WHY? I lean in for just one last kiss. Stacy pulls me away. "You guys are mega adorbs, however we cannot be late for class." she explains.

I blow him, one last kiss. He gives me a wink. As I walk to my seat, I see people glancing at me. Yippee! They know I exist, now. Sadie was even looking!

"Are you the new girl, that we are expecting?" she asks. I roll my eyes.

"Hi, Sadie Taylor. My name is . . ." I pause dramatically. "Rebecca Evans. Nice to meet you! I am totally the new girl."

Sadie's eyes narrow, then her smile is back.

"OMG, you have the exact same name as a really, ugly and antisocial girl. You even date her ex-boyfriend, Noah. Btw, he's mine. We all knew that it wasn't meant to be. You even hang out with Stacy. . ." she babbled, slowly the pieces dawn to her and she glares.

I start to laugh. It was hilarious, I even told her my name! "You think that beauty is everything, don't you. Guess what it isn't. It's about your personality. Your personality sucks." she snaps.

"But I guess Noah finds my suckish personality attractive, so I am lucky!" I said, dramatically wiping my eyes.

She looks at me. "He'll get tired of you, eventually. He always does. You don't even stand a chance." she sneers.

"Maybe, but hey, why not enjoy it now? Live in the moment." I replied.

The teacher starts talking about Mayans and how great- whatever. Sadie passes me a note. I got to give her some credit for being so dedicated to being so annoying. I open the note. It says:

He is just dating you, because obvi he likes me!


Look at me, my hair and my face. Not to mention my totes 6y body. I look at her as I read this part. I raise my eyebrow. She mimes her boobs. I roll my eyes and resume.We totes belong together.

I h8 u.

Your welcome,

SadieI start correcting her text. Obviously. Totally and 6y? Sixy? OH, sexy. Next, totally. Hate and you. There perfect! I give her a 29 out of 35. I write c+ on the paper and I pass it back.

She gasps. "Bitch!" she mouths. The bell rings and I head to lunch. Noah waves me over to his table. I sit next to him.

"Move over. That's my seat." Sadie demands.

"Noah? Maybe I sit somewhere else, is that ok?" I ask. Noah shakes his head and pulls me onto his lap.

"Sit here, babe." he says. Sadie huffs and looks at me like she wants to bite my head off.

"Thank you." I replied, kissing his cheek. He grins, pleased.

"Becca?" he whispers. I look at him. He looks a little nervous.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Go with me to the homecoming with me." he asks, although it does not sound like a question.

"It is an order?" I tease. The tip of his ears turn slightly red. "I am just kidding, Noah. I love to go with you." I said.

Noah sighs, his expression relieved. "Did you really think I'd say no?" I question.

"I thought maybe you don't like that sort of events. I mean I never seen you go." he answers, truthfully.

"That's because well I had no date. Once I nearly went, but my date ditched me for Amber." I say.

"What a jerk!" he says, annoyed. I giggled. He was so protective. Jeez, it was in 7 grade.


"It was in 7th grade, anyway. Besides you were worth waiting for. My first homecoming date." I joked. He smiles.

"It's my 20th time or something." he replies. I roll my eyes.

"That's wonderful!" I said, sarcastically.

"But- he starts to say.

"Yes! There's a but!" I interrupt him. He places his finger on my lips, silencing me.

"It's my first time going with a girl, I was stranded on an island with." he continues. I swat him.

"That's no fair. That rarely happens!" I protested. He grins and kisses me.

His face suddenly grows solemn. "You're the only girl who has fully captured my heart, babe.

I am no longer the girl who wears baggy clothes, the girl who barely exists. I am the girl who captured Noah Jackson's heart.

I smile, I am fully aware that everyone is watching us. For the first time, I don't care. They don't know me like Noah knows me.

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