《After the Aftermath》Vin Diesel who?


Noah had the pedal to the floor as the enemy cars rushed behind him. Bullets whizzed past their car. Noah was constantly checking the rear view mirror to make sure Elle was alright. He felt a pang of rage when he saw Elle bent over Eric, tending to the boy's wounds. His grip on the steering wheel tightened. He sped down the highway, Elle's whispering to Eric of her

hope for his survival. He felt his chest tighten and his face get hot. He was jealous. He had been the only one to love Elle, the only one to fall asleep next to her. If Eric had done anything to her he'd make sure he'd stay dead. They swerved in between cars and buses as Richard's men chased them.

"Noah! He's loosing a lot of blood!"

"Baby, I'm trying, I have the pedal to the floor! There's nothing more I can do!" He heard Elle's breath hitch as he said that.

"Noah, I need your shirt!"

"My what?"

"Your shirt!"

"Elle, how the hell am I supposed to remove my shirt while driving at a hundred miles an hour!"

"Then I'll do it for you!" She shouted. Noah was confused. He heard Elle unbuckle her seatbelt. Only Shelly would buckle her seat belt in a car chase. He laughed in his head as he sped on through traffic. She moved behind his seat and snaked her arms around him. She slowly pulled his shirt up.

"Now take one hand off of the steering wheel." She said in an exasperated tone. He did as instructed. She slid the short sleeve off that arm.

"Now the other." She said.

Noah put his bare arm back on the wheel and rest of the shirt off of the other arm. Noah felt the tension in Elle's fingers as she pulled away with his shirt. He wanted Elle more than anything right now, just to pull over and kiss her and love her til' she couldn't walk or breathe, but he couldn't. He swerved around more cars and drove through more red lights trying to loose Richard's men. Sirens sounded in the distance. Great. Eric's shallow breathing became more relaxed as Elle wrapped Noah's shirt around Eric's wound. More pressure, less death. A bullet went through the rear window, missing Elle and Eric, grazing Noah's side. He let out a yell as the bullet hit the dash board. The car swerved as his hurt side ached. Elle, realising why Noah was screaming, ripped off her shirt and moved to wrap it around Noah's side. Her simple sports bra exposed.


"Shit Elle!" He shouted. His one hand grip on the wheel tightened. His foot never let up from the pedal.

"Elle I can't drive, you have to take over."

"H-How?" Elle sputtered. Noah smirked through his grimace.

"Get on my lap." Elle made a face.

"Noah I don't think now is really best time-"

"No not that Elle, just get on my lap." He winced as he finished that sentence. Elle sighed and slide very carefully onto his lap.

"Now take the wheel." He grimaced. She did as instructed.

"Now foot on the pedal." She put her foot on Noah's. He slowly pulled his foot out from under hers. The car only slowed for a second before Elle had the pedal back on the floor. Noah remained still with his wound arm on Elle's waist as he dressed it more with her shirt. Elle's bare skin was covered in goosebumps at Noah's rough hands softly cradling her waist. She sped on as the sirens grew closer.

"Elle, babe, get off the highway." Noah rasped. Elle nodded as she moved into the exit lane. Noah noticed she'd had to resist putting on the turn signal. A small smile appeared on his face.

She was still same old Shelly. His smile quickly turned back into a grimace. Elle was ridged as she got off the highway. They looked behind them as Richard's men chased air on the highway as police cars followed them quickly after. Elle smiled in the rear view at the sight of them on a wild goose chase. Her smile soon vanished as she saw Eric's predicament in the back seat of the car. She quickly pulled into a cvs parking lot. She stopped the car in the empty parking lot. The cvs was closed. The day had been taken up by the chase. Elle checked the clock, it was six thirty p.m. She slid off of, silent Noah's, lap and into the passenger seat. She looked back to Noah, his strong jaw closed into a thin line as tho he was thinking.


"Noah you okay?" She asked. He looked to her.

"Elle, me and Eric aren't going to make it if we don't get something to clean and patch these wounds up." Tears welled in Elle's eyes as hi words registered. Before she could muster up the words to speak Noah's eyes closed and he slacked in his seat. His shallow quiet breathing slowing.

"Noah! Noah!" He heard Elle scream as he fell into darkness. Elle straddled Noah, holding her shirt against his clean through bullet hole wound on his side, pleading with him to wake up. The boy she loved was dying.

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