《After the Aftermath》To hell AND to California!


Another three hours had passed and they were finally back in LA. The roads were silent as night lights lit up the highway, like the calm before the storm. Elle looked at Noah's cold, expressionless, face. She wished he would say something, she missed his laugh, his warm loving kisses, and the way it felt when he wrapped his arms around her waist. Memories of their first year together flooded into her mind as the Hollywood sign came into view. Noah had made her feel like the only girl in the world that first night. He still did, but Dan was always in the way. She'd never gotten time to process what happened that night, everything had gone so fast and then BAM, Noah was shot, she was off with Richard paying Noah's debt, and she and Eric were avoiding police detection in the car ride to Boston. As they drove on, the full moon rose higher in the sky, she felt a spindly pinker finger wrap around her own. She smiled, good old Noah Flynn charm.

"I love you." She said softly. She felt Noah gently squeeze her finger.

"I love you too Elle." He took ahold of the rest of her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. Gently pulling away, Elle folded her hands in her lap. As the silent road flowed on the highway street lights started to dwindle, the road becoming more dim with each mile, until they were gone altogether. Another long patch of dark road lit up by moonlight. They still had hours to go and the sundress and over sized hoodie she had on was getting cold. She unbuckled her seat belt and crawled into the back of the truck to her bag. Unzipping the bag, she pulled out a pair of jeans and a old worn white t-shirt. After putting on her new outfit, she pulled the hoodie back on over her clothes and slid back into the front seat.


"That sundress was beautiful on you." Noah smirked.

"And? I've been in it for three days, I'm sorry but that's gross. Not even Lee would wear the same underwear and clothes for three days." Elle laughed.

"Whatever you say. You're still beautiful." He smiled.

Richard paced back forth across the living room. Elle and Noah were later than expected. Maybe they hadn't gotten his message. Maybe they hadn't seen the news story. Lee and his mother and father were sitting in the couch. They'd been there for days. Lee's girlfriend was up in the bedroom. She was collateral in case Lee or his parents stepped out of line. He had sent out men to scour the city in an attempt to find Elle and Noah, but they'd been unsuccessful. Lee's foot was bouncing violently against the floor. Richard felt the vibrations of Lee's shoe he was so impatient.

"Will you stop that?!" He yelled in Lee's face.

"Sorry sir." He mumbled. Lee had to be careful. His every move determined the lives of those around him. Richard finally moved to sit in the lazy-boy. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Kent, call the doctor, we'll need him for this one." Richard addressed his body guard by the door.


Elle and Noah were an hour out now, neither one of them had spoken a word once they'd hit the hour mark. Elle had pulled her hair up into a pony tail and pulled a knife out of the bag of stuff they'd picked up along the way.

"You won't be needing that." Noah said calmly. The sound of his voice made Elle jump.

"But it's the only weapon we have." She said timidly. Noah let out a small chuckled.

"No it's not." He said as he lifted a small pistol out of the side of the car door. Elle's eyes widened.


"Where did you get that!" She exclaimed. Noah laughed.

"I swiped it off the good doctors office desk before we left." Elle crossed her arms.

"So you were bringing a gun to our date?" She raised an annoyed eyebrow. Noah laughed again.

"Look it was the only weapon I could find. And our situation doesn't exactly warrant the blind trusting of everyone around us." Elle rolled her eyes.

"You're right." She sighed. He chuckled. He moved one hand from the wheel, and took her hand in his.

"We're getting close Elle, they have our family, I can't ask you to go in there, not after all you've been through." Elle crossed her arms.

"Noah I am perfectly capable of kicking Richards ass just as much as you are." He nodded.

"I know Shelly I know, I just want you to be safe." She put a hand on his cheek.

"Noah Flynn, I will be fine. If I could get the O.M.G's to do a kissing booth I can kick some gang leaders ass." Noah chuckled.

"To think that our biggest problem a year ago was keeping our relationship a secret from my little brother is just..."

"Weird." Elle finished. Noah smiled.

"Yeah, weird." They we're now thirty minutes out.

"Richard better be ready cuz we about to eff him up!" Elle finished each word with a clap. Noah's expression darkened.

"Yup, we're coming for you Dick."

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