《Conquer {BLEACH}》(4).
Weeks past and Rue found her place in the group as the medic. If you don't know the group positions, I'll tell you. Kikyo was the cook and assistant medic since blood made her nervous. Louri was scout, quick on his feet, and loveable towards everyone except Ryuu. Ryuu was an attacker. He loved to fight people to protect his friends. Agito was also an attacker but on hollows. She was also the leader.
One summer day, when the sun was hot, the bugs were buzzing, and the air was humid, the group found themselves at a small lake. The lake was relatively small and feed by an underground spring. The minerals in the water made it hard for alge to live in so the water was almost crystal blue.
Kikyo wadded in the water nervously after an excited Rue was was swimming in the deep end. Ryuu and Lorey were wrestling in the water and both of them will never admit but they were having a great time. Agito was the only one sitting under the shade.
"Come on Agito! Get in the water!" called out Rue. Agito opened one eye to look but closed it again as she sunk back to a napping mind.
"Naw, I'll just nap," Agito answered. The shade was cooler than out in the sun and Agito was easily relaxing. She heard a russle of grass but she could already tell it was Rue by how light she was walking. Thinking nothing of it, she went back till la-la land before-
"Hahaha! I got you Agito! I got you!" cried Rue as she ran for her life. Agito had yelped and glared harshly after Rue as everyone laughed at Rue's prank. Agito was now covered in water, soaking wet, and now ready to join everyone in the lake.
"You want me to get in the lake? Fine. I'll get in the lake Rue-chan but you better run for your life cause I'm pissed OFF!!!" Agito raced after the squealing Rue and tackled her into the water. Now the day of fun was complete with Agito playing with them. By now, they were each in their hundred years of life which they were very proud of but their childishness was still there with them.
Everything was fun and games until a scream ripped through the air. Despite the temperature, the scream ran chills down everyone's spine. They looked into the woods to see a huge hollow coming out of the forest. The hollow was a greenish yellow color with a long neck like a giraffe and six elephant like legs. Basically, it was uglier than your mom on a bad hair day.
"Everyone, get back," Agito said in the most serious voice possible. They obeyed her quickly as Agito got the hollows attention.
"Hey you piece of fucking shit! Get your fat ass over here so I can kill you!" The hollow's eyes narrowed on her and charged with a squealing roar. Agito waited for the right moment before jumping up in the air, using her energy as a boost. She didn't know what she used, she just knew it was effective against tall hollows. When she was face to face with the mask, she lashed out a kick with her energy and cracked the neck open. Green acid like blood flowed out of the neck and it fell to the ground. Agito dusted herself off before walking calmly back towards her group. Suddenly, a new voice pierced the woods.
"Watch out! Behind you!" Agito twisted herself around in time to see a long pink tongue circling around her waist and the hollow standing up. The neck was stitching itself up. Agito grunted and tried to get away but she couldn't. The hollow took it's tongue back in and just as Agito was about to get eaten-
Agito did the splits in mid air and caught herself in between the two jaws. The hollow moaned out a scream of frustration but Agito stayed unreachable to its throat.
"Bombs away!" and Agito was free. For only a second, Agito's mind blanked out before automatically getting ready for a landing. when she landed though, she didn't expect to land on a soft padded ... Person? She got off him but frowned at the Shinigami uniform. Aren't Shinigami's supposed to be the best? Then why is the man on the ground getting stepped on? Her attention shifted towards to screeching hollow who was wailing about his tongue.
"How do you defeat it?" she asked the Shinigami with two foot shaped foot marks on his face.
"B-b-break the mask," he said hoarsely. She nodded her head and turned forward. The hollow set its sights on her again and charged. She put her energy into her legs and jumped forward. When Agito was face to face with the mask, she swung her leg around with a kick with her energy and destroyed the hollow's mask. The hollow turned to dust and Agito looked back at the Shinigami. Rue-chan and Kikyo-chan were already beside the Shinigami, whipping away the blood that fell from his nose.
"Mission fail, Giyu is not experienced enough to pass the test," A voice said and everyone whipped around. A tall Shinigami man stood there with grey slicked back hair. Wrinkles covered his face betraying his age and just by his hair orniments, the gang could tell they were in the presence of nobility. The man stared down in disapproval at the Shinigami who was suffering from face implant but turned his attention to Agito.
[Back to Agito's POV]
His eyes turned to me and I had to stop myself from glaring at him. It's automatic for me to challenge any and all sort of power, nobility is one of them.
"What is your name?" he asked.
"Agito, sir," I said, grimacing against the taste of respect flowing out of my mouth.
"What do you know of reiatsu?"
"Huh? Reiatsu? What's that?" I asked. He studied me carefully before walking forward. When he was but three feet away from me, he spoke.
"Come with me to be a Shinigami," he ordered. My eyes widened in shock.
"W-what foolishness are you babbling?"
"Exactly as I said. Follow me to become a Shinigami. Your soul has a large amount of reiatsu and would become a benefactor to Soul Society."
"'Benefactor to Soul Society'? You make it sound like I'm selling my soul. Why should I follow you? I have no reason to become a Shinigami."
