《Regretting Rejection #HMS2》Chapter 19


"Al! You do realise that you've only got three hours before the ceremony begins right? Get off your butt, we have work to do woman!" Hal yelled, barging right into my room. I got up from my sleepy position on the bed, my eyes slowly adjusting to the morning sunlight peering through my windows.

"Go away Hal, let me sleep" I commented sleepily, digging my head back into my pillow. Suddenly, my covers were pulled off me, exposing me to my annoying best friend.

"Hell no, we have three hours to make you look absolutely perfect and unblemished. Now get up Al, that's an order from a future Beta female to a very soon to be Luna" She ordered, standing with her hands on her hips. I groaned, forcefully pushing myself off my lovely bed running straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

Today was the ceremony that would officially make me Luna of the Blue Moon Pack, alongside my Alpha, Chace.

Excitement radiated around my body to the very tips of my fingers as I stood underneath the scorching water, trying my best to calm myself down. It wasn't long before my fingers started shriveling under the water, and I was forced to pull myself out. The cold air of the bathroom hit me as soon as I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself to cover myself. I rubbed the mirror ahead of me, getting rid of the entire vapor on it. Through it, I could see a petite figure, her hair was shining blonde and her eyes were bright blue, a person who genuinely looked happy, and that person was me. My life had finally been put together, this time for my own good. I smiled to myself as I walked outside to pull on my robe.

Still wandering through my room, were a pacing Hal and Diana. They sent a smirk my way as I strode outside, and I immediately knew what was about to happen. As guessed, they pulled me up into the chair in front of my mirror and began with the three hour process of getting me ready for the ceremony.

The picked and plucked, making me close and open my eyes and mouth continuously, but soon enough the process had ended and they both stared at my face, with a bright glow of an expression that resembled pride. They turned me around to look at myself in the mirror, and it was then that I had completely forgotten what I looked like. The woman in front of me looked like a proper Luna, a woman capable enough to stand up for an entire pack and help lead it. Pride swelled within me as I realised that I was that person, and more than nervous or worried, I felt determined. I wanted nothing more than to protect this pack, and fill their chests with pride of who I was; their Luna.


A smile had automatically found itself onto my face as I hugged my best friends and appreciated them for making me look like a deserved Luna. They turned me back around into the direction of my dress; a cream, white strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline, which was complemented with touches of gold around the dress. A gold belt was strapped to the middle, making the colours stand out much more.


"Alright, this is where we leave you Al. Remember, when Chace announces your name you walk out towards the platform. Got it?" I nodded at Hal's statement, watching as they both walked away, getting smaller and smaller in the distance, and eventually disappeared in the crowd. I fiddled with my fingers, my heart speeding with nervousness.

From the corner I had been left in, I could hear Chace's voice erupt through the grand room as all faces were facing my mate, their Alpha. He proceeded to inform the pack the reason for their gathering before he loudly and proudly announced my name. I took one last deep breath before emerging through the corner, the eyes of the entire pack on me as I walked towards the platform. My eyes averted from everyone, focusing ahead on Chace who stared at me with nothing but adoration, making me blush harder. I climbed the steps, and took the hand Chace had offered me as he brought me to the center of the platform. His hand remained on the small of my back as he did, and he then looked back at our pack, continuing his speech.

"Members of the Blue Moon pack, I am proud to introduce you to my mate, and your Luna from this day forward, Alyssa Jackson!" The crowd had bursted into shouts of happiness as they all chanted my name. The smile that was on my face had increased and pride swelled within me as I looked upon the pack ahead of me, my pack.

Soon we had gotten off the platform to have a small celebration around the pack members.

"You look beautiful Alyssa" I heard Chace whisper to me as he guided me through the pack members inside the pack house.

"Why are we going inside the pack house, I thought the celebration is outside?" I questioned him as we got closer.

"Surprise" was the only thing he replied as he pushed the doors open and dragged me inside to the living room.

My eyes had completely widened at the sight ahead of me, and tears had already gathered themselves in my eyes. I wasted no time in running up to my cousin Carter and embracing him in a hug.


"I missed you guys so much" I commented, making my way over to Evelyn to do the same.

"We missed you too Luna. I'm glad you're happy now. I'm not going to lie, when Chace first called me here, my first intention was to show up and break his face, but seeing that he has made his improvements, I'll let him go this time, but let me warn you, the next time I see a single tear in her eye that has been caused by you, I will not hesitate to break that face of yours" Carter threatened Chace, who had his hands up in surrender.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" he commented, pulling me back to his side.

"I'm so glad you guys are here. Where is Drew?" At this the hand that was around me had tensed a little bit, but I was glad that he hadn't uttered a single complaint against my words. Evelyn and Carter shared a short glance before they looked back at me.

"Actually, um... Drew...he found his mate." Evelyn informed, confusing me.

"I thought his mate had-"

"Died? Yeah, she had, but lucky for him, he got a second chance mate" they smiled, making me smile too.

"That's great! I'm so happy for him. Who is she?" At my real happiness, Chace's grip on me listened.

"She's actually a rogue that Drew had encountered on his way back to the pack. I guess she just got promoted to Beta Female of the Dark Shadows Pack." Evelyn announced proudly.

"That's great! He should have brought her, I would love to meet her!" Carter looked a little hesitant before he replied.

"He wanted to Al, but considering he just got a new mate, he didn't really want to screw that up already. His mate is very quiet anyways, so bringing her to her mate's ex's ceremony might not have been the best idea." The idea unscrambled in my head, making me realise the stupidity of it.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I chuckled.

We then rejoined the party, and walked around to almost all the pack members, personally introducing them to their new Luna.


"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" Chace repeated for the 100th time in the past few hours. I chuckled, walking inside his room after the celebration had ended.

"Yes you have Chace, a million times."

"Good. Wouldn't want you to forget" he replied, circling my waist from behind. His head buried in the crook of my neck as he held me close to him. His closeness, caused sparks to ignite within me, and sent shivers all the way down my spine. I turned around in his arms, connecting my lips with his.

Chace had stayed true with his words. I didn't doubt his love for me, and I knew that he would never hurt me the way he had once. It was true that he had broken me apart, but it was also true that he was the only one capable enough to break me and fix me back up with his bear hands. In my mind, I felt no regret or grief of what had happened in the past, maybe it was for the best. If Chace hadn't rejected me, I wouldn't have learnt how to become a stronger person, and thanks to him, I was, and I was now his, forever.

"Make me yours Chace" I whispered between our kisses, making him stop the very instant. His eyes pierced through mine with such intensity, making me melt right there. My core burned for him and I wanted nothing more than to be joint to him in every way possible, because I knew that this was my destiny, it was who I was meant to be with.

It was funny the way the world worked. I had been rejected by the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with, my mate, but fate wasn't accepting that and had once again brought us back together, and it always will, because he was the only one for me. Chace's now black glowing eyes penetrated mine as I nodded to reassure him of my decision.

"I love you Alyssa" was the only thing he had replied before he rejoined our lips together.

"I love you too Chace"

And for the rest of the night, he showed me what real pleasure meant, filling me with pure love and utter passion.

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