《Legends meet the 100》Chapter 7


"Look, all we want to do is get done with the repairs on our ship and then go back home. We don't want to get mixed up in matters that are none of our business," Sara told the grounders. Ava smirked. When had that ever worked out for the legends? No matter where and when they were, they always ended up messing things up and having to fix them, Ava thought to herself.

"That may be the case," the Commander responded, "but we can't leave you here unsupervised. You surely understand that I can't trust you. We have had a bad experience with strangers a while ago and it's still not completely resolved." Both, the Commander and Indra, glanced at Clarke quickly, before returning their attention to Sara and Ava who were wondering what exactly had happened. Clarke looked a little guilty, but no one elaborated further on the matter. Ava and Sara chose to let it go and concentrate on the more urgent matter.

"Some of your warriors can stay and keep a lookout. If we do something suspicious, they can report it back to you. But I can't let them enter the ship unless I trust them which I don't," Sara suggested as a compromise. "How are they supposed to watch you then?", Indra objected immediately. Clarke tried to defend the captain explaining, "Why should they let us into their home if we are not willing to do the same?"

Lexa, who had been quiet and listened to both women patiently, spoke up now, "I understand your request, captain, but I have to agree with Indra. It will be hard for my people to observe any suspicious behavior on your side if they can't see or hear you."

Honestly, Sara hadn't expected the commander to accept her offer. She mainly voiced the suggestion to find out what kind of leader the Commander was.


"I also agree with Clarke," the Commander continued. "I suggest that ten of my people stay here. Five of them will be allowed to enter the ship and watch your team from there. In exchange, some of your people may visit Polis. They will be under very close supervision and they will be accompanied by my people at all times."

Sara and Ava were both a little surprised by this offer. Sofar, the grounders had tried to not let any information leak about them that was not absolutely necessary for the legends to know. To invite them into their home was the exact opposite of what they had been doing so far. Clarke and Indra seemed to have been caught off guard as well. Indra leaned forward and whispered something into the Commander's ear. The grounder's leader turned her head to face Indra after she was done whispering and quietly answered something in their strange language. Whatever it was that the Commander had said seemed to satisfy the irritable woman. She sat back with a barely noticeable hint of a smirk.

"Do you have any specific wishes as to who you want to accompany you to Polis?", Ava spoke up for the first time. The Commander answered, "Whoever is needed for the repairs on your ship will stay behind. Everyone else will come to Polis." She locked eyes with Sara after finishing the sentence. The grounder had piercing green eyes, but Sara refused to look away. She held eye-contact while asking if she could discuss this with the team before agreeing to anything.

Lexa had to force herself to keep staring into the captain's blue eyes. They weren't as blue as Clarke's eyes. In a sense, Sara's eyes were darker. The actual color wasn't darker, but there was a shadow in her eyes that was likely the result of a very hard past.


She was so focussed on not breaking the eye contact that she had nearly missed the question. "Talk to your team. We will meet again back here when you are done." Shouts from the clearing caused both leaders to break the eye-contact.

"What did they do this time?", Sara and Ava groaned at the same time.

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