《The Fragmented Luna》I'll Protect You


Nixon tensed as my arms wrapped around his tall frame. He stayed for a few minutes in a tense unflinching position as I clung onto him for strength. Eventually I felt him using his hand to remove me from his arms.

"Rowen, are you done. I need my arm back", Nixon stated awkwardly. I realized I held the arm of someone that was more dangerous than Aunt Tabby. I backed away slowly as I regained my composure. I felt awkward about my Aunt Tabby's repulsive behavior in front of him.

"I'm sorry about her. She doesn't mean it. I'm sure she will be back to normal in a few days", I lied out loud. It was a lie to both him and myself that I needed to get through the day. I realized the blood trailing down my wrist along with the red hand mark along my face told another story. Who was I kidding, Aunt Tabby would never be the same person I knew these past few years.

"Yeah. Of course. I'm sure she will", he stated sarcastically. "And eventually you'll just get better at hiding the bruises", he stated in a terse tone. I looked at the pain that lay in Nixon's eyes. In that moment he looked like a sad vulnerable little boy who needed someone to love. I wondered if he ever found that person to care for him in a loving way but it didn't seem that way.

"I swear. She's never hit me before. Just a few days of time away from her to let her get through this and everything will be normal again", I said in comfort to myself. He was right the trust that I felt towards Aunt Tabby was not there anymore. I didn't know if I ever wanted to trust in her again since all of this occurred.

"Don't waste your breath. Anyway let me take you before Valerie starts losing her shit", Nixon stated abruptly. The subject was no longer open for discussion but I knew more about the boy who everyone feared now. He seemed less intimidating to me these past few days which frightened me. There were other things threatening my existence that were far more dangerous.


I followed Nixon with my suitcase trailing behind me in an awkward silence. Valerie met us halfway with too much enthusiasm in her steps. She slammed her body weight into mine full force. Valerie was like a tornado who picked up everyone in her path with her swirling vortex of emotions. I reciprocated the hug willingly as I was more comfortable with her rapid fire methods.

"I was so worried about you", she stated as she held me tightly. She released me from the hug but swung me away so that she could stare at my face. Her hand went to touch the raw skin on my face I flinched in response because the pain was still fresh. "We need to get you ice. Forget about school. Let's ditch and go get ice cream", Valerie stated.

"I don't think that's such a good idea Valerie. Besides I have an essay due which I haven't even started writing", I said nervously. I looked towards Nixon to affirm that we were on the same page but his eyes were a million miles away. "Back me up here, Nixon" I said as I stared I tried to reign in his attention.

"Sure, we can skip school, Val. Its been awhile", he said towards Valerie with a halfhearted grin cast at her direction. "We can just drop Rowen off at school since she's afraid of a little detention", Nixon sneered sarcastically as he sent that halfhearted grin in my direction. I felt like he wanted to challenge me by the way he mocked my innocent. I never skipped a day of school in my life. Then again I never had someone who cared about me that I could skip school with.

"No, wait", I said as I reached out to grip his arm. Nixon starred dagger at the spot above my forehead with an unwavering gaze. The moment lasted briefly until his eyes coated over again into a relaxed stance. "I'm coming with you to hang out too", I said defiantly to him.


"I don't know, it might be too scary for you", he stated mockingly. "We won't be able to focus on our studies while we're gone. I know how that is for you", he stated in an annoying manner. I wanted to punch the pretentious smile of that sardonic bastard off his face. I didn't like the way he treated me sometimes.

"I'll be just fine", I said assuredly. "Besides now I can spend the day getting to know you for the English assignment. And you can't go anywhere. Besides I need something about today to be good", I said as a clever response. That last part was true about today not being a day that I wanted to remember.

"Lets get your stuff in the car. I'm so excited", she screeched loudly in my ear. "Now that you two are done practically making out with each other we can go somewhere fun.", Valerie said slyly. I looked over in her direction with my cheeks fully blushing by the bluntness of her statement. Sometimes Valerie said things that made me very uncomfortable in the moment.

"No way in hell I'd ever go near a girl like that. Too much trouble for what's it worth", Nixon retaliated in a very tense voice. It bothered me that Nixon viewed me in a certain light. I wondered if I did something to make him feel this much hatred from him. I felt my blush disappear by the frostiness of his response. I didn't want to kiss him ever but that didn't mean I wanted him to hate me.

"Oh Nicky boy just give it time. You'll be making babies in no time", Valerie stated with a determined grin on her face. "Rowen, let's get you going. We'll show you how to have a good time. Nixon knows the best places around town", Valerie stated as she took my luggage from my hand.

"Humph, suit yourself. Lets go to the pit after. I haven't seen Rocky in so long", Nixon stated in a strange tone. I didn't like the way his eyes lit up when he said pit but i couldn't give up now. Valerie smiled wide at the mention of this Rocky fellow which made me intrigued and just a little bit nervous.

"Denver should be there too that sexy looking hunk", Valerie stated as she made her way towards the car. She placed the luggage in carefully so it fit into the trunk. I followed behind them with uncertainty in every step. I had no idea of our destination but I was glad I could go there with Valerie. Even Nixon wasn't too bad if I avoided his glib remarks about my naivety.

"I call back seat", Valerie stated in a hyper tone. She jumped into the backseat with the speed of a lion. I went to sit back there but a pile of gadgets lay on the other seat that took up the space. I sat in the passenger seat next to Nixon looking towards the house I grew up in with sadness.

"I guess we're sitting together again" I said to Nixon as he revved his engine loudly in response. drove the car down the road too fast for comfort. As I looked back towards the house I noticed the same unfamiliar car from the other night. The vehicle took off into the opposite direction fast. I tried not to let my imagination run wild as we got further away but something was amiss.

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