"Even if you are threatening the lives of your friends?" I blinked in surprise. What the hell...?
"What are you talking about?" I growled out. It might not be a good idea to growl at a nobelman but he's ticking me off.
"Hollows are attracted to strong reiatsu. You are the strongest signature of energy for a hundred meter radius. You'll attract more and more hollows. Eventually, one of your friends will get hurt." What? I didn't know that. So I was.... So I was endangering everyone this entire time? Will more hollows come after me if I stay with them? I don't want to endanger them. I want to protect them. But being a Shinigami is equivalent to a soldier. Would I give up my freedom for their protection?
"What is your answer?" I closed my eyes and breathed in slowly. I looked him right in the eye before answering,
"W-what? Agito, you know how Shinigami are! Don't get involved with them!" cried Louri. I walked over to my group for a final goodbye.
"And risk your lives fighting hollows everyday? I don't think so. Besides, I might as well learn how to control this reiatsu he keeps talking about."
"Will you stop acting like the tough guy already?! I know you want to stay with us! I don't care if we're on the constant run! I want us together as a family!" Ryuu shouted.
"I won't lie when I say I really do want to stay here with you but what if because of me Kikyo died?" They both blinked in surprise before looking down on the ground. Kikyo turned bright red and played with her fingers. I smiled a bit for her.
"Kikyo-chan, take care of them. You're stronger than you look." I placed a hand on her shoulder reasuredly before turning to Rue. Her hands were clenched and her teeth were gritted together.
"I don't care. I coming with you."
"No Rue-chan, you have to stay here-"
"No Agito! I'm staying with you! I know I might not put much of a fight but I know that Soul Reapers need doctors too! Maybe I could be one!" she cried out desperately.
"Rue-chan, I don't that's-"
"Can you heal?" I jumped in surprise at the voice behind me. That old man, Kuchiki was it, was towering over me, almost glaring down at Rue. Rue-chan nodded quickly.
"Yeah, I know lots of doctor stuff! Can I go?"
"Rue-chan! I said-"
"You may come. I already sense the reiatsu in you." He turned away and walked towards where Soul Society must be. I turned to Rue with a glare.
"No. And that's final Agito. I'm coming with you and that's the end of it." She glared back at me. I hated it when we fight. It just seemed so wrong. I growled in the back of my throat before following Kuchiki.
"Fine. Goodbye Louri, Ryuu, Kikyo. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," I said with a smirk. Louri and Ryuu immediately had anger marks on their head.
"I'M NOT GAY!!!" Rue-chan said her goodbyes before trotting back to my side. I looked at her in the corner of my eye and noticed the small teardrops about to drip down her face and slung an arm around her shoulders. She looked at me curiously before I explained,
"We'll see them again one day, don't worry." She nodded her head sadly before we looked towards our recruiter. Why would a nobelman like a Kuchiki even want to associate himself with us 'street rats'?
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the truth, and nothing but the truth?"
"I swear," I said.
"Then let's begin questioning. What is your name?"
"Agito. No last name."
"What do you know of Shinigami?"
"They protect the dead and the living from hollows."
"What are hollows?'
"Human souls that stayed too long in the human world. They go into despair because no Shinigami was able to go to them and they lose they hearts and minds. They become monsters hungry for the hearts and souls of other dead beings."
"Why do you want to become a Shinigami?"
"To protect."
"What is there to protect?" I paused a bit. They wanted the truth right? Might as well tell them as bluntly as possible.
"I have to protect the niavety of all those dumbass motherfuckers that go about their day bullshitting everyone and everything. I do it so they can spend another miserable day of innocence as I risk my ass for their fucking souls and get no thanks in return. Do you want to hear that or do you want me say the pretty lip service you three sit there and take every single day?" they gapped in shock. I scratched my cheek absently. I wasn't ashamed with my reason, hell, I'll probably write it down and tattoo it to my ass.
"Are you willing to die for Soul Society?"
"No, I'll never die for Soul Society. I'll die for people. Soul Society is a bunch of walls that'll eventually rot and crumble to the ground but saving a life brings more worth to my death." They nodded their heads to me and flicked their wrist. A guard grabbed me by my arm and tried to drag me outside but I stepped on his toe and walked out myself with him screaming in pain behind me. Rue sat politely on a bench outside the door and I joined her.
"How did it go for you?" she asked. I sighed.
"I might have ticked a few people off but it was worth the look on their faces." I grin as I remembered my words.
"Oh no, what did you say?"
"Remember that one question, why do you want to become a Shinigami?" She nodded and I continued, "I said, 'I have to protect the niavety of all those dumbass motherfuckers that go about their day bullshitting everyone and everything. I do it so they can spend another miserable day of innocence as I risk my ass for their fucking souls and get no thanks in return. Do you want to hear that or do you want me say the pretty lip service you three sit there and take every single day?'" Rue giggled and smiled at me.
"I think you might have wounded their pride but they'll get over it," she said.
"Wounded their pride? I took them by their balls and twisted. I doubt I'll ever become a Shinigami now but they wanted the truth right? What did you say?"
