《The Fragmented Luna》My Reminder


AN:// the following is for viewers discretion only. It features physical violence and bullying, so please feel free to skip if you are uncomfortable. Also please bear with the dragged out plot line. Its all in preparation for something big.//

I was free. It seemed like every time someone came over to say or do something Valerie's presence made them change their mind. I even sat in the lunchroom today, for the first time in a long time, with Valerie and a few others. No one treated me rudely at the table but didn't engage in conversation with me either; it was pleasant. Valerie seemed to drag out the best in everyone with her sunny disposition.

Valerie walked me to my English class but parted ways with me by the door. I wished we had all our classes together but that was impossible. Mr. Hawthorne walked in with as the bell rang in a shrill tone. It was the last class of the day before my therapy session with Ann so I was anxious to leave. Ann would be excited by all the progress I made by stepping out of my comfort zone this week.

I will admit that I was sad because every bit of progress I made towards recovery signalized the end of my therapy sessions. Despite all of Ann's nagging tendencies I relied on her for emotional support. Ann was the one who bought me my first easel with a beautiful set of acrylic paint. She claimed it might be therapeutic for me to paint some pictures in order to relieve my inner turmoil. I thought she was crazy but learning to paint was one of the best things that I ever did.

"Alright, today I want you to divide into groups of two with your assigned partner. You will be working on a project for the next two weeks. The topic is different for each group so no cheating will be allowed", Mr. Hawthorne said as he interrupted my thoughts. He handed the papers out to everyone with the assignments listed.


The assignment prompt read 'Find a way to relate to your partner. Write a paper on something surprising about your partner' I turned to look for my partner Nixon who sat in the far corner of the classroom. He gripped the paper in his hand tightly grimacing at the words written on it. I knew that I had no choice but to sit next to him. I walked over to his seat tentatively because our interactions never ended well.

"Nixon", I said softly. I watched his head whip towards my direction enthusiastically. I chose to ignore his behavior by taking a seat next to him. "I know we don't always get along but we need to communicate if we both want to graduate. Just give me a chance", I told Nixon.

"Yeah I gave you a chance but you already showed yourself. I'll pass", Nixon stated. I backed down because I had too many interactions for one day. I kept silent but remained in my seat watching Nixon from the side of my eye. Every few minutes I looked up only to be caught staring by his powerful gaze. I felt myself blushing awkwardly; I couldn't comprehend why he affected me this way.

Nixon sprung up from his chair as the bell rang in indication that the school day was over. I tried to catch up with Nixon but he was too fast for me. I looked down at my notebook where I wrote down his number. I looked at the faded hand writing from when he grabbed my hand and wrote that number down. I traced my hand over the faded script; one day I would reach him.

I wondered if Nixon might be on the bus today. I ran onto the bus trying to see if he was there. I said hello to Felix who looked stressed to see me here. I wondered what made him look so stressed out. I saw why Felix made that downcast expression earlier. Nixon was on the bus, but so too was a group of girls I feared the most.


I sat across from Nixon with trepidation in every step. Felix couldn't always protect me from them. The bus started to move but the group of girls did not simmer down. Ember slithered over first with a sly expression on her face. She sat down next to me silently. The rest of the girls followed shortly afterwards. I felt fear seep into my veins as every stop passed but they remained. Felix pulled up to the last bus stop with the girls still there. I dragged my feet along the way to whatever they planned to do to me.

I started to walk to my house which was a lifetime away from here. Expectantly i felt myself get pushed behind a bush into a secluded area. Someone ripped my hair backwards so I went tumbling onto the ground. I felt my backpack ripped off of me with brute force. Beth opened my backpack and sent my books across the grass. I jumped up to get away but wasn't swift enough.

There were two girls I didn't recognize blocking my path. They held me down on the grass by my hands. I faced my enemy with my heart in my throat. Ember stood above me triumphantly with one hand hidden behind her back.

"Rowen, the girls and I are here to send you a warning", Ember said as she pulled the switchblade from behind her back. I started to shake in fear of what came next.

"No", I said as I squirmed beneath my captors hands screaming loudly. A hand covered my mouth with force but I bit down on that hand. I tried to scream again when a slap resounded across my pale face.

"Get the tape", Ember screamed at Beth. Beth looked nervous but complied with her wishes. Beth handed Ember duct tape which Ember used to cover my mouth. She held the switchblade near my face close.

It triggered something within me. The bush beside me was no longer there. In its' place were swaying trees surrounding me in the dark forest floor. I felt the crunch of leaves beneath me. No, this couldn't be right; It was still light out. I wasn't in the woods but I was near the bushes. I closed my eyes to erase the image.

Everything was back to its normal state. A dull pain spread across my face that signified the start of a migraine. I stared at the switchblade in the hand of a crazed looking Ember. I wondered what she might do with the switchblade.

"People like you don't deserve nice things", she said as she grabbed my blouse. She used the switchblade to cut up my shirt. The scar on my stomach was now visible to everyone. I felt tears spill out of my eyes feeling violated and exposed.

"Ember we should stop", Beth pleaded from the side. Ember turned the knife towards Beth in anger. "If Valerie finds out there's going to be consequences", Beth said in a quivering tone.

"Shut up, Beth" Ember said in a raging tone. Ember turned back towards my half naked form with a smile. She took out her phone and took a picture of me.

"I have a great idea", Ember said as she gripped my red curls. She brought the switchblade up to my hair. She ripped the switchblade across my hair tearing it from my skull. She accidentally nicked my face in the process. I felt the blood drip down onto my pale skin.

I thought about my mom standing over me brushing my hair. 'Gabby, your curly hair is gorgeous and long. Promise me you won't cut it' she would say to me as she brushed the knots out of my curled hair. 'I'm sorry mom' I thought to myself. She brought the blade down to do it again.

"Stop now", a voice roared. I succumbed to the darkness before I could identify the person who came to my rescue.

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