《Regretting Rejection #HMS2》Chapter 3


"That's not fair! That was my ice-cream!" I shouted, jumping yet again to try get my ice-cream back from my stupid ass of a boyfriend, who was holding my poor baby hostage high up in his long arms.

"It's mine now sweetheart" he whispered, his face coming close to mine, his lips inches apart from mine. Just as they were at the verge of connecting, my phone started buzzing, interrupting our session immediately. I cheekily moved away, grabbing my phone and walking back to my room before I answered it.

"Hello?" I questioned since I hadn't read the caller ID

"Don't ask how I got your number, I just did. I know you didn't want me to call you, but I sort of had to" Hailey's voice echoed through it. My eyes widened and my heart starting speeding up.

"What's going on?" I questioned, seating myself on my bed.

"I need you to come back"

"Hailey I-"

"I'm getting married" she interrupted, making me freeze even more.

"Oh my god. Hal, congratulations, wow, I... I don't know what to say"

"I don't want you to say anything Alyssa. I just need to know if my maid of honour can make it to my wedding or not" my heart swelled at her comment, making me melt internally. Her mere voice had brought back so many memories, some better than others.

She was my best friend, and no matter what, she had always been there for me. In my best and my worse. And for the past five months I had just left her, not bothering to think over what she might have felt. Sure, we did talk every now and then through letters, but I avoided more contact with her to avoid having to deal with more mate drama. For that brief moment of silence on the phone, I felt happy that I was finally talking to my best friend, my sister. Someone who had punched my high school crush for asking another girl out. Someone who had left everything and rushed to my house in the middle of the night to comfort me when I had a nightmare. And there was no way I could let her down now.


"Of course I'll be there Hal. I love you, you know that. And I'm sorry I just ran away."

"Aww, I love you too Al, and I understand why you left. Just come soon"

"I will Hal, I will" I responded, hanging up. My phone dropped on my bed as I buried my head in the depths of my pillow.

Going back meant a lot of things.

I would see my old pack.

My family.

My friends.

And my unwanted asswipe of a mate.

A knock on my door shook me from my thoughts.

"Come in" I responded, my head still buried on the pillow.

"What happened?" Drew's voice erupted through my room, my bed dipping as his figure lied down right next to me. My head elevated from the pillow, and my blue eyes met his sparkly ones. I brought my hand and snaked it around his neck to get closer to him.

"I have to go back to my old pack for some time."

"What?! Why?! No way!" he yelled, his face leaving my hands.

"Calm down, my best friend is getting married and I am her maid of honour. I have to go. But, I will be back before you know it." I responded quickly, placing my arms around him to calm him down.

"It's not that I'm worried about. It's that sick bastard. I swear if he tries anything-"

"He won't" I cut him off. "Look, my best friend has always been there for me, and I never considered what she would feel like if I left her alone in that pack. I'm sure she did feel a little hurt; I mean I certainly would be. So my point is that I can't abandon her now, I am her maid of honour after all." I smiled up at him, his expression softening a little as he leaned in closer to me.


"What if he tries to steal you away from me? I know that you want to be with me for now, and that you hate him, but he's your mate, he can make you feel things I can't and I don't want him to-"

"Have you been listening to me at all?" I interrupted again. "My best friend is getting married, and that's the only reason I am going. As soon as it's over, I will be back alright? You have nothing to worry about. I'm all yours" He pressed me closer to him; his lips landing on mine instantly. His lips moulded against mine gently, my arms holding on to his hair tightly as he pushed me back against the bed.

Our moment was soon interrupted as the door to my room flung open and a shriek made me move away from Drew in a halt.

"OH MY GOD MY EYES! MY NOT SO VIRGIN EYES!" Eve yelped, her eyes covered as she stood by the doorway. Drew growled moving back closer to me, hanging his arm loosely around me.

"It's safe to look now Eve" she opened her eyes and calmed down; Carter joined her at the door.

"I heard you're leaving?" she questioned walking towards me. I nodded as she embraced me in a hug. "You going to leave me alone with them?" she replied in my shoulder.

"We're still here you know?" Carter stated in the back. She parted from me and shot her tongue at him, making him chuckle slightly. "We'll leave you two to talk. Drew, I have some work for you" they walked out, leaving me and Evelyn alone.

"Alright, let's get serious now. Are you sure you can do this?" she asked as she sat down on the bed.

"Eve, I'm going for a few days-"

"For your best friend's wedding. I know, I've heard that speech before. I mean are you sure you can do this? I've been through this before and just like you I thought that I would be able to control myself. You can see that I couldn't." I sighed, burying my head in my hands.

"I don't know Eve. You know very well I don't want to be with him. Drew is such an amazing person, and I wouldn't want to hurt him ever, and I really do hope that the wedding preparations will just give me some distance from him" she lifted my hands off my face and looked straight into my eyes.

"I don't want to make it seem like I'm not on your side, but I think that you should know that if he wants you back Al, he will have you back and there is nothing you will be able to do about it. If he doesn't then you'll be fine. Just try and repel him from you for as long as you can, the mate bond is stronger than anyone underestimates." I buried my head in my lap again.

What have I gotten myself into?


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