《Regretting Rejection #HMS2》Chapter 2


"Will you please just calm down Eve? It's not going to fall! Just pull it out!"

"I can't Al, it's going to fall!"

"No it's not just pull it out!"

"It's shaking Al! Do you not have vision?"

"Are you calling me blind?"

"Yes I am!"

"Well, you're blind!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Carter's Alpha voice shut our argument. "Why are you fighting over a game of Jenga?" We stopped, looking at each other, wild with thoughts before we busted out laughing.

Eve and I had become closer than ever through the last 5 months I had spent at the Dark Shadows. The first few weeks were hell, my wolf whimpering inside of me every time, however she learnt how to move on from him, she learnt how to hate him.

The members of the Dark Shadows were a lot nicer than my expectations, and Carter was as welcoming as always.

I stood up, walking away from our unfinished game to allow the couple spend some time together.

I walked towards the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water, closing my eyes and once again mentally thanking the moon Goddess for giving me the strength and support to move on. I soon felt arms wrap around my figure, and I smirked, turning around in them. Drew stood with a smirk plastered on his face as I faced him, his lips drawn in a somewhat smile.

"Let's go out for dinner" he suggested. I pretend to think, but eventually nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck as I embraced him into a hug, before walking out to get dressed.

After I had moved into the Dark Shadows, I had let myself be free, and not feel restrained to a person. Chace was a jerk no doubt, and my previous plans to return to him had changed after I had met Drew.


Drew was the Beta of the Dark Shadows, his mate had died in a rogue attack, and he had refused to date anyone. Well, that was, until I came. It had been four months since we started dating, and they were the best four months of my life. He was sweet, caring and understanding, unlike the person the moon had cursed me to be with who was simply a jerk.

My predictions had taken a turn for the best, and the last five months had unleashed the side of me I never knew existed until very recently. Not only had it made me more confident, it also impacted my wolf, making her stronger in the process. My intentions were to despise the Moon Goddess for the rest of eternity for what she had done to me, but how could I when she was the sole reason for my empowerment? Her actions had led me to become the person I am; she had led me to my family. My real family, and I was nothing but grateful.

I hadn't realised I had been smiling all to myself in my bedroom until a voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Please don't have dirty thoughts about my beta in my presence." Carter's voice echoed the grand room as he walked towards me. A blush rose towards my cheeks as my mind suddenly wondered about him. I pulled myself out of my thoughts before I would have been dragged into the depths of them, sending my best glare towards Carter.

"You know my thoughts were so innocent, until you mentioned it. But now that I think about, I do remember the way his-"

"Stop right there. Whatever it is you need to say, I don't want to hear it" He signalled with his hands, making a chuckle escape my lips.


"So, what is it you need?" I questioned, walking towards my closet to pull out an outfit for the night.

"Well, I just wanted to check up you. I mean, I know it's been five months and all, but-"

"I'm fine Carter. I've realised that life on the other side isn't that bad after all. I mean if I hadn't been rejected I probably would have never ended up here with you guys. So I'm sort of thankful to the rejection. "

"That's good to hear. Look, I know you're doing great right now and I don't want to hurt you or seem like I'm not on your side or anything, trust me I am, but I just want the best for my beta and my cousin so-"

"What am I going to do if he meets a second chance mate?" I finished for him. He shot me a sad smile before sitting next to me. "Look, I'll tell you what I told Drew, that if he meets his second chance mate, him and I will simply go back to being best friends. There is no way I wouldn't want Drew to be with his mate just because I couldn't be with mine. He is an amazing guy who deserves the best, and if that means letting go, then I'll do it in a heartbeat." My cousin smiled at me before embracing me in a hug.

"Alright, get dressed, wouldn't want to be late for your date now would you?" he teased, smirking before walking out the door of my room.

I turned back, picking a simple outfit and getting dressed for the night.

This was my life now, and I loved it.

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