《Reborn To Revenge》Chapter 21


"Are you sure that your elder brother able to find about JinAe?" Sarang asked Jae Suk once again.

"I'm hundred percent sure" Jae Suk assured her. He was himself a descendant of a Shadow warriors who served 'one' particular family for hundreds years. Because of that reason his family have connections all over the world. They're also one of the powerful family in the country.

"Relax, Sarang" Chan Woo patted her shoulder. Byeol and GaEun can also felt the uneasiness in their friend eyes.

When they entered into the Jae family house all of his family members were seated in the living room.

"Dad, why did you suddenly wants us to gather?"

"You said it's something important what's that"

"How long do we have to wait for you to speak?"

Mr.Jae was dumbfounded by their questions. He himself doesn't know why his youngest son wants his family to gather to meet his friends. What's so special about to meet his friends.


Mr.Jae looked up and saw his life saver had finally appeared.

"Jae Suk, you brat" you Finally appeared. Mr.Jae sighed in relief.

Mrs.Jae looked at her son, "Jae Suk, why did you come late" then her eyes landed on few figures at the entrance, "Oh! Are they your friends?"

"Yes, Mom" Jae Suk said. Sarang looked at his family somewhat felt an strong aura which almost scared her. By seeing their appearance Sarang was sure that they are not a normal family.

"Come, take your seat" Mrs.Jae asked them to sit, asked the maid to bring the juice for them to drink.

Jae Suk looked around, "Dad, Where is Jae Bum?"

"He got caught in the traffic" His dad replied, "Why did you want all of us to gather here?"

Mr.Jae's question caught off gaurd his family members. "Dear, I thought you were the one who wants to meet us?" Mrs.Jae asked her husband.

"No, It's this brat wants us to gather" Mr.Jae said to her.

Sarang and her friends looked somewhat uncomfortable.

Sarang felt worried that her request must be too much to ask them. So she decided to not to ask their help. When she was about to stop Jae Suk he pulled her hands and stood next to her.


Jae family members were too shocked by their youngest son who always quite now holding a hands of a girl.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"When did you got yourself a girlfriend?"

"Wait, when did you even started to talk with girls?"

This was the scene SungJin and Jae Bum saw when they entered the house. But the people in the living room were too immersed in Jae Suk so they failed to notice the two who stood near the door.

Jae Bum was stunned. He didn't expect that his baby brother to fallen for the Demon's girl. He looked at SungJin whose face reddened from anger.

Jae Bum cursed Beom Seok for escaping at the last minute coming with a lame lie. Now he has to face this Big Boss alone.

On the other side, Byeol,GaEun and Chan Woo controlled themselves to not to laugh by seeing Jae Suk expression.

Sarang tried to remove her hands from Jae Suk afraid that Byeol might mistake her. When she turned to look at Byeol, Sarang saw that Byeol was biting her lips to not to laugh aloud. Sarang frowned by seeing their friends reaction which showed zero intention to help her.

"Mom, what do you mean by that? Who said I don't talk to girls?" He asked her.

"But we never saw you spoke to any girls in the past. So we thought you don't like girls" Mrs.Jae felt sad when she saw her son was angry at her.

"Let's leave that. Now tell us, what you wanted to talk us" Mr.Jae was very happy that finally his youngest son shown some interest in dating unlike his elder brothers.

"Dad, Mom, Elder brother, second brother, Meet Sarang. My sister"

The smiling faces on the Jae family members have been wiped away when they heard.

"Wait, what do you mean sister?" Elder brother Jae In asked him.

Second brother Jae He, gasped and looked at his father, "Dad, when did you?"

Mrs.Jae shocked and started to hit her husband, "How could you cheat on me?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Mr.Jae was stunned by the behaviour of his family.


Jae Suk was confused why they mistook about what he said. Jae Bum rushed inside to console his crying mother.

SungJin somewhat relieved when he heard Jae Suk introduced her as his sister. He smiled and leaned on the wall crossing his hands to watch the show. But he frowned when he saw Jae Suk was still holding Sarang's hand.

Jae Bum noticed the frown on SungJin and followed his gaze. 'My stupid brother, can't you feel the demonic pressure'. He stood and pulled Jae Suk to him which caused him to leave Sarang's hand, "Whatever you want to say please convey it clearly so 'certain' people won't misunderstand the situation". He peeked at SungJin when he said that.

Jae Suk nodded his head, "I made her as my God sister. I want you to be her Godmother and Godfather as well"

This made everyone in room to stunned. Sarang looked towards Jae Suk 'What the hell is he trying to do?'

"Wow, nice move. If they become Sarang's Godparents I'm sure they will not decline her request" Chan Woo whispered to GaEun and Byeol.

"I know my boyfriend is smart" Byeol chuckled. "I agree. He is smart. So we have to know what's his parents have decided" GaEun said.

Even SungJin didn't expect Jae Suk to ask his parents to be Sarang's Godparents.

Jae Bum visibly gulped. If his parents become her Godparents and then Sarang will be his sister as well. Then SungJin will be his Brother-in-law.

That thought itself made Jae Bum to shiver.

"Jae Suk, do you even know what you're saying?" Mr.Jae looked at him.

Before Jae Suk could reply Sarang interrupted him, "Mr.Jae, please don't mind his words. He asked you to be my Godparents because he thought once you become my Godparents you might help me to find a person which I'm looking for. So kindly ignore his words"

'Is she looking for some person? Who could it be?' SungJin stared at her back which was facing him.

"Sarang, what are you saying? That's not true" Jae Suk said to her but he was sighed when she glared at him 'Don't you dare to lie'

"Okay, I agree. I thought if they became your Godparents they will not reject your request. But I'm serious when I said I wanted to be your brother. So what's wrong asking my parents to be your Godparents?" Jae Suk said to her afraid she might mistaken him.

"Still, it's not right. It's like I'm using your family for my selfish reason which I'm not willing to do it" Sarang said to him.


Mr.Jae banged his hand on the table which Sarang and her friends to jump in fear.

SunJin frowned when he saw her frightened look. He glared at Mr.Jae for causing that.

"Jae Suk before you could decide anything, don't you think you've to discuss with us?" Mr.Jae raised his voice made Sarang to tremble.

SungJin frowned deepened he saw her trembling.

Mrs.Jae looked at her husband, "Even though he decided on himself but he got us a daughter" she stood as she went to Sarang, "Don't worry. I like your upright character, so I don't mind to be your Godmother"

"Dear, what are you saying? We don't even know who is she? What if-" Mr.Jae stopped talking when he saw SungJin walking towards him.

"I think it will not be bad to accept her as your daughter, Mr.Jae" SungJin nod his head when he said to Mr.Jae.

Jae In and Jae He visibly was shocked to see the Young master in their house. When they about to greet him, SungJin shook his head, which they caught the hint.

Sarang looked at her back and saw a familiar figure walking towards them. Her eyes widened when she remembered him as the guy who helped her to deal with HyunAh and Minah.

But what was he doing here?

"It's not bad to have a daughter. Even if you're don't agree, I wants to be her Godmother" Mrs.Jae said affectionately gazed Sarang.

Mr.Jae looked at SungJin and sighed, "Okay, I do as you say"

Just like that Sarang became one of the family members of the Jae Family.

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