《Regretting Rejection #HMS2》Epilogue


7 years later...

"Jane! Are you ready for school darling?" I shouted as I walked over to my little 4 year olds room, which was covered with posters of Belle, her favorite princess. As I walked in, I found her on her bed, teaching her father how to comb her Barbie's hair.

"No, daddy, it has to be straight!" she corrected him, taking the Barbie from his hands to demonstrate to him. I chuckled from the door, walking inside.

"Are you picking up any hair tricks darling?" I asked Chace once I approached him. He glared back at me and pulled me down on the bed next to him to observe our little daughter play. I still remember the day when I had found out I was pregnant:

I had gotten up in the morning with the urge to puke, emptying all my contents in the bathroom as Chace had held my hair and patted my back in a comforting way. He had then insisted on taking me to see the pack doctor, but already having a little clue on what was going on, I had refused and taken a test at home instead. Seeing the positive sign on the stick was possibly one of the best things I had seen in my life. I remembered rushing back to the back house to deliver the news to Chace. I wasn't worried about his reaction, because I knew that he would stick by my side until the end, and he did. As expected, he was as happy as I was and a few weeks after my delivery, I had walked down the alter to recite my vows to the man I love, and always will till my last breath.

I focused my attention on my little one and picked her up, taking her in for a shower. She had always loved playing with the bubbles, and after the shower, she had caught me off guard by asking me:


"Mommy, how did you and Daddy meet?" Surprisingly a smile had made its way to my face, my mind recalling the hardships and memories I had made and suffered back in the days. I faced my little girl and sat her down on my lap, ready to tell her my story, our story.

"Well, when I had first met your daddy, he had rejected me" she gasped and covered her mouth with her little hands, making me chuckle "so mommy had ran away to the Dark Shadows Pack, where Uncle Carter and Aunt Evelyn live. Over there mommy found someone else, but when Aunt Hal called me here for her wedding, then mommy had seen daddy again and daddy eventually won mommy's heart back and told her how much he simply regretted rejected her. " Jane nodded, as if trying to process the whole idea. I chuckled once again, giving her a little kiss on her cheek.

"Come on kiddo, time for school" I got her ready for school and dropped her onto the school bus, making my way back into my house.

I started cooking breakfast for Chace who had startled me when he encircled his arms around my waist from behind and buried his head onto the mark he had given me. He kissed the mark, making sparks explode inside me, touching every fibre in my body as he did so.

"I love you" he said, like he did to me every second of ever day.

"I love you too" he turned me around in his arms, capturing my lips with his.

The idea of having a mate made me sick to the stomach after being rejected by my own, and for the longest of time, I avoided the idea of having a mate like the plague, but what I failed to realise is that everything happens for a reason, and there was no such thing as rejection when it came to a mate bond, because weather we liked it or not, in our world there was no such thing as being with someone other than your mate. No matter what hardships we were face it, with our mate, we would overcome them, and with Chace, I certainly did, and even after his rejection, he was still my reason to smile every day, he was my happily ever after.

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