《Stop lying to me. (GirlxGirl) (wlw)》20


I enter my parent's mansion before lunch time and immediately shudder as I hear my nephews excited squeals.

« Oh Amelia, I haven't seen you in a long time. » My mother exclaims, hugging me.

« When are you going to bring a woman ? »

« Mother... » I warn. I hate when she brings up the topic and she damn well knows that.

From the corner of my eyes I see my brother chuckling. I hope he hasn't told anything to her.

« Kids ! Auntie Amelia is here ! Come give her a kiss ! » he orders his children and they run towards me with open arms. I stare at him with a death glare.

« No really that won't be necessary ! They kissed me last christmas already. »

And I try to push them away from me but am soon overpowered by the two kids. They are like some desperate pets...the more I push them away, the harder they come back to me.

Adam offers me a drink and takes me some place out of earshot.

« So... ? You haven't brought the mom today ?"

« No, too soon. »

« Too bad I was looking forward to meeting her...and her daughter. How do you get along with the kid ? »

« I haven't spent much time with her really. Obviously when I see Juliette she is there too. Can't really get rid of her. They do their stuff while I work, basically. »

« Hum. And how do you picture things in the future ? You can't avoid that little girl forever you know. »

« Juliette doesn't want another mom for her daughter. She told me. »

« Yeah right. And who would you be ? The estranged other person who only makes time for her mom ? That sounds so right. »

This conversation is pissing me off...I don't want to hear those things right now even if a part of me knows deep down he is making sense.


« Welcome my girls !! »

I hug Ju and Lil' tight and smile hugely. I'm so happy they are spending thanksgiving with us today. I was expecting Amelia but the woman I see standing next to my friend is not the hot blonde. She is hot too but a black-haired young woman.


« Hi babe ! This is Camelia, a Spanish assistant at my school. I invited her, I'm sure you don't mind. »

« Of course I don't, welcome Camelia »

I extent my hand and she shakes it, a smile on her face and a slight blush on her cheeks. I offer them all a drink before going back to the kitchen where Juliette follows me.

« It smells great in here. »

« Coming from a French chef, it means a lot. » I kiss her cheek.

« So...how come Amelia is not here with you ? »

« She's spending the day with her family. She may join us later. »

« And the hot babe in the living room then ? »

« Oh stop it. She has been in the US for two months now and she doesn't have family here. »

« You're sweet my Ju. How are things with Amelia then ? »

« Good. »

« Oh. »

« No I mean great. Sex is great. »

« I sense there is a « but ». »

« I don't know how she feels about Lil'. She spent the weekend with us but she was mostly on her laptop, working, not trying to bond with us. I know I can't draw conclusions from just a weekend spent together, but... I don't know. I have a strange feeling. »

« Just, see how it goes. Ok ? Don't over think it. I know you. »

We eat lunch and enjoy conversation with our Spanish guest. She is a lovely girl, a bit too shy to my liking, but really pretty to look at and being me, I don't make it subtle. I also notice she is really friendly and tactile with everyone, but especially with Ju. I guess it's a European thing...

Right before desert the doorbell rings and I see the blonde ushered inside. Her smile widens when she catches Juliette's eyes, but immediately drops when she notices the Spanish girl is resting her hand on Juliette's thigh. Her stare is deadly and I feel stomething bad is about to happen. So I walk to her and hug her tight.

« So nice of you to finally show up Amelia ! »


She is surprised to have been stopped in her track and just realizes what I am going. She is not the hugging type I gather.

« Hu. What ? Yes, thanks for the invite. » she comes to and answers, her eyes still staring at the Spanish girl.

I feel Juliette behind me and gladly leave the stiff woman to her. She closes the space between them and tries to kiss her on the lips but at the last moment, Amelia turns her head and Juliette's lips end up on her cheek.

« Come on, let's find you a sit, you're right on time for desert. » I say trying to ease the atmosphere.

Immediately we hear a loud cheer from the couch. « desert » is one of Lily's favourite words and she jumps, screaming at the top of her lungs and asks me if she can have a scoop of ice cream. She knows I always have some for her.

We all sit around the dinner table to enjoy the pumpkin pie Ju has brought. There is way too much cinnamom to my liking but Ju loves it that way so I don't complain.

Lily has finished her ice cream and she is starting to get bored. I get it, being the only child...She becomes loud to attract our attention and I see she is starting to get on Amelia's nerves. I see her tense up and almost hear her greet her teeth as the little girl shrieks in frustration as nobody is playing with her.

« Stop shouting Lil' » I hear her mother say. « Would you like a colouring book ? »

« No. I want to play cards. »

« I'll come play with you. » The Spanish girl offers and Lily runs to her to hug her. « come on show me your game. »

The two of them leave the dining table hand in hand and are followed by Juliette. They sit down around the coffee table and start explaining the rules to Camelia.

« Aren't you going to join them ? » I ask an annoyed Amelia.

« No. » She shrugs.

Too bad for her. I leave the table and sit down next to Ju to play the 7 families game, I am very familiar with, as it is one of Lily's favourite.

« Can I have some cards too ? »

Ju shuffles and hands out the cards and we start, but soon I and Camelia get confused and mix up the names of the family members. The French girls laugh at us and at our terrible accents. We are laughing so hard we all start crying and I hug and kiss Ju on the cheek.

But suddenly we all stop as we hear Amelia clear her throat loudly. She is standing, her arms crossed, and sending me daggers.

« Take your hands off my girlfriend. »

« Amelia, stop it. » Ju pleades. She stands up and tries to take her hand but she won't let her.

« Let's go outside. » Ju instructs.

The nosy friend I am can't help but eavesdrop.

« Who the fuck do you think she is ?! Touching you and kissing you all over. »

« You're exagerating. She's my best friend. That's how we behave around each other. »

« And what about miss perfect ? »

« Who ? »

« Oh come on. The Spanish girl. She's hot, you are apparently very close and she'd be the perfect subsitute mom. »

I can't believe she said that. Come on Ju slap her or I'll do it myself.

« I...I told you I don't need another mom for Lily. She had two already. I won't let you trash my friend, and I really can't stand jealousy. You have nothing to worry about. »

« Then don't give me a fucking reason to be jealous ! »

« I'm not the one who kissed a stranger at the club the other night. »

Well done Ju. Remind her.

« Oh fuck I told you it was a mistake. I already apologized a million times. »

« Amelia, you're behaving like a kid and i already have one. Just go, pease. »

I quickly go back to the living room and at the corner of my eyes notice Amelia grabbing her coat and leaving. Ju comes back and looks at me with glossy eyes.

« Don't. » She warns, as she sees I have opened my mouth to talk.

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