《Stop lying to me. (GirlxGirl) (wlw)》6


I am sitting in my office, staring at my phone. I texted Juliette on Sunday evening and got only a brief answer. I texted her yesterday, but she did not text me back. How can she kiss me back and not take a sec to answer me ? Something went terribly wrong on Sunday afternoon and I apologized for rushing things, for kissing her.

But I really couldn't help it. I was attracted to her, I thought I had read her and that she felt the same way about me but I was probably mistaken. She did kiss me back though so what does all this mean ?

I am my usual bitch today, even bitchier because I have never been rejected before. I have to see her and if I don't get a text before tonight, I know I'll have to go running.


No text. Nothing.

I put on my shorts and tshirt and rush outside to run. I don't even bother taking my iphone. I don't feel like listening to any music tonight. I am puzzled and I need answers.

I arrive at the softball field and take a look at the players. I don't notice the brunette.

She can't be late, she takes pride in always being early so where the hell is she?

The girls are on a throwing drill but I don't care, I start walking in the middle of the field, praying I won't get hit by a hard ball, remembering how much it hurts from my years of playing in high school. And Suddenly I hear the voice of the coach.

« What the fuck you think you're doing ! Are you willing to die tonight ? »

« Aren't you being over dramatic » I bark in answer.

« This is a softball training, the running track is other there. » she points out.

« Yes, I fucking know that ! that's why I'm here ! »

The coach seems to remember the last time she saw me and raises her eyebrows at me.

« You are the girl Juliette saw on Sunday. »

« Yes. I am. She is not at practice this evening. »

« You look crazy but your eyesight is still working properly. »

« Why is that ? »

« You said you did not see Juliette...so you can see properly. »


That girl is so infuriating...

« I did not ask you why you thought I had a good eyesight ! But why Juliette is not here ! »

« Listen, you should talk to her about it. »

« I tried, but she won't answer my texts. »

« You have to be very gentle and patient with Juliette. She has suffered enough. She deserves to be loved and to let herself love. »

« Finally something we agree on. Can you tell me how I can reach her ? She won't answer her phone or return my texts. I have no idea where she lives and I barely know where she works. I want to make this right. »

« I can tell you where she works. I'm not sure the school will let you in though. Do bring an ID. The kids of some French ambassador attend the school. The ins and outs are under surveillance.»

« Thank you... »

« Lea. My name is Lea. »

« Thank you Lea. »

« Sure. Make her happy cos if you don't I swear I'll find you. »

With the threat in mind, I run back to my flat and decide I will go to Juliette's school tomorrow.

I arrive at the Lycée français before lunch time. I wear one of my power suits, a skirt with a dark blue button up shirt. As I said, I love my button ups, especially because they make my cleavage look great and I usually wear long necklaces which fall in between my boobs.

I know it's hard to look at me in the eyes sometimes and I love a good tease. But today, I don't want to attract any unwanted attention. Lea warned me I could get arrested by the FBI if I looked suspicious. She was probably exagerating, I hope. I brought my ID and pray they will let me in.

I ring at the entrance gate and a voice asks me the reason of my presence. I tell her I am here to visit a teacher and give her Juliette's firstname. She asks for a surname and I don't have one. We haven't had time to cover much personal ground on our unique date on Sunday.

The woman lets me in but tells me to wait at her desk until the bell that indicates the end of class rings. She then takes her phone and dials a number, Juliette's I gather. I can hear the discussion from the woman's side.


« Ms Fischer, someone is here to meet you.»


« No, not a parent. A woman who whishes to speak with you.»


« From what I read on her ID if it's not fake, her name is Amelia Sheffield. »


« Ok, I'll let her know. »

She puts her phone down and looks at me.

« Ms Fischer is in her classroom, room D208. Follow the corridor, take the stairs on your right, second floor on the right. »

« Thank you Madam. »

I follow her directions and look at the numbers on the doors. D205. D206. I am getting close and I want to hide. I probably made a mistake. No texting back clearly means she did not want to see me again. Why do I feel the need to chase her ? Lea said I have to take care of her though so maybe being here is not the worst idea I've ever had.

Before I reach room D208 I hear the sound of heels approaching and I see her. She is wearing a skirt, a white blouse and a blazer. Her arms are crossed and her eyes are watching me intensely.

I stop at the door and she nods so I follow her to her desk. Neither one of us is willing to start the conversation. Finally I break the silence.

« You have a nice classroom. »

« Thank you. »

« I love all the colourful posters and photographs on the walls. Your pupils must feel comfortable in here»

« I like to think they do. »

« I am sorry to come here unannounced. I just couldn't stand your silence any longer.»

« I should have answered your texts. I did not know what to write, what to tell you. »

« I am sorry I kissed you. »

« I am not sorry you did.»

« Really ? But the way you reacted afterwards... I thought you didn't want me to. »

« I wanted it. I kissed you back if I remember right. It's just that I got scared. »

« I'm not here to hurt you, I really care about you. Please let me show you you have nothing to be afraid of. »

Juliette does not answer, she simply stares at the ground and I feel I have lost her, that my words were not enough to help her make up her mind, to reassure her. I take a step closer to her and lift her chin with the tip of my fingers. I look into those big green eyes of hers and see the pain and the doubt in them.

« Let me take care of you. I'm not going anywhere. »

I lean in to kiss her and I feel her hands on my hips, drawing me closer to her. I want to deepen the kiss but I don't want to scare her again. So I simply break the kiss and hug her. I feel her head brushing against my neck and in a broken voice she says:

« You are wearing La Petite Robe Noire. »

« Yes, it is one of my favourite perfumes. »

« It is mine too. »

« Can I take you out to lunch ? »

« I'd love to. »

She has about one hour and a half before an afternoon meeting. She is free on Wednesday afternoons otherwise. We rush to a nearby Italian restaurant, order some red wine and pizza. We both love pizza it appears.

« So, your lastname is Fischer ? »

« How did you know ? »

« The secretary called you Ms Fischer on the phone. »

She nods.

« I thought it would be Martin or something that sounds more French. »

« I come from the north east of France, Fischer is a very common lastname there. »

« It sounds more German than French I think. »

« I'm not the only linguist in here I believe. You are absolutely correct. I grew up close to the German boarder. »

She tells me more about the characteristics of her childhood place, the traditions and culinary specialities. I get the feeling she must miss all that but I don't want to ask. I don't want to risk making her feel sad again and maybe she has a good reason for not going back or for staying here.

It's time for us to return to work and this time she makes the first move. She kisses me and tells me she wants to invite me for dinner this weekend.

We are finally moving forward.

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