《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 12



Pulling up into her parents driveway I cut the car off and get out going to open her door.

Helping her out I close the door and follow behind her towards the house. She pulled out a key opening door and walking in.

"MOM, DAD". She called out as we walked into the living room.

"Your moms out right now babygirl and hey wassup man I haven't seen you in a while". Her dad said making his way down the stairs.

"Wassup". I said giving him a head nod.

"How could y'all". She asked and he gave her a confused look.

"How could we what". He asked walking all the way into the living room.

"How could you guys drug me and make me forget I had a boyfriend and a child". She said and I sat there watching his every movement.


"Sweetheart I honestly don't have any clue what you're talking about what baby I didn't even know you were pregnant".He said and I started to have pains in my head.


"Why can't I tell him myself I'm the one that's pregnant not you". I said following her into the kitchen.

"I said I would tell him I don't want you having any contact with him". She said and I rolled my eyes before walking out of the kitchen and to my room.

Plopping down on the bed I grab my phone and look through my contacts finding the name baby. Clicking the FaceTime symbol the phone begins to ring before the call connected.

"Hello". The person said and I couldn't see anything because the camera was facing towards the ceiling.

"That's not how you answer the phone". I said playfully.

"Hey little bit how's my baby doing". Tyrann said with his face all in the camera.


"The baby's doing fine". I said with a sigh and he scrunched up his eyebrows.

"What's wrong you know I don't want you stressing baby talk to me". He said giving me his full attention.

"My mom won't give me my dads number so that I can talk to him and tell him I'm pregnant". I said and he shook his head.

"You've been trying for months baby she bitter and she not gone let that happen". He said and I nod because he had a point.

"I don't know what she has against me". He said smacking his lips


"She-she told me she was going to tell you". I said holding my head in confusion.

Hearing the door open we all face that way as she walked in looking down before looking up.

"What's going on here". She asked looking from me to Tyrann.

"Benzodiazepines really mom". I ask as she stands there shocked.

"Wha- I don't know what you're talking about". She said shaking her head with a non humorous laugh.

"YOU'RE LYING". I yelled causing her to look up at me.

"Lying about what exactly". She said nonchalantly as if what we were talking about wasn't serious.

"Lying about what the pills are for,lying about telling me my girl died from blood loss". Tyrann said and you can see by the look on his face he was getting angry.

"You were ruining her life". She said and I stood there shocked.

"you can't be serious". My dad said looking at her with his face scrunched up.

"HOW THE FUCK WAS I RUINING HER LIFE I DID EVERYTHING FOR HER WHEN YOU WOULDN'T DO SHIT". Tyrann yelled and I could see the veins popping out of his neck.

"You got her pregnant her life was over I did what I had to do to make sure she had a future". My mom said and I shook my head in disbelief I'm in shock I don't know what to say.


"SO YOU LEAVE OUR SON WITHOUT A MOTHER". Tyrann said trying to walk up to her but I stood in front of him.

"I could've made it with my son". I said and by now I was crying.

"Could you really with a kid I barely made it with you". She said looking at me like I was the one in the wrong.


"What's done is done get out". She said and I don't know what it was but something inside of me snapped.

Pushing out of Tyranns hold I rush towards her and start swinging.

"Bitch". I said as I continued to punch her as My dad tried to get me to let her go.

"You fucked with my kid bitch". I said dragging her by her hair.

"Babygirl that's enough". I heard my dad say as I stopped to catch my breath but I didn't let her hair go.

"What's done is done bitch". I said as I started to hit her again.

"Alright baby that's enough". Tyrann said walking over taking my dads place.

"No I don't play that shit she knew how I felt about my baby and she took me away from him and had me thinking I was stabbed". I said kicking her as I held her by her hair.

"STOP PLEASE STOP". She screamed but I started hitting her harder before letting her go and watching her fall to the floor.

"Don't ever speak to me again bitch". I said pointing my finger at her.

"Let's go so I can hold my son". I said and Tyrann nodded.

"Wait babygirl I honestly had no idea I never knew you were even pregnant". He said looking at me with sympathy.

"I know dad I'll let you meet him but not around her". I said before walking out with Tyrann following behind me.

Getting in the car I sit back and look out the window as he drove away from the house.

How could somebody do something like that...

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