《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 13


Pulling up outside the house Novalee jumps out of the car before I could stop it and ran into the house. Cutting the car off I get out and walk inside the house closing the door.

Walking to the living room where I heard the tv I see Novalee on the couch holding Tyrese and crying as she spoke to him.

"I am so sorry". She kept repeating as she rubbed his back.

"Little bit it wasn't your fault". I said walking over and taking a seat beside them.

"I know but I just don't understand how I didn't know something was up". She said shaking her head.

"Nobody would think they parent would do some shit like that to them". I said rubbing her back as she laid back into my chest still holding Tyrese.

"I should have known because she never liked you since the day I brought you home". She said and I remember that day like it was yesterday.


Walking up to Novalee's mothers house I fix my tie before knocking on the door.

After waiting for a few seconds the door swung open and there stood Novalee smiling. She jumped on me before I could even say anything.

"Hey little bit". I said giving her a kiss as I held her up by her legs.

"Hey I missed you". She said kissing me again and I heard somebody clear their throat from behind her.

Looking behind her as I still held onto her I see her mother stand there with a disapproving look. Letting her down I walk over to shake her hand but she scoffs and walks away.

"What the fuck". I mouth to Novalee and she shakes her head and grabs my hand making me follow behind her.

"Why are you being so rude". Novalee said once we made it into the dinin room.


"I'm not being rude". Her mother said taking a seat at the table.

"You are he just tried to shake your hand and you walked away like what the fuck". She said scrunching up her eyebrows and I grabbed her hand making her sit down.

"Chill baby it's cool". I said and she looked over at me.

"No it's not thats rude as fuck you don't welcome people into your house like that". She said and I nod letting her know I understand.

"I get that baby but I'm not bothered by it let's just eat". I said and she sighed before picking up her fork.


"That day was funny as fuck you was not having it". I said laughing.

"You damn right I wasn't". She said laughing a little bit.

"What is going on in here". Antonio said as he stood by the entrance of the door looking at us.

"Ant bite wassup bitch". Novalee said handing Tyrese to me and standing up walking over to a shocked Antonio.

"You remember me". He asked as she hugged him.

"Of course I do big bro". She said smiling up as him.

"Get your lying ass off of me". He said playfully pushing her.

"Nah man she fr she remembers". I said and he picked her up spinning her around as she laughed.

"I can't believe it Yo we have to go out and celebrate". He said and I nod in agreement.

"I want to spend the rest of the day with my son but we can definitely go out tomorrow night". She said walking back over and picking up Tyrese kissing all over his face as he laughed.

"Respect Respect tomorrow night it is then". He said walking into the living room and taking a seat on the other couch.


"He's hungry I'm about to go feed him". She said standing up and walking off towards the kitchen.

Once she was fully out of the livingroom Antonio came and sat on the same couch at the end.

"How does it feel to have your family back". He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know I'm still shocked but I'm gone ask her to be my girl again".I said and he gave me a confused look.

"Why y'all already together". He said and I nod.

"Yes but I just feel like it would be best because we haven't been together for almost a year". I said and he nods as if he understands.

How am I gone ask her out is the question...

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