《Stranded》Chapter 22: I missed you


Becca's P.O.V

"Stacy?" I nervously ask.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" she replies, looking at me.

"Is this skirt too short? Do my legs look okay?" I chattered, nervously.

"Honey, you look fine. Quit being insecure about yourself. This is your moment to shine!" she says, dramatically waving her hands.

I tug my skirt down and take a deep breath. I look at Stacy and she solemnly nods. I burst out laughing, this isn't some weird mission.

I am just going to school! Stacy joins in. I feel much better. That was such an overreaction!

I open the school doors. Stacy gives me a smile. We walk into the school. I walk towards my locker. I hear whispering. I ignore it.

Who cares? I open my locker. I get out my books. I walk towards Noah, who is grinning.

"Sexy lady!" he jokes. I look into his eyes. He looks exhausted and there is hurt in his eyes. His usually composed hair is all over the place. I forgotten how hot he was.

Was that even possible? Suddenly as this realisation dawns upon me, I feel unbearably shy towards him.

I master all my confidence.

"Hey, Noah?" I asked, softly.

"Yeah?" he replies.

"Look, I am so sorry about what happened. I get it if you don't want to get together. I miss you, sweetheart." I said, looking in his eyes. His face softens as I called him sweetheart.

I turn to walk away, feeling humiliated. His strong arms snake around my waist, before I can walk away. I turn my head, towards him. His usually flirty expression is gone. It is replaced by a tender, loving expression. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I miss you, too." he whispers in my ear. I sigh, relieved. He kisses my neck and hair.


He pulls away and takes a good look at me. His eyes linger around my butt, a little longer than necessary.

"Hello? My eyes are up here!" I said. He grins.

"Babe, I can't help it. You look gorgeous. I miss the old you, too." he answers.

"That was a completely waste of time, then!" I groaned.

"Babe, I am just kidding! Now everyone sees what I saw all along! You were always gorgeous to me. It's just that other people were too stupid to see it. Your confidence makes you gorgeous, babe. " he says, giving my butt a pinch. I swat his hand away. He is right, it's not the clothes. It's my newly found confidence.

"Pervert!" I scold him. He looks into my eyes. His arms tightens around me. He holds me closer. No one is whispering and no one is throwing nude bras at me. Thank you, everyone.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see girls awwing over us. Guys playing with their soccer balls, oblivious.

"Babe, eyes on me!" he complains. I laugh.

"You, poor, neglected baby!" I mock, as I nuzzle the crook of his neck.

I gaze into his eyes. I lose myself in his eyes. His lips finds mine and we make up for the lost time.

I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Stay with me. Don't ever leave me again, babe." he whispers in my ear.

"I promise." I whispered into his ear.

Our lips meet again and again.

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