《STAY DOWN |2020|》Twenty One.


"How do I look?"

"I can't see the whole outfit. Step back a little" Kelis said.

I sat my phone down then stepped back.

"Bitchhhh! You look good" Kelis exclaimed.

I laughed, "thank you boo."

"So, who is this supervisor boo of yours? Is he fine?" Kelis asked.

"He's not my boo, and if he wasn't fine I wouldn't be going on this date with him."

"And I oop! Does East know about this date?" Kelis asked.

I sighed, "it's not his business, but he doesn't know about the date. I think he has some personal shit going on right now. That's why Kaiser is with Ms. Linda."

East has been very distant lately. He's barely been home these past few days. When he is home he's usually locked away in his room. I text him and try to talk to him, but he always says he's okay. I know that's a lie though.

"What do you think it is?" Kelis asked.

"I'm not sure. I'll try to talk to him later."

"Please do. You know street niggas be fighting battles in silence. Make sure that he's okay" Kelis said.

"I will. I'll talk to you later."

"Aight, love you stink" Kelis said.

I chuckled, "love you too."

I grabbed my purse, and I was prepared to walk out until East walked through the door. He look stressed out and high out of his mind. I couldn't help but to feel bad for him.

"Wassup Gen" East said as he started walking to his room.

I grabbed his arm before he could walk any further.

"What's going on with you? You look tired and stressed out."

"I'm good shorty. You going somewhere?" East asked as he looked me up and down.


I sighed then unlocked my phone to send Lance a text.

"Not anymore, let's sit down and talk."

East obviously needs someone to confide in. He's been here for me, so I'm gonna be there for him. That date with Lance can wait.

"Did you just cancel your plans?" East asked.

"I sure did. You obviously need somebody to talk to. I'm here for you."

He signed, "you ain't have to do that."

I sat down on the couch then took my heels off. "I wanted to do it. Now sit down and talk to me."

East shook his head then sat down next to me.

"It's just family issues" he said.

"What's going on with your family? Talk to me."

"I got into it with my sister over some serious shit. Now her and my mom are mad at me. I can never do right for them. I'll admit that I'm a major fuck up. I've been that way since I was a kid though. I've made a few bad decisions in my lifetime, but I made those decisions because I had to. All I want is for them to understand me and understand why I've done the things that I've done. I just wanna protect them and protect myself" East said.

"They're you're family East. I'm sure they won't stay mad at you for long. Just give it some time."

"I keep telling myself that, but shit is different this time. I don't think they'll let this shit go that easily. I'm mostly worried about my relationship with my mom. I let her down one too many times, and I think she's fed up with me. I fuck shit up with everybody, even you" East said.

I knitted my eyebrows, "what do you mean? You didn't fuck up anything with me."


"I fucked up my chance to be with you. You're a good ass woman, and you're perfect for me. I'm too scared of commitment which is why I avoid relationships. I wanna change that for you though. I wanna be better for you because I feel like I need you now. I'll probably have a fucking heart attack if I see you with another nigga" East said.

We both laughed at the last part.

"But on some real shit, I can't see another man embracing the woman of my dreams. I used to dream about women like you, and now those dreams are a reality. You just seem too good to be true, and that shit makes me even more paranoid" East said.

"You really feel that way about me? Or is that the alcohol talking?"

East laughed, "I'm dead ass shorty."

"Well, you didn't fuck up your chance with me. I fell back because I didn't need the extra drama in my life. You obviously can't leave Lola alone, and I don't want any parts of that."

"I'll leave her alone for you Genesis. What you tryna do?" East asked as he sat up.

"Wait, are you trying to be my man?"

"Yeah" East said as he smirked.

I smiled, "are you sure you're ready for that?"

"I'm sure" East said.

"Why now?"

"Why not now? My mom made me realize some shit. I'm not tryna let you slip away. It's now or never. I'm tryna make my move before another nigga does, and I'll be damned" East said.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" I said as I waved him off.

I believed him, but I just had to play hard to get.

"We doing this shit or not?" East asked in an irritated tone.

"See, I was gonna say yes, but that smart ass mouth just ruined it."

East laughed, "my bad Gen. I get irritated fast."

"I noticed that. We'll work on that though."

"We? So we're doing this relationship shit?" East asked.

"I'm willing to give it a try, but it's all or nothing East. If you can't give me your all then I don't want a relationship."

"I'll give you my all. Just don't play with me Gen" East said.

"I could never play with you. I'm in this for the long run."

"C'mere" East said as he pulled me into his lap.

"Where were you going earlier?" East asked.

"On a date" I answered truthfully.

East sat there quietly, and it was making me nervous.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Nah, who you with right now? You cancelled your date with him for ME. I won already" East said.

I laughed, "you're more important to me."

"I'm already knowing" he said.

Had I known that East was gonna pour his heart out to me today, I would've never agreed to go on a date with Lance. There's no way I was turning East down. Lance is nobody to me when it comes to East, and he will never compare. I know everybody points East's flaws out, but he's ENOUGH for me. We all have our flaws, and I accept every last one of his flaws. I accept him for who he is.


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