"I said, 'I want to help others by being a doctor.' It wasn't as colorful as you put it but it's the truth." I nodded my head and leaned back. I crossed my arms and sighed to myself. This is tiring. When Kuchiki entered Soul Society with us in tow, the whole place went into an uproar. Apparently, Kuchiki-san never comes back with a few extra souls and usually reports potential shinigami to the sou-taicho. Kuchiki disappeared after giving out a few orders here and there. The other Soul Reapers ushered us to this random building I honestly don't remember how. I just remember stepping on a lot of toes and 'accidently' elbowing people who tried to touch me. I laughed like a maniac at the memory.
"Will you shut up? I hate cocky bastards like you the most." I looked towards the sound of the voice and saw a familiar face. The Shinigami who tried to save us. His face wasn't purple anymore. It was red with a bandage over his nose. I grinned sadistically.
"Cocky Bastards? You mean yourself right?" He sputtered before retorting,
"You asshole. You think you're all tough just because you defeated a hollow. It was a fluke!"
"Yeah and that fluke saved your ass. I wonder how the others will take it when they hear that you failed to kill a simple hollow as that, got your face beaten by someone landing on it and that same person killing it?" His glare hardened.
"I'll make you regret-"
"Regret? Never in my vocabulary. Why? Do you regret ever being born? Regret never getting yourself laid in the last four-hundred years you've been alive and dead? Regret having that ugly as fuck face that makes babies cry for their mothers? You have a lot of things to regret."
"Shut your mouth!"
"Why? I'm just telling it how I see it. So is it true? You never been laid right? Did your mother neglect you as a baby? I'll send her a sympathy card. What about your father? Did he leave home? It was all because of you, you know? It was because of you that he left. That's why your mother hated you." The more I spoke, the more his face turned to an unhealthy shade of purple. He snorted out like a bull in heat before reached at my throat. I dropped down, dashed forward, and punched him in the gut with enough of that 'reiatsu' Kuchiki was speaking about to knock a tree down. I leaned into his ear and whispered,
"You know what? No one wanted you in reality. You're worthless. You'll never amount to anything. You're nothing but a carcass of swine that the mutts don't eat."
"Agito, enough." I frowned but stepped back, letting my eyes turn to the person who spoke.
"Kuchiki, didn't expect to see you again," I said bitterly. His eyes were as hard as stones.
"And why is that? What did you do to Giyu?" I smirked before looking back at the disgrace to Shinigami.
"I just had a refreshing conversation with him. Don't worry, I didn't harm him too much."
"And why didn't you think you would see me again?"
"Well you're Kuchiki-taicho of the 6th Company. Head of the Kuchiki Noble Family. I really don't expect you to actually be interested in a bunch of street rats." I grin at him, showing off my canines.
"You're very arrogant," he stated bluntly. I dropped the grin.
"Arrogant? No, I'm realistic. Cause really, nobility will have nothing to do with peasants. They'll have no interest in the Mutts of the Streets. Rue and I have no surname which makes us lower than peasants. We're the street rats of street rats. So why does the highest in nobility, closest to the Soul King, find interest in the rats of the slums?" He stayed silent. I felt a tugging on my clothes and looked towards Rue. She had a sad look about her.
"Agito-chan, don't try to damage everyone around you," she said. Kuchiki-san took interest.
"What do you mean?" He asked. Rue just gave him a glance.
"Nothing if you don't state your reasons. How about it? A little trade of information." I sometimes wonder which of us is eviler. I can crush a persons will while Rue can manipulate people. Kuchiki looked a little bit annoyed.
"I don't have to answer to-"
"-to what? Street rats? But why should you have given us a thought in the first place? I think we have a right to know."
"Especially if we can tell you a little bit about us. Aren't you the least bit interested in what happened to Giyu?" I looked back at Giyu to find him on the ground in a state of coma-like shock. Opps, I think I broke him. And I was having so much fun with my new play toy.
"I find no interest in deal with you two. Now, follow me into the examination chamber." He turned away quickly and walked back towards the room we just came out of. We followed him but not before Rue and I looked at each other.
"He'll ask,"
"He will," We both stood in front of the three examiners. plus the kuchiki who stood to the side. Rue and I stood straight with our heads held high, ready for the verdict. If one of us was to be accepted, we both would leave. If both of us were accepted, we both would stay. We stay a package deal together.
"Agito and Rue, you-"
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Once, there was a queen. ━━━━━━༻♔༺ ━━━━━━━━━━━━When Nessira promised herself a new life, that was exactly what she gave herself. With that sweet taste of freedom, she would do anything to keep her past buried... Including living under a false name. The past was rotten and ruined, all caused by her own unyielding, sacrificial hands, but she never expected it to resurface with blood. Her hands soaked in the ichor of people she thought dead, she must fight to keep her identity a secret all while pointing the enemy in the wrong direction. But, what would happen if the enemy was exactly what she needed to survive? The Queen of Dragons had fallen, but she'd do anything to make sure she didn't fall alone.
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